My Vision on the Atonement & The Trinity Doctrine Part 2



“Satan invents unnumbered schemes to occupy our minds, that they may not dwell upon the very work with which we ought to be best acquainted. The archdeceiver hates the great truths that bring to view an atoning sacrifice and an all-powerful mediator. He knows that with him everything depends on his diverting minds from Jesus and His truth.” {GC 488.1}


Heb 9:16 For where a testament is, there must also of necessity be the death of the testator.

Heb 9:17 For a testament is of force after men are dead: otherwise it is of no strength at all while the testator liveth.


2Ch 20:20 And they rose early in the morning, and went forth into the wilderness of Tekoa: and as they went forth, Jehoshaphat stood and said, Hear me, O Judah, and ye inhabitants of Jerusalem; Believe in the LORD your God, so shall ye be established; believe his prophets, so shall ye prosper.


“There is manifested on the part of men in responsible positions an unwillingness to confess where they have been in the wrong; and their neglect is working disaster, not only to themselves, but to the churches. Our people everywhere have great need of humbling the heart before God, and confessing their sins. But when it is known that their ministers, elders, or other responsible men, have taken wrong positions, and yet excuse themselves and make no confession, the members of the church too often follow the same course. Thus many souls are endangered, and the presence and power of God are shut away from his people. {RH December 16, 1890, par. 5}


Part 2


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This is part 2 of my vision on the Atonement of the Testator of the Everlasting Covenant, the Son of God. This issue is so serious, that I have repeated many aspects of part 1 in this part 2, but have added additional very important material.

Regarding the below statement that prophesied a new movement, new organization “among” SDA’s, the new movement, new organization is the omega heresy that has developed within the once faithful church since 1955 via the Evangelical Conferences, and the voting in of the Trinity Doctrine in 1980. The first act of heresy in 1955, was to change Bible Readings for the Home Circle on the human nature of Christ, to saying that He did not come in the sinful flesh of Adam AFTER THE FALL. SDA’s and Ellen White had always taught just as the Bible does that Christ came in the likeness of man’s sinful flesh after the fall.


I was shown that the words traitor and betrayal of sacred trust are written next to the names of those who were instrumental in changing the book great Controversy to The Great Hope. I was shown that Satan tried to take the life of Ellen White when she was writing The Great Controversy, and that the changing of that book to omit many chapters was tantamount to the Evangelicals agreeing with the Catholics to dispense with the Protestant Reformation, for that history was omitted from the book of a new order The Great Hope.


"The enemy of souls has sought to bring in the supposition that a great reformation was to take place among Seventh-day Adventists, and that this reformation would consist in giving up the doctrines which stand as the pillars of our faith, and engaging in a process of reorganization. Were this reformation to take place, what would result? The principles of truth that God in His wisdom has given to the remnant church, would be discarded. Our religion would be changed. The fundamental principles that have sustained the work for the last fifty years would be accounted as error. A NEW ORGANIZATION would be established. Books of a NEW ORDER would be written. A system of intellectual philosophy would be introduced. The founders of this system would go into the cities, and do a wonderful work. The Sabbath of course, would be lightly regarded, as also the God who created it. Nothing would be allowed to stand in the way of the NEW MOVEMENT. The leaders would teach that virtue is better than vice, but GOD BEING REMOVED, they would place their dependence on human power, which, without God, is worthless. Their foundation would be built on the sand, and storm and tempest would sweep away the structure. 

Who has authority to begin such a [NEW] movement? We have our Bibles, we have our experience, attested to by the miraculous working of the Holy Spirit. We have a truth that admits of no compromise. Shall we not repudiate everything that is not in harmony with this truth? E.G. White, Selected Messages,  Bk. 1, 204, 205.


I asked the Lord about the following statement in light of the above statement, and the final destruction of the Temple and Jerusalem in A.D. 70. I was shown that the leaders use Ellen White’s “correct every wrong” statement in a wrong manner and that we are to consider all the following weight of evidence in coming to a conclusion concerning the fate of a church whose leaders will not admit and repent of being in the wrong.


Weight of Evidence Formula: "1. Every word must have its proper bearing on the subject presented in the Bible 2. All Scripture is necessary, and may be understood by diligent application and study 3. Nothing revealed in Scripture can or will be hid from those who ask in faith, not wavering 4. To understand doctrine, bring all the scriptures together on the subject you wish to know, then let every word have its proper influence and if you can form your theory without a contradiction, you cannot be in error 5. Scripture must be its own expositor, [interpreter] since it is a rule of itself. If I depend on a teacher to expound to me, and he should guess at its meaning, or desire to have it so on account of his sectarian creed, or to be thought wise, then his guessing, desire, creed, or wisdom is my rule, and not the Bible." E.G. White, Second Advent Review and Herald, 11-25-84, pr. 24.


“There is no need to doubt, to be fearful that the work will not succeed. God is at the head of the work, and He will set everything in order. If matters need adjusting at the head of the work God will attend to that, and work to right every wrong. Let us have faith that God is going to carry the noble ship which bears the people of God safely into port”. --2SM 390 (1892).


I was shown that the leader always quote the above statement, but NEVER the following statement about a Noble Ship:


Noble Ship #1: "I lately read of a NOBLE SHIP that was plowing its way across the sea, when at midnight, with a terrific crash, it struck upon a rock; the passengers were awakened only to see with horror their hopeless condition, and with the ship they sank to rise no more. The MAN AT THE HELM [VERSUS CHRIST] had mistaken the beacon light, and hundreds of souls were at a moment's warning launched into eternity." E.G. White, Selected Messages, vol. 2, 128.


I was shown that it is the S.S. Laodicea ship that was ONCE a Noble ship that sinks to rise no more, because Ellen White refers to the Laodicean state of the church as the foolish virgin state and the foolish virgins are not saved. My angel instructed me that SDA’s have been far too careless in the use of Ellen White’s statements and have not been careful to include ALL THE WEIGHT OF EVIDENCE on any given issue, so that often they come to wrong conclusions that will work against them in the end, and that this example relative to the TWO NOBLE SHIPS is an important example of much wrongful application not using all the weight of evidence such as I am including here.



1865: "In their present state of worldly ambition, with their lack of consecration to God, their devotion to self, they are wholly unfit to receive the latter rain... They think they are all right when they are all wrong." Testimonies, Vol. 1 pp. 466-69, 478-79.


I was shown that God can set things in order at the head of the work only when there is a willingness on the part of men in responsible positions to admit (confess) and repent of wherein they have been in the wrong. I was shown that proof of this is the Ezekiel 9 destruction of Jerusalem in A.D. 70.


God in His compassion sent prophets, messengers betimes, and the leaders killed God’s prophets. They would not believe the prophets and messengers and repent of their evil ways. So the alternative was Ezekiel 9 slaughter and destruction of the Temple and Jerusalem.


Another way in which God works to right every wrong, is the following statement:


"The Lord Jesus will always have a chosen people to serve Him. When the Jewish people rejected Christ, the Prince of life. He took from them the kingdom of God and gave it unto the Gentiles. God will continue to work on this principle with every branch of His work. When a church proves unfaithful to the work of the Lord, whatever their position may be, however high and sacred their calling, the Lord can no longer work with them. Others are then chosen to bear important responsibilities. But, if these in turn do not purify their lives from every wrong action, if they do not establish pure and holy principles in all their borders, then the Lord will grievously afflict and humble them and, unless they repent, will remove them from their place and make them a reproach.

God is not 'worshipped with men's hands, as though he needed any thing' (Acts 17:25). E. G. White, The Upward Look, 131.


2Ch 36:15 And the LORD God of their fathers sent to them by his messengers, rising up betimes, and sending; because he had compassion on his people, and on his dwelling place:


“There is manifested on the part of men in responsible positions an unwillingness to confess where they have been in the wrong; and their neglect is working disaster, not only to themselves, but to the churches. Our people everywhere have great need of humbling the heart before God, and confessing their sins. But when it is known that their ministers, elders, or other responsible men, have taken wrong positions, and yet excuse themselves and make no confession, the members of the church too often follow the same course. Thus many souls are endangered, and the presence and power of God are shut away from his people. {RH December 16, 1890, par. 5}


I was shown that the Holy Spirit cannot work to correct things at Headquarters when the men in charge there WILL NOT CONFESS WHERE THEY HAVE BEEN IN THE WRONG, AND THIS IS WHY ELLEN WHITE SAYS THAT EZEKIEL 9 WILL BEGIN AT HIS CHURCH, HIS SANCTUARY, THE HOUSE OF JACOB. 5T 211.


Desire of Ages, p. 232, is an example of how in every succeeding generation, God used true reformers who separated from the church of their fathers in order to obey the principles of God’s word, and Ellen White calls for more of that type of true reformers.


 "The Sanhedrin had rejected Christ's message and was bent upon His death therefore Jesus departed from Jerusalem, from the priests, the temple, the religious leaders, the people who had been instructed in the law, and turned to another class to proclaim His message, and to gather out those who should carry the gospel to all nations. As the light and life of men was rejected by the ecclesiastical authorities in the days of Christ, so it has been rejected in every succeeding generation. Again and again the history of Christ's withdrawal from Judea has been repeated. When the Reformers preached the word of God, they had no thought of separating themselves from the established church but the religious leaders would not tolerate the light, and those that bore it were forced to seek another class, who were longing for the truth. In our day few of the professed followers of the Reformers are actuated by their spirit. Few are listening for the voice of God, and ready to accept truth in whatever guise it may be presented. Often those who follow in the steps of the Reformers are forced to turn away from the churches they love, in order to declare the plain teaching of the word of God. And many times those who are seeking for light are by the same teaching obliged to leave the church of their fathers, that they may render obedience." E.G. White, Desire of Ages, p. 232.


Why did the Reformers separate from the church of their fathers?


Ellen White called for more reformers like the ones she is describing, who are actuated by their spirit. I was instructed that this (above) is a very serious statement all should pray much about.

1.   “And many times those who are seeking for light are by the same teaching obliged to leave the church of their fathers, that they may render obedience."

2.   The leaders would not tolerate light. They won’t tolerate light today either!


"We should never give sanction to sin by our words, our deeds, our silence or our presence." Desire of Ages, 152.


And we could safely add:  by our finances.


“Satan invents unnumbered schemes to occupy our minds, that they may not dwell upon the very work with which we ought to be best acquainted. The archdeceiver hates the great truths that bring to view an atoning sacrifice and an all-powerful mediator. He knows that with him everything depends on his diverting minds from Jesus and His truth.” {GC 488.1}


Over the years I have read many dissertations on the Godhead by SDA theologians and I have never in any of them read about the TESTATOR. I can assure you on the authority of the Holy Spirit that no work on the Godhead is near any complete understanding without deep consideration of the Testator and that He must die in some manner that is forever, for while the testator liveth, the testament is of no force, no strength. This is the secret (KEY) to understanding the full subversive antichrist teaching in the Trinity Doctrine, which states that there are three co-ETERNAL persons. Were that true, there has been NO ATONEMENT, NO DEATH OF THE TESTATOR, for just as surely as He died, just as surely HE IS NOT CO-ETERNAL with the other two persons of the Godhead. The problem with the Godhead is not that there are THREE PERSONS as many misinterpret and conclude. There are truly three persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, but they ARE NOT co-ETERNAL, for the Son forever died to His preincarnation state of Being, at His Incarnation—that state of being HOLY SPIRIT ONLY, to become human forever.


Heb 9:16 For where a testament is, there must also of necessity be the death of the testator.

Heb 9:17 For a testament is of force after men are dead: otherwise it is of no strength at all while the testator liveth.


On Monday, April 1, 2019, I was given this vision on the Atonement. I was shown that the Atonement is that act of the Son of God that Satan hates the most because it is the Atonement of Christ that gave man another chance for salvation and eternal life verses damnation and loss of eternal life. I was shown that it was Satan’s hatred for the Atonement that inspired the Trinity Doctrine, because it is that doctrine that is TOTALLY SUBVERSIVE to the SANCTUARY/ATONEMENT rendering it as GONE, for the reason that the Trinity Doctrine teaches that the three members of the Godhead are co-ETERNAL. Were that true, there would have been no death of the Testator who was DIVINE ONLY when He made His Testament.


I was shown that Hebrews 9:16, 17, is the most pivotal Bible proof of Satan’s total Subversion of the truth about the Godhead and the Atonement. I was shown how simple it should be for God’s people to understand how totally subversive the Trinity Doctrine is to the Atonement by applying Hebrews 9:16, 17. The Trinity Doctrine teaches that there are THREE CO-ETERNAL PERSONS to the Godhead. I was shown the blasphemy of that teaching, to wit: If the Son of God, the Testator is co-ETERNAL, that means that He NEVER died to make atonement for our sins, for the moment He died, He would cease to be co-ETERNAL with the Father. It is thus that Satan has TOTALLY SUBVERTED the heavenly Sanctuary/Atonement made for sin by the Son of God, the Testator of the Everlasting Covenant by the blasphemous Omega heresy teaching of the Trinity Doctrine.


The Son of God’s Humanity was Created--Christ’s humanity was created:


“I will try to answer this important question: As God He could not be tempted: but as a man He could be tempted, and that strongly, and could yield to the temptations. His human nature must pass through the same test and trial Adam and Eve passed through. His human nature was created; it did not even possess the angelic powers. It was human, identical with our own. He was passing over the ground where Adam fell. He was now where, if He endured the test and trial in behalf of the fallen race, He would redeem Adam’s disgraceful failure and fall, in our own humanity.? See quote by  E. G. White below:{3SM 129.3}


Christs humanity was created: So the God/Man was created, so how could He be CO-ETERNAL with the Father?


“I will try to answer this important question: As God He could not be tempted: but as a man He could be tempted, and that strongly, and could yield to the temptations. His human nature must pass through the same test and trial Adam and Eve passed through. His human nature was created; it did not even possess the angelic powers. It was human, identical with our own. He was passing over the ground where Adam fell. He was now where, if He endured the test and trial in behalf of the fallen race, He would redeem Adam’s disgraceful failure and fall, in our own humanity.? {3SM 129.3}


The Trinity Doctrine was invented by Satan in the third century in his attempt to overthrow the Sanctuary/Atonement of Jesus Christ. Since that time, the ministering brethren and many of high intellectual capacity have not been able to discern the implications of the Trinity Doctrine.


Sanctuary Gone Atonement Gone -- "In a representation which passed before me, I saw a certain work being done by medical missionary workers. Our ministering brethren were looking on, watching what was being done, but they did not seem to understand. The foundation of our faith, which was established by so much prayer, such earnest searching of the Scriptures, was being taken down, pillar by pillar. Our faith was to have nothing to rest upon--the sanctuary was gone, the atonement was gone." E.G. White, The Upward Look, 152.


Ellen White said that the personality of God and Christ (the Godhead) are pillar, landmark doctrines. This is what was involved in the alpha heresy which included John Kellogg and a few of his cronies.


Godhead as a pillar doctrine -- Personality of God and of Christ Landmarks: "Those who seek to remove the old landmarks are not holding fast they are not remembering how they have received and heard. Those who try to bring in theories that would remove the pillars of our faith concerning the sanctuary or concerning the personality of God or of Christ, are working as blind men. They are seeking to bring in uncertainties and to set the people of God adrift without an anchor." {MR760 9.5}


The Godhead is especially involved in the Omega heresy, because Ellen White’s description of the new movement, new organization says of the new organization: “. . . God being removed.” The Trinity Doctrine, in removing that Atonement, certainly REMOVES GOD.


"The enemy of souls has sought to bring in the supposition that a great reformation was to take place among Seventh-day Adventists, and that this reformation would consist in giving up the doctrines which stand as the pillars of our faith, and engaging in a process of reorganization. Were this reformation to take place, what would result? The principles of truth that God in His wisdom has given to the remnant church, would be discarded. Our religion would be changed. The fundamental principles that have sustained the work for the last fifty years would be accounted as error. A NEW ORGANIZATION would be established. Books of a NEW ORDER would be written. A system of intellectual philosophy would be introduced. The founders of this system would go into the cities, and do a wonderful work. The Sabbath of course, would be lightly regarded, as also the God who created it. Nothing would be allowed to stand in the way of the NEW MOVEMENT. The leaders would teach that virtue is better than vice, but GOD BEING REMOVED, they would place their dependence on human power, which, without God, is worthless. Their foundation would be built on the sand, and storm and tempest would sweep away the structure. 

Who has authority to begin such a [NEW] movement? We have our Bibles, we have our experience, attested to by the miraculous working of the Holy Spirit. We have a truth that admits of no compromise. Shall we not repudiate everything that is not in harmony with this truth? E.G. White, Selected Messages, Vol. 1, 204, 205.


The Trinity Doctrine, which is totally subversive to the Sanctuary/Atonement holds that the three persons to the Godhead are CO-ETERNAL. This is a huge dilemma implication that has been associated with the Trinity Doctrine since it was first conceived in the 3rd century. No man intelligentsia of any church has been able to solve this riddle involving the Testator’s “death,” AND THE CO-EQUAL standing of the three members of the Godhead. A lot of great intellects have lived since the 3rd century, a lot of ministering brethren have looked on but didn’t seem to understand this riddle between the CO-ETERNAL THREE MEMBERED GODHEAD, while one of them was the Testator and had to die to fulfill THE SANCTUARY/ATONEMENT. So how could they all be CO-ETERNAL as the Totally subversive Trinity Doctrine of Rome teaches? This is the riddle of the ages which the sages have not solved until now by God showing me in vision that it is impossible that ALL THREE MEMBERS OF THE GODHEAD ARE CO-ETERNAL, while God’s Son as the TESTATOR member of the Godhead had to die to something forever to fulfill the Testator’s covenant, and when He died, He ceased to be a CO-ETERNAL MEMBER of the Trinity, as the Trinity Doctrine subversively teaches, and NOTHING COULD BE MORE ANTICHRIST as you will note by discovering all the implications in this vision. The Trinity Doctrine is the devil’s assault on the Atonement. Since the 3rd Century, NO MAN, regardless of intellectual capacity has been able to deal with this issue, all of which makes it a self evident PROOF of my gift of prophecy, for no other man has ever been able to solve this antichrist riddle. And without God WE CAN DO NOTHING. NO MAN COULD SOLVE THIS RIDDLE WITHOUT GOD’S revelation, and all the great intellects who lived from the 3rd Century have never proven this pure fact of pure truth. Now that I have revealed it, I give ALL the credit to the Holy Spirit gift of Prophecy, for I, like all other men, can do NOTHING, without the Holy Spirit’s guidance, but to the discerning mind, this vision will serve as self-evident evidence of supernatural intervention in the case of this vision from the Angel of the Lord.


Thanks be to our God, who is practical in all His attributes, He has made this issue which is of the highest magnitude of importance, to be quite SELF-EVIDENT once it is explained to any sincere student of the Word. However, there will always be foolish virgins who will not agree because they PERSONALLY did not conceive of the knowledge related and conveyed to me in this vision, and what they do not personally conceive, they do not believe, and I was shown that NOT ONE OF the dumb-dog leaders of (Isaiah 56:10-12; 5T 211) has ever understood this riddle.


There are indeed three persons to the Godhead, but they ARE NOT CO-ETERNAL, for that would mean the Testator never died for our sins, and that is the blasphemous device of Satan via the Trinity Doctrine. That is how he connived to totally divert from the Atonement sacrifice of the Son of God for man’s sin. When men take a baptismal vow to such a subversive, antichrist teaching, they virtually deny the most important sacrifice the Son of God made for us as the Testator of the Everlasting Covenant.


Just as soon as the Testator “died,” He ceased to be CO-ETERNAL with the other two members of the Godhead who DID NOT DIE AS THE TESTATOR. It is this fact of the Godhead that makes the Trinity Doctrine totally subversive to the Sanctuary/Atonement made by the Testator. For if the Testator is CO-ETERNAL with the other members of the Godhead who did not die to make an atonement, there has been NO SANCTUARY/ATONEMENT, BECAUSE THE TESTATOR CANNOT DIE AND STILL BE CO-ETERNAL with the other members of the Godhead. This is why the TESTATOR FACTOR is so central to the truth on the Godhead.


Heb 9:16 For where a testament is, there must also of necessity be the death of the testator.

Heb 9:17 For a testament is of force after men are dead: otherwise it is of no strength at all while the testator liveth.


I asked the Angel of the Lord, why God chose to not reveal the answer to this riddle to anyone from the 3rd century to now. I asked Him why  Ellen White did not deal with the antichrist Trinity Doctrine. I was instructed that the reason is that the Lord wanted to demonstrate to His stiffnecked people that He is still instructing His people via additional prophets at this end-time, for they are more needed now than ever before to correct the serious errors of His people, and the Trinity Doctrine is a classic, antichrist error, that his KNOW IT ALL people have erringly embraced. Also, I was instructed that the Lord wanted His people to be fully aware of the seriousness of the antichrist heresy they can embrace when they REMOVE GOD and lean on man for their guidance as the new movement, new organization has done. And that men who say, contrary to God’s Word, that we need no new prophets at this end-time, are totally errant in their conclusion. The example of the riddle of the Testator’s death is a classic proof that God is still working through the gift of prophecy to enlighten His people who unduly feel rich, increased with goods and IN NEED OF NOTHING, when their ministering brethren were looking on in 1980, when the Trinity  Doctrine was adopted by the omega heresy new organization, but they didn’t seem to understand, and STILL DON’T UNDERSTAND the implications of what they did in adopting Satan’s most subversive device against the Atonement, the Trinity Doctrine of Rome.




Ellen White said that ALL THE CHURCHES are Laodicean, and the entire Laodicean “Christian” world errantly believes the Trinity Doctrine that is totally subversive to the Testator’s Atonement death.


I was shown that for centuries, it was anathema in the Catholic church for anyone to question the Trinity Doctrine. I was shown that the Satan’s motive in making any questioning of the Trinity Doctrine ANATHEMA, was to keep minds from searching out the truth that would expose his most antichrist, subversive lie against the Sanctuary/Atonement, the Trinity Doctrine, lie that all three persons are CO-ETERNAL, so that when I began to enquire of the Lord regarding what I could see as Satan’s subversive device as regards this doctrine of Rome, God was pleased to give me the all important answer to the Testator Trinity Riddle, and I thank Him with all my heart, soul, mind strength, for teaching me the truth on this ALL IMPORTANT ISSUE for salvation, for I was shown that no man will be saved while believing and teaching Satan’s Trinity Lie that the three persons to the Godhead are CO-ETERNAL, WHEN THE GOD/MAN PERSON ADOPTED INTO THE GODHEAD OF HEAVEN, certainly IS NOT CO-ETERNAL WITH THE OTHER MEMBERS OF THE GODHEAD, FOR the following important reasons:



2.   The Testator’s specification that the Testator must die.

3.   Ellen White said that Divinity DID NOT die on the cross.

4.   God’s people are reticent to receive prophetic discourses that expose their abominable errors.

5.   There is the same rivalry in the religious world as in the medical field. It all depends on WHO is making the revelation. If the person is one of the dumb-dog idol “watchmen” within the new organization, he can teach an imposter lie such as Dwight K. Nelson teaches; that the God we worship is the same God as allah.

6.   Members of the new organization still write emails to me trying to convince me UNSUCCESSFULLY that Dwight Nelson is correct. You see, if you have good looks, degrees, and you’re an ordained minister in a new organization we were never to join, the MEMBERS of that organization will readily believe you. Then it takes God’s prophets to expose the errors of the worshipped dumb-dogs Isaiah 56:10-12, and that is a very difficult task, as the history of Israel’s prophets relates. Most of them were rejected and killed. Only a very few of God’s people realize that I risk my life to warn them. The love is in the warning.

Unwillingness of the Leaders to Admit Wrong

There must be with all our laborers a spirit of meekness, of penitence. God requires that those who minister in word and doctrine shall serve him with all the powers of body and mind. Our consecration to God must be unreserved, our love ardent, our faith unwavering. Then the expressions of the lips will testify to the quickened intelligence of the mind and the deep movings of the Spirit of God upon the soul. {RH December 16, 1890, par. 16}

Men in the highest positions need to realize that they are as dependent upon God as are the humblest of their brethren. The greater their light and the clearer their knowledge of the truth, the greater is their responsibility. If they are clothed with the righteousness of Christ, they will have a humble estimation of themselves. In the worship of God, and in confession of sin, they will be as the lowliest of his creatures, while at the same time they will take the lead and set the example in everything that is pure and noble. They will be despised by many for their piety, humility, and conscientiousness. They will be a by-word and a hissing to those who, while they profess godliness, are not connected with God. But they will be honored by heaven, and by men whose hearts have not been hardened by rejection of light. {RH December 16, 1890, par. 17}

Brethren, I see your peril, and again I ask, Do you who err make any effort to correct the wrong? Souls may be stumbling along, walking in darkness, because you have not made straight paths for your feet. If you are in positions of trust, I appeal the more earnestly to you, for your own souls’ sake and for the sake of those who look to you as guides, repent before God for every mistake made, and confess your error. {RH December 16, 1890, par. 18}

If you indulge stubbornness of heart, and through pride and self-righteousness do not confess your faults, you will be left subject to Satan’s temptations. If when the Lord reveals your errors you do not repent or make confession, his providence will bring you over the ground again and again. You will                         left to make mistakes of a similar character, you will continue to lack wisdom, and will call sin righteousness, and righteousness sin. The multitude of deceptions that will prevail in these last days will encircle you, and you will change leaders, and not know that you have done so. {RH December 16, 1890, par. 19}

I ask you who are handling sacred things, I ask the individual members of the church, Have you confessed your sins? If not, begin now; for your souls are in great peril. If you die with your mistakes concealed, unconfessed, you die in your sins. The mansions that Jesus has gone to prepare for all who love him, will be peopled by those who are free from sin. But sins that are not confessed will never be forgiven; the name of him who thus rejects the grace of God will be blotted out of the book of life. The time is at hand when every secret thing shall be brought into judgment, and then there will be many confessions made that will astonish the world. The secrets of all hearts will be revealed. The confession of sin will be most public. The sad part of it is that confession then made will be too late to benefit the wrong-doer or to save others from deception. It only testifies that his condemnation is just. He gained nothing by his pride and self-sufficiency and stubbornness, for his own life was imbittered, he ruined his own character so that he was not a fit subject of heaven, and by his influence he led others to ruin. {RH December 16, 1890, par. 20}


It might have been a NATURAL for a man with Walter Veith’s intelligence and his Catholic background, to have understood what I have presented in this vision. However, I was shown that he disqualified himself from such a revelation by his adamant defense of the new movement, new organization that removed God by removing the truth on the godhead from the church, so that the once church militant in 1980 adopted the Satanic device that is TOTALLY SUBVERSIVE to the Sanctuary/Atonement, the Trinity Doctrine.

It could be that Rome’s centuries old promulgation of the fact that any questioning of its Trinity doctrine was anathema, that scared Veith off any prayerful search to understand the riddle of this most important of all issues faced by modern-day Christendom.


How ANY PERSON could be shown a Spirit of Prophecy statement that the new organization REMOVED GOD, and still defend such a new organization, new movement is beyond me, and is a classic example of why we should never rely on any man who speaks or moves contrary to Isaiah 8:20, and clear instruction by the Spirit of Prophecy.


The Latest Member Adopted Into the Godhead of Heaven

God has adopted the human nature of Christ’s humanity into the Godhead of Heaven

“He is our sacrifice, our Advocate, our Brother, bearing our human form before the Father's throne, and through eternal ages one with the race He has redeemed--the Son of Man.” Heaven, p. 73.

“God has adopted human nature in the person of His Son, and has carried the same into the highest heaven. Heaven,” p. 72.

"By His life and His death, Christ has achieved even more than recovery from the ruin wrought through sin. It was Satan's purpose to bring about an eternal separation between God and man but in Christ we become more closely united to God than if we had never fallen. In taking our nature, the Saviour has bound himself to humanity by a tie that is never to be broken. Through the eternal ages He is linked with us. 'God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son.' [John 3:16]. He gave Him not only to bear our sins, and to die as our sacrifice He gave Him to the fallen race. To assure us of His immutable counsel of peace, God gave His only Begotten Son to become one of the human family forever to retain His human nature. This is the pledge that God will fulfill His word. 'Unto us a child is born unto us a son is given and the government shall be upon His shoulder.' God has adopted human nature in the person of His Son, and has carried the same into the highest heaven. It is the 'Son of man' who shares the throne of the universe. It is the 'Son of man' whose name shall be called, 'Wonderful, Counselor, the mighty God, the everlasting Father, the prince of Peace.' [Isa. 9:6]. The I Am is the Daysman between God and humanity, laying His hand upon both. He who is 'holy, harmless, undefiled, separate from sinners,' is not ashamed to call us brethren. [Heb. 7:26 2:11.] In Christ the family of earth and the family of heaven are bound together. Christ glorified is our brother. Heaven is enshrined in humanity, and humanity is enfolded in the bosom of Infinite love." The Desire of Ages, 25.


Was the God/Man Person Adopted Into the Godhead of Heaven?


This issue of the Testator is of so grave importance that God has found it necessary to send another prophet, yours truly, to point out  this antichrist teaching, for even in Vance Ferrell’s book on the Godhead, doesn’t even mention the Testator, which is KEY to this most serious issue befalling all Christendom.


I repeat, You will not find ONE THING ON THE TESTATOR. Search his book for the word Testator and you will find nothing. I know of persons who go by Vance’s view on the Godhead. He approves of MEMBERS of the church REMAINING MEMBERS of a church that teaches the blasphemous Trinity Doctrine, and taking a baptismal vow pledge to belief in that heretical doctrine of Rome, as does Walter Veith. This is why God has had to send other prophets to correct this blasphemous error advanced by His once faithful people. Both Vance Ferrell and Walter Veith are Ministers who have at some time been in the employ of the apostate new movement, new organization, and they are not reliable teachers for God’s people, which is especially obvious by their directing God’s people to remain MEMBERS of a church that teaches blasphemy on the Godhead by teaching that the three members of the Godhead are CO-ETERNAL, NO DEATH, NO ATONEMENT! The last member enlisted in the Godhead is the God/Man Jesus Christ, and Ellen White said He was created, so How could He be co-ETERNAL with the Father and His Holy Spirit HIMSELF who was DIVESTED from His humanity so that His humanity was INDEPENDENT THEREOF.



Satan is laughing all the way to the hellish destination of Omega heresy New Movement, New Organization foolish virgins which he has persuaded the foolish virgin Adventists to join, WHEN WE WERE NEVER TO JOIN ANY NEW MOVEMENT.


No New Organization—"The Lord has declared that the history of the past shall be rehearsed as we enter upon the closing work. Every truth that he has given for these last days is to be proclaimed to the world. Every pillar that He has established is to be strengthened. We cannot now enter into any new organization; for this would mean apostasy from the Truth. 2 Selected Messages, pg 390.


Satan knew that Adventists would not GO OUT to join a new movement, new organization, so he came in AMONG THEM, and formed a new organization “AMONG” “WITHIN” the once faithful city. All who are foolish virgin enough to fall for this ruse by Satan, will be brought down to hell, and that is why Matthew 23:15 is true of the new organization Evangelists who cross sea and land to make proselytes, only to make them twice the child of hell. I was shown by the angel of the Lord that these new movement Evangelists and their supporters will continue to advise all to remain with the new movement, new organization, NO MATTER WHAT IT DOES. It is thus that they and their adherents will be BROUGHT DOWN TO HELL.


SDA’s Brought Down to Hell Says Ellen White


“Of those who boast of their light and yet fail to walk in it Christ says, "But I say unto you, It shall be more tolerable for Tyre and Sidon at the day of judgment than for you. And thou, Capernaum [Seventh-day Adventists, who have had great light], which art exalted unto heaven [in point of privilege], shalt be brought down to hell: for if the mighty works which have been done in thee had been done in Sodom, it would have remained until this day." Ellen G. White, Review and Herald Articles, Aug. 1, 1893. [THE BRACKETED COMMENTS ARE BY ELLEN WHITE.] {LDE 48.2}


The Angel of the Lord has prompted me to inform you that there are foolish virgins who have determined to oppose me till they are brought down to hell.


Why are professing Adventists “brought down to hell,?” For taking antichrist vows to believe and support the Trinity Doctrine which is a baptismal vow in the SDA Fundamental of Beliefs, that is totally subversive to the Sanctuary/Atonement by its implication that the three members of the Godhead are co-ETERNAL, when the latest MEMBER TO THE GODHEAD, THE GOD/MAN JESUS CHRIST, is NOT CO-ETERNAL with the other 2 members of the Godhead, because He was the Testator who died to ATONE FOR THE SINS OF FALLEN MAN. So how can He be co-ETERNAL with the other two who never died and were NOT the Testator.


I was shown that the new movement, new organization masquerading as Seventh-day Adventism, was formed in 1955, via the SDA/Evangelical Conferences, at which time SDA leaders discarded the pillar Bible truth that Jesus came in the likeness of sinful flesh. See The Beginning of the End at this link:


Anti-Christ, Anti-Bible Teachings


The first point of controversy brought up by the Evangelical Walter Martin at the SDA/Evangelical Conferences in the mid 1950’s was the Bible Readings for the Home Circle statement that Jesus took our sinful flesh. The 1914 Edition of that book said exactly that.


Ellen White


God in the flesh: (Exodus 3:5.) Christ’s Humanity a Golden Chain—To redeem man, Christ became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross. The humanity of the Son of God is everything to us. It is the golden linked chain which binds our souls to Christ and through Christ to God. This is to be our study. Christ was a real man, and He gave proof of His humility in becoming a man. And He was God in the flesh. {7BC 904.10} Note by Ron: I have said many times that the Testator had to be equal with God to atone for any breach in God’s law. End note.


Rom 8:3 For what the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh, God sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh:


“In His humanity Christ partook of our sinful fallen human nature. Bible Readings for the Home Circle, p. 115, 1914 edition.


“Christ took upon Himself fallen suffering human nature, degraded and defiled by sin.” E.G. White, Youth’s Instructor, 12:20/1900


Why does it mean everything to us that Christ took our fallen nature? Because by so doing, He was our example that we can overcome as He did, by the empowerment of His Holy Spirit Divine Nature, which we are invited to partake of.


2Pe 1:4 Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.


1Jo 2:22

Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son.

 1Jo 4:3

And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world.

 2Jo 1:7

For many deceivers are entered into the world, who confess not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist.

Most professing Christians confess that Christ came in the flesh, but many deny that He came in the likeness of our sinful flesh, and all who deny that are antichrist. This is why the CORRECT view on the Human Nature of Christ is everything to us.


In 1955 SDA church papers like Ministry Magazine began to teach that Christ took the nature of Adam BEFORE the fall. LeRoy Froom says that in his book Movement of Destiny online at this link:


The Truth of the Heavenly/Sanctuary/Atonement: The Following Statements Provide All that is Necessary to Arrive at the Truth Concerning the Atonement made by the Testator:


"Cumbered with humanity Christ could not be in every place personally, therefore it was altogether for their advantage that He should leave them to go to His Father and send the Holy Spirit to be His successor on earth. The Holy Spirit is Himself divested of the personality of humanity and independent thereof. He would represent Himself as present in all places by His Holy Spirit.” E.G. White, Manuscript Releases Volume 14 (No’s 1081-1135) MR No.1084.



“Christ, the Light of the world, veiled the dazzling splendor of His divinity and came to live as a man among men, that they might, without being consumed, become acquainted with their Creator. No man has seen God at any time except as He is revealed through Christ” (8T p. 265, par. 2). 


“Not one of the angels could have become surety for the human race: their life is God's; they could not surrender it. The angels all wear the yoke of obedience. They are the appointed messengers of Him who is the commander of all Heaven. But Christ is equal with God, infinite and omnipotent. He could pay the ransom for man's freedom. He is the eternal, self-existing Son, on whom no yoke had come; and when God asked, "whom shall I send?" He could reply, "Here am I; send me." He could pledge Himself to become man's surety; for He could say that which the highest angel could not say,--I have power over My own life, "power to lay it down, and . . . power to take it again.”--The Youth's Instructor, June 21, 1900. {7ABC 461.1}

"Jehovah, the eternal, self-existent, uncreated One, Himself the source and sustainer of all, is alone entitled to supreme reverence and worship." E.G. White, SDA Bible Commentary, Vol. 7A, p. 439.

God in the flesh: (Exodus 3:5.) Christ’s Humanity a Golden Chain—To redeem man, Christ became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross. The humanity of the Son of God is everything to us. It is the golden linked chain which binds our souls to Christ and through Christ to God. This is to be our study. Christ was a real man, and He gave proof of His humility in becoming a man. And He was God in the flesh. {7BC 904.10} I have said that only one equal to God could be the Testator of the Everlasting Covenant: 

 (John 1:1-3, 14; see EGW comment on John 1:1-3; Revelation 12:10). Equality Between Christ and the Father—Christ’s position with His Father is one of equality. This enabled Him to become a sin-offering for transgressors. He was fully sufficient to magnify the law and make it honorable (Manuscript 48, 1893). {7BC 905.1}

“Christ had stooped to take upon Himself man's nature; He was to bear an infinite weight of woe as He should make His soul an offering for sin; yet angels desired that even in His humiliation the Son of the Highest might appear before men with a dignity and glory befitting His character. Would the great men of earth assemble at Israel's capital to greet His coming? Would legions of angels present Him to the expectant company?” The Great Controversy, pp. 313, 314.

What is the SOUL that was made an offering for sin?

"Christ declared that after his ascension, he would send to his church, as his crowning gift, the Comforter, who was to take his place. This Comforter is the Holy Spirit,--the soul of his life, the efficacy of his church, the light and life of the world. With his Spirit Christ sends a reconciling influence and a power that takes away sin.

In the gift of the Spirit [HIS LIFE--THE SOUL OF HIS LIFE], Jesus gave to man the highest good that heaven could bestow....

The Spirit was given as a regenerating agency, and without this the sacrifice of Christ would have been of no avail....

It is by the Spirit that the heart is made pure. Through the Spirit the believer becomes a partaker of the divine nature. Christ has given his Spirit as a divine power to overcome all hereditary and cultivated tendencies to evil, and to impress his own character upon the church." E.G. White, Review and Herald Articles, May 19, 1904, vol. 5, p. 42.

“Christ had stooped to take upon Himself man’s nature; He was to bear an infinite weight of woe as He should make His soul an offering for sin; yet angels desire that even in His humiliation the Son of the Highest might appear before men with a dignity and glory befitting His character.” E.G. White, The Great Controversy, pp. 313, 314.

The Soul of His life was/is His Holy Spirit Divine Nature How was His Divine Nature Made an Offering for sin?

The Testator was the Son of God in His pre-Incarnation Nature which was GOD ONLY, HOLY SPIRIT ONLY FORM, which was CO-eternal with the Father.

Truth Concerning the Atonement made by the Testator:


"Cumbered with humanity Christ could not be in every place personally, therefore it was altogether for their advantage that He should leave them to go to His Father and send the Holy Spirit to be His successor on earth. The Holy Spirit is Himself divested of the personality of humanity and independent thereof. He would represent Himself as present in all places by His Holy Spirit.” E.G. White, Manuscript Releases Volume 14 (No’s 1081-1135) MR No.1084.


The Holy Spirit of the Son of God is the only PERSON that could qualify as the Testator of the Everlasting Covenant, for the Testator must “die” to something eternally in payment for the wages of man’s sin, which wages is eternal death. The Testator must be equal to God the Father. There is ONE ETERNAL SPIRIT, and the Son offered Himself up through the eternal Spirit.


Heb 9:14 How much more shall the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself without spot to God, purge your conscience from dead works to serve the living God?


The Eternal Holy Spirit is the gift, the life that is offered to man if he will accept it. It is the means of overcoming all known sin.


2Pe 1:4 Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.

"Christ declared that after his ascension, he would send to his church, as his crowning gift, the Comforter, who was to take his place. This Comforter is the Holy Spirit,--the soul of his life, the efficacy of his church, the light and life of the world. With his Spirit Christ sends a reconciling influence and a power that takes away sin.

In the gift of the Spirit [HIS LIFE--THE SOUL OF HIS LIFE], Jesus gave to man the highest good that heaven could bestow....

The Spirit was given as a regenerating agency, and without this the sacrifice of Christ would have been of no avail....

It is by the Spirit that the heart is made pure. Through the Spirit the believer becomes a partaker of the divine nature. Christ has given his Spirit as a divine power to overcome all hereditary and cultivated tendencies to evil, and to impress his own character upon the church." E.G. White, Review and Herald Articles, May 19, 1904, vol. 5, p. 42.

“Christ had stooped to take upon Himself man’s nature; He was to bear an infinite weight of woe as He should make His soul an offering for sin; yet angels desire that even in His humiliation the Son of the Highest might appear before men with a dignity and glory befitting His character.” E.G. White, The Great Controversy, pp. 313, 314.



"7. Made himself of no reputation. Literally, 'emptied Himself.'  This emptying was voluntary (see on John 10:17, 18).  It was not possible for Christ to retain all the tokens of divinity and still accomplish the Incarnation.  The outworking of this emptying is detailed in the remainder of Phil. 2:7 and in v. 8.  See Vol. 5, p. 918."  SDA Bible Commentary, Vol. 7, p. 155, col. 1.


Phl 2:7  But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men:


Phl 2:8  And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.


“5. The Subordination of Christ. Voluntarily assuming the limitations of human nature at the incarnation, the Lord Jesus Christ thereby subordinated Himself to the Father for the duration of His earthly ministry (see ps. 40:8; Matt. 26:39; John 3:16 4:34; 5:19, 30; 12:49; 14:10; 17:4, 8; 2 Cor. 8:9; Phil. 2:7, 8; Heb. 2:9; see on Luke 1:35; 2:49; John 3:16; 4:34; Phil 2:7, 8).


‘Laying aside His royal robe and kingly crown’ (DA 22, 23). “He voluntarily assumed human nature.  It was His own act, and by His own consent.” (EGW ST Jan 20, 1890; cf 5T 702).  “He humbled Himself, and took mortality upon Him.” (EGW RH Sept. 4, 1900).


“The Son of God was surrendered to the Father’s will, and dependent upon His power. So utterly was Christ emptied of self that He made no plans for Himself. He accepted God’s plans for Him, and day by day the Father unfolded His plans” (DA 208; cf. 664. ‘While bearing human nature, He was dependent upon the Omnipotent for His life.  In His humanity, He laid hold of the divinity of God’”{EGW, ST, June 17, 1897 par. 8}


Life that was ours -- life that was His                                   


"He (Christ) suffered the death which was ours, that we might receive the life which WAS His." Desire of Ages, p. 25 1 Cor. 11:24-265, cf. John 6:53, 54, Titus 3:5, 6.


What death was ours? Eternal death, for the wages of sin is death, eternal death.




"Cumbered with humanity Christ could not be in every place personally, therefore it was altogether for their advantage that He should leave them to go to His Father and send the Holy Spirit to be His successor on earth. The Holy Spirit is Himself divested of the personality of humanity and independent thereof. He would represent Himself as present in all places by His Holy Spirit.” E.G. White, Manuscript Releases Volume 14 (No’s 1081-1135) MR No.1084.


Death of the Testator must be FOREVER in some form, for while He liveth, the Testament is of no strength. But Divinity cannot die as we know death. The Son of God “died” to His former life of being DIVINE HOLY SPIRIT ONLY, to become combined with humanity FOREVER minus the three omni’s because humanity cumbers those omni’s. That is a huge sacrifice.


A Human Priest Forever


Christ as a man and a HIGH PRIEST forever -- Hebrews 7:24 But this [man], because he continueth ever, hath an unchangeable priesthood.


Hbr 7:24 But this [man], because he continueth ever, hath an unchangeable priesthood.


“However much a shepherd may love his sheep, he loves his sons and daughters more. Jesus is not only our shepherd He is our "everlasting Father." And He says, "I know Mine own, and Mine own know Me, even as the Father knoweth Me, and I know the Father." John 10:14, 15, R.V. What a statement is this!--the only-begotten Son, He who is in the bosom of the Father, He whom God has declared to be "the Man that is My fellow" (Zech. 13:7),--the communion between Him and the eternal God is taken to represent the communion between Christ and His children on the earth!”--The Desire of Ages, p. 483. {7ABC 438.4}


Christ felt our sin -- "As one with us, He must bear the burden of our guilt and woe. The Sinless One must feel the shame of sin. . . . Every sin, every discord, every defiling lust that transgression had brought, was torture to His spirit."--The Desire of Ages, p. 111. {7ABC 450.1


One Substance -- The Jews had never before heard such words from human lips, and a convicting influence attended them for it seemed that divinity flashed through humanity as Jesus said, "I and my Father are one." The words of Christ were full of deep meaning as he put forth the claim that he and the Father were of one substance, possessing the same attributes.--The Signs of the Times, Nov. 27, 1893, p. 54. {7ABC 437.3}


“The words of Christ were full of deep meaning as he put forth the claim that he and the Father were of one substance, possessing the same attributes. The Jews understood his meaning, there was no reason why they should misunderstand, and they took up stones to stone him. Jesus looked upon them calmly and unshrinkingly, and said, "Many good works have I showed you from my Father; for which of these works do ye stone me?" {ST, November 27, 1893 par. 5}


The Majesty of heaven stood, calmly assured, as a god before his adversaries. Their scowling faces, their hands filled with stones, did not intimidate him. He knew that unseen forces, legions of angels, were round about him, and at one word from his lips they would strike with dismay the throng, should they offer to cast upon him a single stone. He stood before them undaunted. Why did not the stones fly to the mark?--It was because divinity flashed through humanity, and they received a revelation, and were convicted that his were no common claims. Their hands relax and the stones fall to the ground. His words had asserted his divinity, but now his personal presence, the light of his eye, the majesty of his attitude, bore witness to the fact that he was the beloved Son of God. {ST, November 27, 1893 par. 6}


The Saviour's joy is in seeing, in the kingdom of glory, the souls that have been saved by His agony and humiliation. Hvn 84


A Saviour From Eternity


Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ: according as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love. Eph. 1:3, 4

Since the Fall the Lord has wrought out His will in the plan of redemption, a plan by which He is seeking to restore man to his original perfection. Christ’s death on the cross has made it possible for God to receive and pardon every repentant soul.

As the divine Sufferer hung upon the cross, angels gathered about Him, and as they looked upon Him, and heard His cry, they asked, with intense emotion, "Will not the Lord Jehovah save Him?" . . . Then were the words spoken: "The Lord hath sworn, and He will not repent. Father and Son are pledged to fulfill the terms of the everlasting covenant. God so loved the world, that He gave His only-begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life." Christ was not alone in making His great sacrifice. It was the fulfillment of the covenant made between Him and His Father before the foundation of the world was laid. With clasped hands they had entered into the solemn pledge that Christ would become the surety for the human race if they were to overcome by Satan’s sophistry.

The salvation of the human race has ever been the object of the councils of heaven. The covenant of mercy was made before the foundation of the world. It has existed from all eternity, and is called the everlasting covenant. So surely as there never was a time when God was not, so surely there never was a moment when it was not the delight of the eternal mind to manifest His grace to humanity. [On Noah, for example--Ron).

The more we consider this subject, the greater depths we find, and yet there are depths that we do not reach as we study the Redeemer’s glory. It is the glory of the Prince of life, and the mightiest powers of man cannot reach it. The angels themselves desire to look into this mysterious and wonderful theme, the redemption of the human race.

From Devotional: Our Father Cares, pp. 67, 68.




“In the gift of the Spirit [HIS LIFE--THE SOUL OF HIS LIFE], Jesus gave to man the highest good that heaven could bestow....

The Spirit was given as a regenerating agency, and without this the sacrifice of Christ would have been of no avail....

It is by the Spirit that the heart is made pure. Through the Spirit the believer becomes a partaker of the divine nature. Christ has given his Spirit as a divine power to overcome all hereditary and cultivated tendencies to evil, and to impress his own character upon the church." E.G. White, Review and Herald Articles, May 19, 1904, vol. 5, p. 42.


Without the gift of His former life, His Holy Spirit, THE SACRIFICE ON THE CROSS WOULD HAVE BEEN OF NO AVAIL BUT TO PARDON SIN FOREVER, BECAUSE THE EMPOWERMENT OF THE HOLY SPIRIT WOULD NOT HAVE BEEN MADE POSSIBLE without the Incarnation sacrifice of His Divine Nature Holy Spirit as a gift for man for empowerment.


Faults and defects are not in the class of antichrist apostasy.


Taking stock in Numbers -- "If you lower the standard in order to secure popularity and an increase of numbers, and then make this increase a cause of rejoicing (celebration), you show great blindness. If numbers were an evidence of success, Satan might claim the preeminence for, in this world, his followers are largely in the majority... It is the virtue, intelligence, and piety of the people composing our churches, not their numbers, that should be a source of joy and thankfulness. Counsels to Teachers, p. 94.

side issues "The adversary of souls is constantly seeking to divert our minds by bringing in side-issues. Let us not be deceived. Let enemies handle your name and mine as they please. Let them distort, misrepresent our words and deeds. Let them fabricate falsehoods as best pleases them. We cannot afford to allow our minds to be diverted from Jesus and the preparation of soul which we must have in order to meet him in peace. Ellen G. White, Second Advent Review and Sabbath Herald, August 28, 1883.




“Never let your tongue and voice be employed in discovering and dilating upon the defects of your brethren, for the record of heaven identifies Christ's interests with those He has purchased with His own blood. 'Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren,' He says, 'ye have done it unto me' (Matt. 25: 40). We are to learn to be loyal to one another, to be true as steel in the defense of our brethren. Look to your own defects. You had better discover one of your own faults than ten of your brother's. Remember that Christ has prayed for these, His brethren, that they all might be one as He is one with the Father. Seek to the uttermost of your capabilities to be in harmony with your brethren to the extent of Christ's measurement, as He is one with the Father. . . .” {HP 178.4}


'Love as brethren, be pitiful, be courteous' (1 Peter 3:8). True moral worth does not seek to have a place for itself by evil thinking and evil speaking, by demeriting others. All envy, all jealousy, all evil speaking, with all unbelief, must be put away from God's children.  {HP 178.5}


"We are not to let the faults of others to be an excuse for our own neglect of duty the spotless Son of God has been given us for our example." (Steps to Christ p. 8)


Law as a hedge or shield -- God's law is given to men as a hedge, a shield. Whoever accepts its principles is preserved from evil. Education, p. 76-77.

Great changes -- "I tell you now, that when I am laid to rest, great changes will take place. I do not know when I shall be taken, and I desire to warn all against the devices of the devil. I want the people to know that I warned them fully before my death." -Manuscript1, February 24, 1915

I stated that I was a stockholder and I could not let the resolution pass, that there was to be special light for God's people as they neared the closing scenes of this earth's history. Another angel was to come from heaven with a message, and the whole earth was to be lightened with his glory. It would be impossible for us to state just how this additional light would come. It might come in a very unexpected manner, in a way that would not agree with the ideas that many have conceived. It is not at all unlikely, or contrary to the ways and works of God, to send light to His people in unexpected ways. Would it be right that every avenue should be closed in our school so that the students could not have the benefit of this light? The resolution was not called for.--Letter 22, 1889. White Estate Washington, D. C. May 17, 1984 {13MR 334.2}

At Oswego, New York, September 7, 1850, the Lord showed me that a great work must be done for His people before they could stand in the battle in the day of the Lord. I was pointed to those who claim to be Adventists, but who reject the present truth, and saw that they were crumbling and that the hand of the Lord was in their midst to divide and scatter them now in the gathering time, so that the precious jewels among them, who have formerly been deceived, may have their eyes opened to see their true state. And now when the truth is presented to them by the Lord's messengers, they are prepared to listen, and see its beauty and harmony, and to leave their former associates and errors, embrace the precious truth and stand where they can define their position. -Early Writings 69.2




"Cumbered with humanity Christ could not be in every place personally, therefore it was altogether for their advantage that He should leave them to go to His Father and send the Holy Spirit to be His successor on earth. The Holy Spirit is Himself divested of the personality of humanity and independent thereof. He would represent Himself as present in all places by His Holy Spirit.” E.G. White, Manuscript Releases Volume 14 (No’s 1081-1135) MR No.1084.


The Son of God as Testator, divested Himself from His former BEING AS HOLY SPIRIT ONLY, to become human forever. This is the forever death that paid the wages of sin which are eternal death. Since it is impossible for divinity to die, and Ellen White says that divinity DID NOT DIE ON THE CROSS.



"I am the resurrection, and the life' (John 11:25). He who had said, 'I lay down my life, that I might take it again' (John 10:17), came forth from the grave to life that was IN HIMSELF. Humanity died; DIVINITY DID NOT DIE. In His divinity, Christ possessed the power to break the bonds of death. He declares that He has life in Himself to quicken whom He will." E.G. White, Selected Messages, Book 1, p. 301.


But HUMANITY was not the Testator of the Everlasting Covenant. The Testator was DIVINE ONLY when He made His Testament to die to something forever in payment for the wages of sin.

Heb 9:16 For where a testament is, there must also of necessity be the death of the testator.

Heb 9:17 For a testament is of force after men are dead: otherwise it is of no strength at all while the testator liveth.


 "The darkness rolled away from the Saviour and from the Cross. Christ bowed His head and died. In His Incarnation He had reached the prescribed limit as a sacrifice, but not as a redeemer." E.G. White Manuscript Releases Volume Twelve, p. 409.


The ONLY PRESCRIBED LIMIT as a sacrifice was DEATH OF THE TESTATOR, and He must somehow remain dead FOREVER, for while He liveth, the Testament is of no strength. So He divested Himself of His divine omni attributes FOREVER to become human forever and His humanity WAS/IS INDEPENDENT of his former life as Holy Spirit Only. What a sacrifice, which far transcends His sacrifice on the cross, for it is FOREVER, but the cross was entirely essential for REDEMPTION, the Sanctuary Service involving sprinkling of His blood. But three days death in a tomb would not have met the prescribed limit as death of the Testator in a way that is FOREVER, for the Testament says: A testament is of force after AND WHEN death occurs OTHERWISE IT IS OF NO STRENGTH AT ALL WHILE THE TESTATOR LIVETH. So He had to die in some manner FOREVER, by having His humanity divested from His DIVINE NATURE HOLY SPIRIT forever, to become human forever. That was/is  FOREVER SACRIFICE of the testator. In that manner He took the FOREVER DEATH THAT WAS OURS that we might have the forever life that WAS HIS before his Incarnation, His Holy Spirit Divine Nature which he proffers to us:


“Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.” 2Pe 1:4


The above gift of His Divine Nature, the HIGHEST GOOD, CROWNING GIFT THAT HEAVEN CAN BESTOW, was fully essential to overcome sin and be saved, lest sin proliferate FOREVER.


"Christ declared that after his ascension, he would send to his church, as his crowning gift, the Comforter, who was to take his place. This Comforter is the Holy Spirit,--the soul of his life, the efficacy of his church, the light and life of the world. With his Spirit Christ sends a reconciling influence and a power that takes away sin.

In the gift of the Spirit [HIS LIFE--THE SOUL OF HIS LIFE], Jesus gave to man the highest good that heaven could bestow....

The Spirit was given as a regenerating agency, and without this the sacrifice of Christ would have been of no avail....

It is by the Spirit that the heart is made pure. Through the Spirit the believer becomes a partaker of the divine nature. Christ has given his Spirit as a divine power to overcome all hereditary and cultivated tendencies to evil, and to impress his own character upon the church." E.G. White, Review and Herald Articles, May 19, 1904, vol. 5, p. 42.

“Christ had stooped to take upon Himself man’s nature; He was to bear an infinite weight of woe as He should make His soul an offering for sin; yet angels desire that even in His humiliation the Son of the Highest might appear before men with a dignity and glory befitting His character.” E.G. White, The Great Controversy, pp. 313, 314.

The Soul of His life was/is His Holy Spirit Divine Nature How was His Divine Nature Made an Offering for sin?

Only the gift of the soul of His life, His Holy Spirit Divine Nature, is efficacious for overcoming all known sin. Thank you dear Lord Jesus Christ for that precious Highest of all good crowning gifts, that we might be regenerated into your Image, as was your intent at the creation of man.


One Spirit Eternal Spirit


Hbr 9:14 How much more shall the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself without spot to God, purge your conscience from dead works to serve the living God? 


Jhn 4:24 God [is] a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship [him] in spirit and in truth.


“They have one God and one Saviour; and one Spirit—the Spirit of Christ” (9T p. 289)


“Now the Lord is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is; there is Liberty.” (2 Cor. 3:17)


“For as the Father hath life in himself; so hath he given to the Son to have life in himself.” John 5:26.


"He (Christ) suffered the death which was ours, that we might receive the life which WAS His." Desire of Ages, p. 25 1 Cor. 11:24-265, cf. John 6:53, 54, Titus 3:5, 6.




·      Every MEMBER of the professing SDA new movement, new organization, is corporately responsible for its omega heresy adoption of the Trinity Doctrine, for the SDA Fundamentals of Belief and the baptismal vows require one to vow a belief in the Trinity Doctrine of THREE CO-ETERNAL PERSONS, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

·      The preincarnation life of the Son was His Holy Spirit. At His Incarnation, He “died” the only way divinity can die, He divested Himself of that life because it was cumbered by His humanity. Therefore that sacrifice constituted death to His former Holy Spirit, Divine ONLY state of existence—thus rendering it as NON-ETERNAL when His Holy Spirit HIMSELF was divested of His humanity and His humanity was INDEPENDENT THEREOF. Without that “death” there would have been no atonement by the Testator who was DIVINE ONLY when He made the Testament.

·      To state that all three persons to the Godhead are co-ETERNAL, is totally subversive to the above sacrifice of the soul of His life, His former Holy Spirit ONLY existence, before His Incarnation.

·      The total divestation of His humanity from His Holy Spirit is a type of  eternal death, but not death as we understand death, but it still counts as a FOREVER ATONEMENT SACRIFICE by the Son of God, and if that death did not occur, there would be no atonement, because the Testator was DIVINE ONLY when he made the Testators Testament, and only His humanity died on the cross. Ellen White said that divinity did not die on the cross.

       “I am the resurrection, and the life” (John 11:25). He who had said, “I lay down my life, that I might take it again” (John 10:17), came forth from the grave to life that was in Himself. Humanity died; divinity did not die. In His divinity, Christ possessed the power to break the bonds of death. He declares that He has life in Himself to quicken whom He will. {1SM 301.1}

       Here is Christ. He came to our world to die for us, that we might have everlasting life. Do let everyone improve it and be determined they will not have Christ die for them in vain. He passed through all that agony on the cross that none of you can suffer any more than He did. And yet He did all this in behalf of a work to save a ruined world. He came here to our humanity, that humanity might grasp divinity and lay hold upon the divinity that Christ brought into the world. And now let us be thankful always for Christ’s sake. {Ms133-1909.15}

       6 (John 1:1-3, 14; Philippians 2:5-8; Colossians 2:9; Hebrews 1:6, 8; 2:14-17; 4:15). Deity Did Not Die—Was the human nature of the Son of Mary changed into the divine nature of the Son of God? No; the two natures were mysteriously blended in one person—the man Christ Jesus. In Him dwelt all the fullness of the Godhead bodily. When Christ was crucified, it was His human nature that died. Deity did not sink and die; that would have been impossible. Christ, the sinless One, will save every son and daughter of Adam who accepts the salvation proffered them, consenting to become the children of God. The Saviour has purchased the fallen race with His own blood. {5BC 1113.2}

       Since the Testator was DIVINE ONLY and since Divinity cannot “die” as we humans understand death, the ONLY WAY THE TESTATOR COULD DIE IS EXACTLY AS I WAS SHOWN AND AS I DEPICT IN THIS VISION. He was DIVESTED, SEPARATED FROM His Divinity ONLY EXISTENCE, forever, to be combined with humanity FOREVER, and it was/is that cumbrance that made His humanity an INDEPENDENT PERSON as Ellen White’s “cumbered” statement attests.

       "Cumbered with humanity Christ could not be in every place personally, therefore it was altogether for their advantage that He should leave them to go to His Father and send the Holy Spirit to be His successor on earth. The Holy Spirit is Himself divested of the personality of humanity and independent thereof. He would represent Himself as present in all places by His Holy Spirit.” E.G. White, Manuscript Releases Volume 14 (No’s 1081-1135) MR No.1084.


       "He (Christ) suffered the death which was ours, that we might receive the life which WAS His." Desire of Ages, p. 25 1 Cor. 11:24-265, cf. John 6:53, 54, Titus 3:5, 6.

       The life which was His was His Divine Nature Holy Spirit HIMSELF, which He proffers to us.


       Was the human nature of the Son of Mary changed into the divine nature of the Son of God? No; the two natures were mysteriously blended in one person—the Man Christ Jesus. In Him dwelt all the fulness of the Godhead bodily. When Christ was crucified, it was His human nature that died. Deity did not sink and die; that would have been impossible. Christ, the sinless One, will save every son and daughter of Adam who accepts the salvation proffered them, consenting to become the children of God. The Saviour has purchased the fallen race with His own blood. {Lt280a-1904.8}

       This is a great mystery, a mystery that will not be fully, completely understood in all its greatness until the translation of the redeemed shall take place. Then the power and greatness and efficacy of the gift of God to man will be understood. But the enemy is determined that this gift shall be so mystified that it will become as nothingness (Letter 280, 1904). {5BC 1113.3}

       Since it is impossible for Divinity to die, the Testator who was DIVINE ONLY WHEN HE MADE THE TESTAMENT, had to “die” in some manner of death different from what we understand as death. That “death” was the divestation or separation of His Divine Nature Holy Spirit HIMSELF FROM His humanity FOREVER. That constituted a forever death of the Testator, that atones for death that was ours (eternal death) as payment for the wages of sin.

       May we do our duty before God in studying for ourselves, not allowing any one--whether minister, elder, teacher, or spouse--to study for us.  May we test, by Isaiah 8:20, every doctrine we hear or read, so that we can state for ourselves, "I know what I believe and can prove it from God's inspired word."  If we do not study for ourselves and know what we believe, and end up losing eternal life, who can we blame but ourselves?

            "Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of God." 2 Timothy 2:15.

       Mat 19:29   And every one that hath forsaken houses, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, [SPOUSE]or children, or lands, for my name's sake, shall receive an hundredfold, and shall inherit everlasting life.

       Mat 10:37   He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. 

       The principle associated with the word WIFE in Mat. 19:29 is SPOUSE, FOR IF WE LOVE ANYONE MORE THAN CHRIST AND OBEDIENCE TO HIM, we are not worthy, and Ellen White comments that the words “is not worthy of me,” means such ones are not saved. So we can lose eternal life by following the errant example and wishes of a SPOUSE instead of Jesus.

       I was shown that no MEMBER of that apostate new organization that teaches the subversive Trinity Doctrine will be saved, for every MEMBER must take a VOW that he/she believes that doctrine embraced by the new organization in 1980.

       Laodiceans are so KNOW IT ALL, that they believe God will show them EVERYTHING PERSONALLY, and there is thus no need for prophets; no need for the gift of prophecy. That does total despite to God’s proclaimed gift of prophecy, and His instruction that we “covet to prophesy.”


       1Co 14:39 Wherefore, brethren, covet to prophesy.


       The antichrist implications of the Trinity Doctrine, need to be taught to the entire Christian world.


Nominal Adventists Are Any Who Reject Present Truth


 Sister White says the Remnant will LEAVE the GC SDA...


In the Appendix of Early Writings, p. 299, we find the following definition of nominal Adventists:


adventists -- "Nominal Adventists.--"Those who united in sounding the first and second angels' messages but who rejected the third angel's message with its Sabbath truth, but nonetheless continued to espouse the Advent hope, are referred to by Mrs. White as the 'nominal Adventists.' or those who 'reject the present truth' (p. 69), also 'different parties of professed Advent believers (page 124)...those who 'reject the present truth.." Early Writings, p. 299, Appendix.


The New Movement omega of Apostasy SDA church has surely rejected present truth since 1955-7, by fulfilling all the specifications of Selected Messages, Vol. 1, pp. 204-5, plus removing the Sanctuary and Atonement messages by removal of pillar doctrines and the adoption of the Trinity Doctrine in the early 1930's. In the Alpha, Ellen White saw the Sanctuary and Atonement GONE, and so it is in the Omega.


Sanctuary Gone Atonement Gone -- "In a representation which passed before me, I saw a certain work being done by medical missionary workers. Our ministering brethren were looking on, watching what was being done, but they did not seem to understand. The foundation of our faith, which was established by so much prayer, such earnest searching of the Scriptures, was being taken down, pillar by pillar. Our faith was to have nothing to rest upon--the sanctuary was gone, the atonement was gone." E.G. White, The Upward Look, 152.




The Angel of the Lord showed me that it is time and PASTTIME to become obscure to antichrist, new movement, new organization Adventists who will report us to the Catholics to save their own necks.


In the PREFIGURE, every true Christian was “gathered out” into home churches from A.D. 34 to A.D. 66, at which time every True Christian fled to Pella and was saved from the conflagration of Ezekiel 9 and being crucified. Remember that in The Great Controversy, Chapter 1, which describes the last literal fulfillment of Ezekiel 9, Ellen White said that the crosses erected outside of the city of Jerusalem for crucifying the Jews were so thick that it was difficult to walk between them. So in addition to the Ezekiel 9 slaughter threat, there is the threat of being crucified. This is fair warning, and IS NOT designed to be a scare tactic. This is an actual fact of history as recorded by Josephus and quoted by Ellen White regarding what occurred in the PREFIGURE, p. 25.


 "I saw the nominal church and nominal Adventists, like Judas, would betray us to the Catholics to obtain their influence to come against the truth. The saints then will be an obscure [hidden] people, little known to the Catholics but the churches and nominal Adventists who know of our faith and customs (for they hate us on account of the Sabbath, for they could not refute it) will betray the saints and report them to the Catholics as those who disregard the institutions of the people that is, that they keep the Sabbath and disregard Sunday.


Then the Catholics bid the Protestants to go forward, and issue a decree that all who will not observe the first day of the week, instead of the seventh day, shall be slain. And the Catholics, whose numbers are large, will stand by the Protestants. The Catholics will give their power to the image of the beast. And the Protestants will work as their mother worked before them to destroy the saints. But before their decree bring or bear fruit, the saints will be delivered by the Voice of God. Then I saw that Jesus' work in the sanctuary will soon be finished. And after His work there is finished, He will come to the door of the first apartment, and confess the sins of Israel upon the head of the Scape Goat. Then He will put on the garments of vengeance. Then the plagues will come upon the wicked, and they do not come till Jesus puts on that garment, and takes Hs place upon the great white cloud. Then while the plagues are falling, the Scape Goat is being led away. He makes a mighty struggle to escape, but he is held fast by the hand that leads him. If he should effect his escape, Israel would lose their lives. I saw that it would take time to lead away the Scape Goat into the land of forgetfulness after the sins were put on his head.

The great white cloud I saw was not the holy place, but entirely separate from the holy and most holy place, entirely separate from the sanctuary.


Then the angel repeated these words, and said, 'This is the time spoken of in Isaiah 59. It was love for sinners that led Christ to pay the price of redemption. “He saw that there was no man, and wondered that there was no intercessor,” none other could ransom men and women from the power of the enemy; “therefore His arm brought salvation unto Him; and His righteousness, it sustained Him.” Isaiah 59:16. {PK 692.4}


“I saw that God has honest children among the nominal Adventists and the fallen churches, and before the plagues shall be poured out, ministers and people will be called out from these churches and will gladly receive the truth. Satan knows this and before the loud cry of the third angel is given, he raises an excitement in these religious bodies, that those who have rejected the truth may think that God is with them. He hopes to deceive the honest and lead them to think that God is still working for the churches. But the light will shine, and all who are honest will leave the fallen churches, and take their stand with the remnant”  -Early Writings: page 261.


"At Oswego, New York, September 7, 1850, the Lord showed me that a great work must be done for His people before they could stand in the battle in the day of the Lord. I was pointed to those who claim to be Adventists, but who reject the present truth, and saw that they were crumbling and that the hand of the Lord was in their midst to divide and scatter them now in the gathering time, so that the precious jewels among them, who have formerly been deceived, may have their eyes opened to see their true state. And now when the truth is presented to them by the Lord's messengers, they are prepared to listen, and see its beauty and harmony, and to leave their former associates and errors, embrace the precious truth and stand where they can define their position."  -Early Writings 69.2


"I saw a number of companies that seemed to be bound together by cords. Many in these companies were in total darkness; their eyes were directed downward to the  earth, and there seemed to be no connection between them and Jesus. But scattered through these different companies were persons whose countenances looked light, and whose eyes were raised to heaven. Beams of light from Jesus, like rays from the sun, were imparted to them. An angel bade me look carefully, and I saw an angel watching over every one of those who had a ray of light, while evil angels surrounded those who were in darkness. I heard the voice of an angel cry, 'Fear God, and give glory to Him; for the hour of His judgment is come.'

  "A glorious light then rested down upon these companies, to enlighten all who would receive it. Some of those who were in darkness received the light and rejoiced. Others resisted the light from heaven, saying that it was sent to lead them astray. The light passed away from them, and they were left in darkness. Those who had received the light from Jesus joyfully cherished the increase of precious light which was shed upon them. Their faces beamed with holy joy, while their gaze was directed upward to Jesus with intense interest, and their voices were heard in harmony with the voice of the angel, 'Fear God, and give glory to Him; for the hour of His judgment is come.' As they raised this cry, I saw those who were in darkness thrusting them with side and with shoulder. Then many who cherished the sacred light, broke the cords which confined them and stood out separated from those companies. As they were doing this, men belonging to the different companies and revered by them passed through, some with pleasing words, and others with wrathful looks and threatening gestures, and fastened the cords which were weakening. These men were constantly saying, 'God is with us. We stand in the light. We have the truth.' I inquired who these men were, and was told that they were ministers and leading men who had rejected the light themselves, and were unwilling that others should receive it."  -Early Writings 240.1&2


“The Spirit is poured out upon all who will yield to its promptings, and casting off all man’s machinery, his binding rules and cautious methods, they will declare the truth with the might of the Spirit’s power.  Multitudes will receive the faith and join the armies of the Lord…The safeguards which false shepherds have thrown around their flocks with become as naught; thousands will step out  into the light, and work to spread the light.” -Review and Herald, vol 3, p 272-275 (July 16 & 23, 1895)


“In the representations the Lord has given me, I have seen those who follow their own desires, misrepresenting the truth, oppressing their brethren, and placing difficulties before them.  Characters are now being developed, and men are taking sides, some on the side of the Lord Jesus Christ, some on the side of Satan and his angels.  The Lord calls for all who will be true and obedient to His law to come out of and away from all connection with those who placed themselves on the side of the enemy.” -Letter 256, August 1, 1906 & Last Day Events fro the Letters and Manuscripts of E.G. White, p 94 & This Day With God, p 222


“Of those who are constantly working to undermine faith in the message God is sending to His people, I am instructed to say, ‘Come out from among them, and be ye separate’  [2 Corinthians 6:17] Come into light, brethren, and lead others to the Way, the Truth, and the Life.  Those who in faith accept the leadings of the Spirit of God will see where their dangers lie, and will make decided moves in the right direction.” -Review and Herald, vol 5, p 435 (July 23, 1908)

“We shall be called to meet those who notwithstanding definite reproof and warning through the Testimonies have gone on in an evil course.  We are bidden of God to hold ourselves separate and distinct from these men who have not given heed to His warning… For they deceive , if possible , the very elect. -Letter 330, November 11, 1906 & Manuscript Releases, vol 7, 196

“Now those who have had years in this same experience, know not God nor Jesus Christ whom He has sent, and should such go forth as representatives of Jesus Christ?  These men will never give the right mold to other minds; they have grown up to the full stature of men and women in Christ.  They simply have the name of Christians but are not fitted for the work of God, and never will be until they are born again, and learn the A.B.C. in true religion of Jesus Christ.  There is a little hope in one direction: Take the young men and women, and place them where they will come as little in contact with our churches as possible, that the low grad of piety which is current in the day shall not leaven their ideas of what it means to be a Christian.” -Letter 16f, May 9, 1892 & Manuscript Releases, vol 12, p 332-333


 Sister White said of these people that stay in such a church...

It is impossible for any one to become a true follower of Jesus Christ, without distinguishing himself from the worldly mass of unbelievers. If the world would accept of Jesus, then there would be no sword of dissension; for all would be disciples of Christ and in fellowship one with another, and their unity would be unbroken. But this is not the case. Here and there an individual member of a family is true to the convictions of his conscience, and is compelled to stand alone in his family or in the church to which he belongs, and is finally compelled, because of the course of those with whom he associates, to separate himself from their companionship. The line of demarkation is made distinct. One stands upon the word of God, the others upon the traditions and sayings of men. -Review & Herald, July 24, 1894, para. 3



1.   Do you believe that anyone who supports and members with a church that subscribes to Satan’s most antichrist device, the Trinity Doctrine, will be saved while knowingly doing so?

2.   Do you recognize what a subtle ruse Satan has woven to deceive God’s people. It sounds so innocent at first—for it mentions the three persons of the Godhead, but when it says that the are all co-ETERNAL, that precludes any Atonement, and  nothing could be more anchrist than a teaching that is subversive to the heavenly Sanctuary/Atonement sacrifice made for man that he might have another chance at redemption.

3.   Just because the dumb-dog leaders could not understand the implications of the alpha heresy of Kellogg, and the omega heresy of Froom, does that excuse us from believing an antichrist heresy?

4.   Is it wise to entrust our salvation to the very ones God defines as dumb-dogs in Isaiah 56:10-12 and Testimonies, Vol. 5, p. 211?

5.   Can you see why God is relying upon His messenger true prophets at this end-time to expose Satan’s most subtle lie, the Trinity Doctrine?

6.   Can any messenger who does not expose this lie of Satan, be a true messenger?


In the Name of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob,


R. William Beaulieu