On the Brink of a Universal Sunday Law




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----- Original Message -----

From: Christine Guardo


Sent: Monday, October 06, 2008 3:04 AM

Subject: [TheAdventTimes] Sunday Preachers today now saying USA needs to get back to God and obey 10 Commandments..


Oh Brothers and Sisters:

We are living in very serious times...Please get your heart and home in order before God..Pray as never before..We are on the brink of Sunday Law surfacing to the forefront of this nation...

In todays news on CNN, the Pope is now reading from the Bible (since when do Pope's read from the Bible? this is to catch the attention of the Christians across the globe..he is reading Genesis 1 and 2 that talk about creation and the Sabbath)...



Then, Charles Stanley did this most powerful message (deceiving message) where he describes the 20 things (gas shortage; same sex marriage; people losing homes, etc..) going on in USA today and saying Americans need to get back to God...(sounds good, but it is a trick to lead to National Sunday Law)...he is reading all these verses how God can heal our land, and it will only happen if we go back to keeping God's commandments..

We need to pray...

the title of his sermon is "A Nation In Need of Prayer"...Oh wow..We have been warned that this was going to happen..Order out of  Chaos...Jesuits/Vatican create the Crisis in our Country and then the Pope and church leaders tell us to keep the 10 Commandments...sounds good, but they say the 4th commandment was changed to Sunday....

Please pass this around and let our people know what is happening....

Christine G.