The Visions of Hazen Foss and William Foy

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"The record of this period would be incomplete should we not mention the visions of William Foy and Hazen Foss.
William E. Foy, a member of the 'Freewill Baptist Church,' who was preparing for the ministry, was given two visions in Boston in 1842--one on January 18 and the other on February 4. In the first of these revelations, Foy viewed the glorious reward of the faithful and the punishment of sinners. Not being instructed to relate to others what was shown him, he told no one of his visions; but he had no peace of mind. In the second revelation he witnessed the multitudes of earth arraigned before Heaven's bar of judgment; a 'mighty angel' with silver trumpet in hand about to descend to earth by "Three Steps;" The books of record in heaven; the coming of Christ and the reward of the faithful. He was bidden, 'Thou must reveal those things which thou hast seen, and also warn thy fellow creatures to flee from the wrath to come."--'The Christian Experience of Wm. E. Foy Together With the Two Visions He received' (1845).'"
"Two days after this revelation he was requested by the pastor of the Bloomfield Street church in Boston to relate the visions. Although he was a fluent speaker, he reluctantly complied, fearing that the general prejudice against visions, and the fact that he was a mulatto, would make his work difficult. The 'large congregation assembled' was spellbound, and with this initial encouragement, Foy traveled three months, delivering his message to 'crowded houses.' Then to secure means to support his family, he left public work for a time, but, finding 'no rest day nor night,' he took it up again. Ellen Harmon, when but a girl, heard him speak at Beethoven Hall in Portland, Maine. (Interview of D.E. Robinson with Mrs. E.G. White, 1912. White Publications, D. F. 321.)
"Near the time of the expectation in 1844, according to J. N. Loughborough [an SDA Minister], Foy was given a third vision in which were presented three platforms, which he could no understand in the light of his belief in the imminent coming of Christ, and he ceased public work. ('Great Second Advent Movement,' pp. 146, 174).
"It so happened that a short time after this, Foy was present at a meeting in which Ellen Harmon related her first visions. She did not know that he was present until he interrupted with a shout, and exclaimed that it was just what he had seen. (D. F. 321.) Foy did not live long after this." Ellen G. White, Messenger to the Remnant, Arthur L. White, pp. 29, 30.

Hazen Foss

Near the time of the expected advent in the fall of 1844, there was also given to Hazen Foss, a young Adventist of talent, a revelation of the experience of the advent people. Shortly after the passing of the time, he was bidden to relate the vision to others, but this he was disinclined to do. He was warned of God as to the consequences of failing to relate to others what had been revealed to him, and was told that if he refused, the light would be given to someone else. But he felt very keenly the disappointment of 1844, and 'said that the had been deceived.' After a severe mental conflict, he 'decided he would not relate the visions.' Then, 'very strange feelings came to him, and a voice said, 'You have grieved away the Spirit of the Lord.''--E.G. White Letter 37, 1890. "Horrified at his stubbornness and rebellion,' he 'told the Lord that he would relate the vision,' but when he attempted to do so before a company of believers, he could not call it to mind. In vain were his attempts to call up the scenes as they had been shown to him; and then in deep despair he exclaimed, 'It is gone from me; I can say nothing, and the Spirit of the Lord has left me.' Eye witnesses described it as the 'the most terrible meeting they were ever in.'--ibid.
"Early in 1845, Foss overheard Ellen Harmon relate her first vision to the company of believers at Poland, Maine. He recognized her account as a description of what was shown to him. Upon meeting her the next morning, he recounted his experience, of which she had not before known, and encouraged her to faithfully perform her work, stating:
'I believe the visions are taken from me and given to you. Do not refuse to obey God, for it will be at the peril of your soul. I am a lost man. You are chosen of God; be faithful in doing your work, and the crown I might have had, you will receive.'--Ibid. On comparing dates, they discovered that it was not until after he had been told that the visions were taken from him, that Ellen Harmon was given her first revelation. Although Hazen Foss lived till 1893, he never again manifested interest in matters religious." E.G. White, Messenger to the Remnant, p. 30.