SDA Doctor Dies of Mad Cow Disease

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Subject: Future News: SDA MD Dies of Mad Cow
Date: Wed, 13 Jul 2005 19:50:59 -0700

SDA MD Dies of Mad Cow....Media Silent

[The following is an obituary item found in the Pacific Union College
ViewPoint magazine, Summer 2005.]

Richard J. Vizcarra, '87, a medical doctor, died February 23, 2005. He
was born on October 22, 1964., in Urbana, Ill. After a general surgery
internship at Huntington Memorial Hospital in Pasadena, Calif., Richard
donned the blue uniform of the Unites States Air Force and served as a
general medical officer, then emergency room physician, and finally as a
flight surgeon. Following his military service he completed and
anesthesiology residency at Loma Linda University in 1995 and in 1998
began medical practice at the Portland (Ore.) Adventist Medical Center.
In October 2004 Richard began experiencing severe medical problems that
led to his death from the very rare Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease. [Mad Cow]
Richard is survived by his wife, Charlene; and two daughters, Lauren
Michelle Rosebud and Zeta Michelle. In honor of Richard's life of
service, an endowment for the PUC chemistry department has been
established to which Richard's many friends are invited to contribute.
Such gifts may be made online at or sent to Pacific Union
College for the "Vizcarra Chemistry Endowment."

[Editor's Note: The public media goes nuts over every "Mad Cow" that is
found, but not a word when someone dies of the disease. How many people
are dying from this disease that we don't hear about? ....and then PUC
creates an endowment in the name of an SDA doctor (who should know
better) who dies from meat-eating??? (Pardon the sarcasm but the irony is

The Editor's Note IS NOT by Ron Beaulieu