Is There Connection Between the SDA Church Being a Member of France's Federation of Churches and the French Confederation of Christian Workers that has sued for Sunday Law Enforcement in France?

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Dear Reader,

As shocking as it might be to some, the Seventh-day Adventist Church is a member of the French Federation of Churches in France.  There is usually connection between any of the ecumenical federations. Is there connection between that Federation and the union of Confederation of Christian Workers which has sued for the enforcement of Sunday closing in France?


Now the article on the French Federation of Christian Workers that sued for enforcement of Sunday laws in France.  Friends, things are moving on at a rapid fire pace. The SDA church is a member of, and pays dues to the French Federation of Churches.  If there is connection between the two federations, your sacred tithe money is being used to enforce Sunday closing in France.  Woe to all who do this, Isaiah 8:9-13.