Real Potential of Losing All Your Life Assets Because of the Criminal Behavior
of SDA Leaders!
Click to go to our Home PageDear Reader, As a MEMBER of the imposter New Movement church (1SM
204-5) masquerading as the Seventh-day Adventist church, how would you like
to lose your home and life’s savings because of the criminal acts of high
placed SDA leaders? This article is most important in pointing out just how
that could occur. Vance Ferrell has warned of this possibility and you had
best read this article to see that could happen. The following
article by Dr.’s Russell and Colin Standish are extremely important not only
because of the criminal apostasy of the SDA church thus depicted, but because
of the hierarchical structure of the SDA church and the liability of the
members for the criminality of the church. My ministry has
stressed the corporate responsibility that accrues in a hierarchical
structured church, wherein all members are corporately responsible for what
goes on under this structure as opposed to a congregationalist
structured church whereby each individual church is responsible only for its
own actions. ----- Original Message ----- From: Hartland E-magazine Sent:
Monday, December 31, 2007 11:42 PM Subject:
The Legacy of a Defective Faith The Legacy of a Defective Faith By Russell and Colin Standish Christ and Paul signified the crucial element of Truth in the
development of Christian character. Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth. (John 17:17). But we
are bound to give thanks alway to God for you,
brethren beloved of the Lord, because God hath from the beginning chosen you
to salvation through sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth: (2
Thessalonians 2:13). The destruction of God’s Truth opens the flood gates for sin in the
life. Shameful sins now pervade the lives of church leaders and ministers at
every level of our church. Since the introduction of the Twenty-seven Fundamentals in The actions at the General Conference Session in Writing in Special Testimonies, Series B, No. 2, p. 51 in 1904, the Messenger of the Lord declared: As a people we are to stand firm on the platform of
eternal truth that has withstood test and trial. We are to hold to the sure
pillars of our faith. The principles of truth that God has revealed to us are
our only true foundation. They have made us what we are. The lapse of time
had not lessened their value. (Counsels to Writers and
Editors, p. 52). That counsel was not considered in the wording of the new fundamental.
It was deliberately breached. Nor was this inspired message to God’s people
upheld in the adoption of the Alternative Baptismal Vows. On page 59 of the same Special Testimonies, Series B, Sister
White spoke of the moves to destroy these pillars of the faith. Messages of every order and kind have been urged
upon Seventh-day Adventists, to take the place of the truth which, point by
point, has been sought out by prayerful study, and testified to by the
miracle-working power of the Lord. But the waymarks
which have made us what we are, are to be preserved,
and they will be preserved, as God has signified through His word and the
testimony of His Spirit. He calls upon us to hold firmly, with the grip of
faith, to the fundamental principles that are based upon unquestionable
authority. (Ibid). In 1858 Sister White wrote: I saw a company who stood well guarded and firm, giving
no countenance to those who would unsettle the established faith of the body.
God looked upon them with approbation. I was shown three steps-- the first,
second, and third angels' messages. Said my accompanying
angel, "Woe to him who shall move a block or stir a pin of these
messages. The true understanding of these messages is of vital
importance. The destiny of souls hangs upon the manner in which they are
received." I was again brought down through these messages, and saw how
dearly the people of God had purchased their experience. It had been obtained
through much suffering and severe conflict. God had led them along step by
step, until He had placed them upon a solid, immovable platform. (Early Writings, pp. 258, 259). In view of the decisions voted in We did not anticipate how rapidly such would be exposed. A mere
sixteen days after the conclusion of the General Conference Session on 9
July, 2005, a blazing headline brought shame to our church in the Federal probe rocks Outside the A similar headline appeared in the Chicago Tribune, for the
headquarters of the Lake Region Conference are located in To meet the needs of Hispanic members and those of other
non-Afro-American ethnic backgrounds, well known Dr. Hugo Gambetta, an Argentinian, was appointed Vice President for
Multi-cultural Ministries. For many sincere Seventh-day
Adventists Dr. Gambetta was held in high esteem. He had held the post
of Chairman of the Theology Department in the Central American Union College,
located in the nation of When Tragically, two days after the completion of the St. Louis General
Conference Session, Dr. Gambetta was placed on paid administrative leave and
shortly after his ministerial credentials were
cancelled and his ordination annulled. On the basis of the reported evidence,
these actions were justified. What a lesson to each of us
standing in the light of Truth! Satan surely is on the warpath. We quote extracts from the South Bend Tribune report. The Lake Region Conference of the The revelations shocked many of the estimated 730
delegates who attended a special meeting Sunday. The following people were put on paid administrative
leave in the wake of auditing and illegal immigration practices in the Lake
Region Conference of the 1.
Hugo Gambetta, vice president for multicultural
ministries. He was stripped of his ministerial credentials and license on
Friday. He had been on paid administrative leave since July 11. 2.
Treasurer Leroy B. Hampton resigned last week after
his July 11 suspension. 3.
Four pastors, all ministers in “There’s been a lot of
instances of lying and a case of personal enrichment,” Walter Wright,
president of the Lake Union Conference, told delegates. ( The Lake Union Conference must not be confused with the Lake Region
Conference. The latter is a Local Conference, although both the Union and
this Local Conference cover the same four-state territory – As a result of the revelations of corruption in the Lake Region
Conference, the treasurer Leroy B. Hampton resigned and four church pastors, Ciro Aviles, Osman Hernandez,
William Rojas and Alfredo Solis, were placed on paid leave. The serious nature of these breaches of fidelity and their
implications were pointed out by the Union President at a quickly convened
Constituency Meeting. Late in the afternoon the gymnasium where delegates
met fell silent when Wright began talking about Federal authorities being on
the doorstep of Lake Region Conference leaders. He noted that the
ramifications of the inquiries could affect the entire church. “The effect can be devastating,” Wright said. “If the church loses its tax-exempt status because
of things in our conference, that is a real possibility,” he told delegates. According to an internal audit of the conference in
2003 about $18 million in assets were understated or not reported to the
government. The conference also did not report financial
statement of “at least six charitable gift annuity agreements” in 2003 and
2004. The result means that in those two years auditors could not “reasonably
determine” the conference’s total assets and liabilities, according to a memo
dated February 2005 to the executive committee of the Lake Region Conference.
( This falsification endangers the entire Church organization in the But there were even more severe potential difficulties in the matter
of knowingly employing illegal immigrants in the local conference. Wright also told delegates the church’s employment
of immigrants who may be in the country illegally has raised eyebrows of
federal officials. “What if the Department of Homeland Security comes
into our offices and says we’re going to close you down because you’re not
reporting illegal aliens and they threaten our national security?” Wright
asked. Then he answered his own question. “That can happen because of our conference,” he
said. (Ibid). In this age of terrorist threats to the Whether this report fully represented the statement to the
constituency delegates, we do not know, but we are deeply concerned that
Elder Wright’s words, as quoted, exclusively focused upon the possible
consequences to the church organization of these alleged evil acts of
ordained ministers. Now, of course, it was important to spend time speaking of the
possible damage done to the Church organization. However, that damage pales
into insignificance in comparison to the disgraceful shame that these
brethren have cast upon the name of God’s Church on earth. It is God’s name
for He gave us that name. We are Seventh-day Adventists. Are we ashamed of our
name? We answer, "No, no! We are not. It is the name the Lord has given
us. It points out the truth that is to be the test of the churches." –
Letter 110, 1902. (Selected Messages, Book 2, p. 384). We are Seventh-day Adventists, and of this name we
are never to be ashamed. As a people we must take a firm stand for truth and
righteousness. Thus we shall glorify God. We are to be delivered from
dangers, not ensnared and corrupted by them. That this may be, we must look
ever to Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith.–
Letter 106, 1903. (Ibid). Every institution that bears the name of Seventh-day
Adventist is to be to the world as was Joseph in To despoil God’s Church is a sin of great magnitude and this disgrace
does much damage to the cause of God. Yet Elder Wright sought to encourage
the delegates in the view than no serious legal impositions would result from
these illegal actions of ordained ministers. His words should never have been
uttered. They not only do not befit that of a Union President who is a member
of the General Conference Executive Committee, but they reveal an appalling
absence of the sense of the enormity of the damage done to the reputation of
God’s Church.
Wright remained optimistic that the conference would survive.
“Look at our dear friends, the Catholics,” he said. “We can’t shuffle people. They didn’t act when they
should’ve,” he said referring to Catholic leaders who sometimes moved priests
to new parishes instead of punishing them for sexual misconduct. “We
won’t do that,” he said. ( What a nadir in Seventh-day Adventist history! To sink to the level of
the Roman Catholic Church and trust that our Church will, like them, escape
just judicial retribution is heartbreaking. The influence of the Roman
Catholic Church to manipulate the justice system far transcends that of the Of course the And yet another question arises – “Are we now friends with Roman
Catholic leaders?” This was not the first occasion in which the Lake Region Conference
disgraced our church. As Russell reported in The Remnant
Herald, No. 2, December 1992, p. 10. We quote this report: The Indianapolis Star of August 3,
1992, reported the Lake Region Conference which used unauthorized church
funds to build a shopping mall in The Indianapolis Star of August 3,
1992 further reported that the Conference still owns the mall and only half
of its stores are rented. It claimed one Seventh-day Adventist group, Shiloh
Vanguard, questioned “the propriety of church involvement in a commercial
venture that sells alcohol, tobacco, adult publications and videos. All are
against church policy.” We could also question whether or not these shops
operate on the holy Sabbath day. It is little wonder that God’s work in the
Lake Region Conference is in crisis. It was reported that the Conference President was a relative of the
man who commenced the shopping mall project. The General Conference had dug itself into a very deep hole when, in
1986, it had successfully defended its right to prohibit Dr. Derrick Proctor
from setting up a Book Store which undercut the prices of Spirit of Prophecy
books in competition with the Adventist Book Centers
in the United States. The General Conference lawyers argued that our Church
was the second most hierarchical church in the …the Seventh-day Adventist church is essentially a
hierarchical church in which the directives and orders of the General
Conference have binding authority upon all other entities of the Church. The
General Conference submitted that, “next to the Roman Catholic Church, the
Adventist Church is the most centralized of all major Christian denominations
in this country [U.S.A.].” (Student Movement –
student Paper of Andrews University, November 6, 1986). This highly offensive, but tragically accurate, claim (unless our
Church should claim first place as a hierarchical church), came back to haunt
the Church organization when lawyers demanding repayment for the banks suing
for their losses in the Shopping Center scandal,
seized on our hierarchical status and its use in the Proctor case, to claim
ascending liability of the Lake Region Conference debts, which that
Conference could not pay. Thus the lawyers for the claimants extended their
claim to the Lake Union Conference and beyond to the North American Division
and the General Conference. This legal precedent is no doubt present in the minds of the
investigators in this current case of administrative infidelity. There is
a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death. Proverbs 14:12. The entrenchment of sin in our Twenty-eight Fundamentals is bearing a
fearful fruitage. Young people are being destroyed by the loose standards now
promoted in many of our Churches. There is soon to be a fearful reckoning of
our failure to uphold God’s lofty standards before the youth. In the 1970’s Russell was an elder in the Today in the 1.
Favourite Color? Purple 2.
Favourite Book/Movie? Bad Boys 3.
Current Role @ church? Watch Leader 4.
Favorite Food?
Grapes/Apple Pie 5.
Car most like to own? Aston
Martin V12 Vanquish 6.
What talent do you wish you had? Ability to balance
things on my nose 7.
Your Dream Job? Rock
Star 8.
Person most like to invite to
dinner? My sister [name omitted] ( 8 October, 2005). At 72 years of age our hearts are deeply pained to see this utterly
disgraceful leading of precious young people to perdition. The very request to
learn the young man’s favourite book/movie is a provocation to, and
acceptance of, indulgence in divinely forbidden activities for the term
“movie” is almost exclusively used in respect of cinema films. The Oxford
English Reference Dictionary, Oxford University Press, In our next e-magazine we will
continue our series with a study called “When a General Conference President
Promotes and Lives the New Theology.” If you experience difficulty viewing or
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