The Seven Unpardonable Sins of the SDA Church—The Trinity Doctrine

Part 2a

The Trinity Doctrine was adopted from Babylon in 1930 by a few SDA leaders, without consulting the world church in General Conference Session. Rome brags that the Trinity Doctrine cannot be established from Scripture, and mocks Protestants for following her lead in this doctrine, just as she mocks them for following her head in Sunday observance which also cannot be established from Scripture.

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Dear Reader, 

For those who have read my past treatises on the Godhead, this is far in advance of all previous articles, adding many clear statements from the Spirit of Prophecy.

 Ellen White warned us that most startling messages would come to us.

"Most startling messages will be borne by men of God's appointment, messages of a character to WARN the people, to AROUSE them. And while some will be PROVOKED by the warning, and led to RESIST LIGHT AND EVIDENCE, we are to see from this that we are giving the TESTING MESSAGE FOR THIS TIME. Messages will be given OUT OF THE USUAL ORDER." Testimonies, vol. 9, p. 137. 

The usual order is from the pulpits of the church. 

She said that the shaking would be a terrible ordeal, and indeed it is. I sorely wept for our people when God showed me the most startling messages that I will be revealing to His people in this series of seven unpardonable sin for which we are to be sighing and crying and which will result in another literal fulfillment of Ezekiel 9. Only those who sigh and cry for ALL the abominations that be committed in the church will receive the seal of God. 

This is part 2 dealing with seven unpardonable sins involving the corporate Seventh-day Adventist New Movement church, as defined in Selected Messages, Bk. 1, and 204-5. Ellen White said that the omega would surely develop and continue unto Jesus comes, and that “nothing would be allowed to stand in its way.” In our seven part series involving unpardonable sins committed by the church leadership, we will be searching for all the reasons why Ellen White said that Ezekiel 9, which involves “Jerusalem,” and now “spiritual Jerusalem, as opposed to Babylon, will have another literal fulfillment: 

"Study the 9th chapter of Ezekiel. These words will be literally fulfilled yet the time is passing, and the people are asleep. They refuse to humble their souls and to be converted. Not a great while longer will the Lord bear with the people who have such great and important truths revealed to them, but who refuse to bring these truths into their individual experience. The time is short. God is calling will YOU hear? Will YOU receive His message? Will YOU be converted before it is too late? Soon, very soon, every case will be decided for eternity. Letter 106, 1909, pp. 2, 3, 5, 7. (To "The churches in Oakland and Berkeley, September 26, 1909.)" E. G. White Manuscript Releases Volume One, p. 260. 

Chap. 232 - The Pure Mark of Truth 

The Lord said unto him, Go through the midst of the city, through the midst of Jerusalem, and set a mark upon the foreheads of the men that sigh and that cry for all the abominations that be done in the midst thereof. Eze. 9:4.  

“Mark this point with care: Those who receive the pure mark of truth, wrought in them by the power of the Holy Ghost, represented by a mark by the man in linen, are those "that sigh and that cry for all the abominations that be done" in the church.” {Mar 240.1} 

Ellen White warned that the omega of apostasy would involve the personality of God and Christ. 

Omega Heresy: "I have been instructed by the heavenly messenger that some of the reasoning in the book Living Temple is unsound, and that this reasoning would lead astray the minds of those who are not thoroughly established on the on the foundation principles of present truth. It introduces that which is nought but speculation in regard to the personality of God and where His presence is [the Godhead]. No one on this earth has a right to speculate on this question. The more fanciful theories are discussed, the less men will know of God and of the truth that sanctifies the soul." E.G. White, Selected Messages, Bk. 1, 201. 

"The spiritualistic theories regarding the personality of God [the Godhead], followed to their logical conclusion, sweep away the whole Christian economy. They estimate as nothing the light that Christ came from heaven to give John to give to His people. They teach that the scenes just before us are not of sufficient importance to be given special attention. They make of no effect the truth of heavenly origin, and rob the people of God of their past experience, giving them instead a false science." E.G. White, Selected Messages, Bk.1, p. 204. 

·       It is the endeavor of this document to prove that the Trinity Doctrine derived from Babylon, our forefathers, is nothing more than a spiritualistic theory of man when compared with Ellen White detailed description of the Godhead. She taught a Triune Godhead, but the difference between her concept and the Trinity Doctrine is how and when the Holy Spirit became a distinct third person of the Godhead. The greatest sacrifice made by the Son of God is involved, and the implications are of eternal consequence. Here are some of the more serious implications: 

·       The Trinity Doctrine, by maintaining that the Holy Spirit existed as a third person from eternity, voids the eternal death sacrifice the Son made to His former, pre-Incarnation state of being Divine Only.

·       If the Holy Spirit existed from eternity AS A THIRD PERSON, there has been NO ATONEMENT, and thus the Sanctuary is gone. This will be made plain further along.

·       The sacrifice of the Testator to the Everlasting Covenant must be equal to the penalty of Sin—eternal death. The Testator must die to something eternally.

·       Christ was on the cross three day’s and nights. That would never satisfy or equal man’s penalty for transgressing God’s law.

·       Elle White said that a sacrifice BEFORE THE CROSS, met the prescribed limits as a sacrifice. The prescribed limit of the Everlasting Testator Covenant, demanded the death of the Testator, the Son of God. How was that “prescribed limit” as a sacrifice met before the cross? That question will be answered herein.

·       The Trinity Doctrine of Babylon’s origination, sweeps away the entire Christian economy, because it obfuscates the Incarnation Sacrifice that occurred in the Heavenly Sanctuary at the Incarnation. Without that sacrifice, the Sanctuary is gone; the Atonement is gone.

·       Ellen White saw that something rendered the Sanctuary and Atonement as GONE: 

Sanctuary Gone Atonement Gone -- "In a representation which passed before me, I saw a certain work being done by medical missionary workers. Our ministering brethren were looking on, watching what was being done, but they did not seem to understand. The foundation of our faith, which was established by so much prayer, such earnest searching of the Scriptures, was being taken down, pillar by pillar. Our faith was to have nothing to rest upon--the sanctuary was gone, the atonement was gone." E.G. White, The Upward Look, 152. 

That (above) would have accrued in the Alpha of apostasy, but Ellen White met that head on. It has now accrued in the Omega of apostasy, which was to be far worse, and “nothing would be allowed to stand in its way,” 1SM 204-5. She stood in the way of the Alpha! She said the omega would surely develop and wax stronger until Jesus comes: 

Wax stronger "One thing it is certain is soon to be realized, the great apostasy, which is developing and increasing and waxing stronger, and will continue to do so until the Lord shall descend from heaven with a shout. We are to hold fast the first principles of our denominated faith, and go forward from strength to increased faith. Ever we are to keep the faith that has been substantiated by the Holy Spirit of God from the earlier events of our experience until the present time. We need now larger breadth, and deeper, more earnest, unwavering faith in the leadings of the Holy Spirit. If we needed the manifest proof of the Holy Spirit's power to confirm truth in the beginning, after the passing of the time, we need to-day all the evidence in the confirmation of the truth, when souls are departing from the faith and giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils. There must not be any languishing of soul now." (E.G. White, Special Testimonies, Series B, No. 7, p. 57). 

The Pioneer SDA Teaching on the Personality of God or of Christ is a LANDMARK PILLAR of our faith. 

Landmarks: "Those who seek to remove the old landmarks are not holding fast they are not remembering how they have received and heard. Those who try to bring in theories that would remove the pillars of our faith concerning the sanctuary or concerning the personality of God or of Christ, are working as blind men. They are seeking to bring in uncertainties and to set the people of God adrift without an anchor." {MR760 9.5} 

The Comforter is the Holy Ghost and the Comforter is Christ 

July 16, 1892: The Saviour is our Comforter. This I have proved Him to be. {8MR 49.3} 

     The Holy Spirit is the Comforter, in Christ's name. He personifies Christ, yet is a distinct personality. We may have the Holy Spirit if we ask for it and make it [a] habit to turn to and trust in God rather than in any finite human agent who may make mistakes. {20MR 324.2} 

The objective of this document is to demonstrate how the Comforter is both the Holy Ghost and the Holy Spirit, yet they are distinct persons. The Holy Ghost is the life and soul (Ghost) of the Son BEFORE His Incarnation. 

Another objective of this document is to demonstrate just how the Trinity Doctrine, as adopted by a few leaders of the church in 1930, does despite to the “greatest good, crowning gift that heaven could bestow,” and thus is one of the greatest abominations of our forefathers and constitutes a fulfillment of Jeremiah 11:9-15, whereby we have returned to the iniquities of our forefathers just as the Jews did, thus committing unpardonable sin so that God told Jeremiah not to pray for that generation of Jews.

     It was a sin in the ancient economy to offer a sacrifice upon the wrong altar, or to allow incense to be kindled from a strange fire. We are in danger of commingling the sacred and the common. The holy fire from God is to be used with our offerings. The true altar is Christ, and the true fire is the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is to inspire, to teach, to lead, and to guide men, and make them safe counselors. If we turn aside from God's chosen ones, we are in danger of inquiring from strange gods, and of offering upon a strange altar. . . . {2MR 45.3}

In part one of this series, we discovered that the church, through its Partners in Innovation partnership with the world, is inquiring of the world as to how to change the church. In that inquiry, Mr. Leland Kaiser, a spiritualist who consults pagan spirit guides, has risen to the position of Elder in a Colorado Seventh-day Adventist church. By the principle of corporate responsibility, as depicted in the story of Achan (Joshua, chapters 6 and 7), all members of the church who are aware of such open sin apostasy are corporately responsible, to wit:

 "The plain straight testimony must live in the church, or the curse of God will rest upon His people as surely as it did upon ancient Israel because of their sins. God holds His people, as a body [corporately], responsible for the sins existing in individuals among them." Testimonies, vol. 3, p. 269. 

Uncannily, or was it, Ellen White prophesied that Jeremiah 11:14, would have a counterpart fulfillment at the end-time and the only people who could so parallel the Jews who claimed to be a “chosen—commandment-keeping people,” would be professing Seventh-day Adventists. 

COUNTERPART: "The Lord commanded one of his ancient servants, 'Pray not thou for this people [Jer. 7:16 and 11:14], neither lift up cry nor prayer for them neither make intercession to me for I will not hear thee.' The prophet thus describes the sins which had called forth this fearful denunciation: 'The prophets prophesy falsely, and the priests bear rule by their means and my people love to have it so and what will ye do in the end thereof?' 'From the least of them even unto the greatest of them, every one is given to covetousness and from the prophet even unto the priest, every one dealeth falsely. They have healed also the hurt of the daughter of my people slightly, saying, Peace, peace, when there is no peace.' The apostles declare that this state of things will find its COUNTERPART in the last days. Many have a form of godliness, but in their daily life deny the power thereof. They have ceased to be convicted of their sins or alarmed at their state. They say in their hearts, 'The church is flourishing. Peace and spiritual prosperity are within her borders.' The words of the prophet may well apply to these self-deceivers, 'They have chosen their own ways, and their soul delighteth in their abominations. I also will choose their delusions, and will bring their fears upon them." E. G. White,  Second Advent Review and Sabbath Herald,  11-07-82. 

COUNTERPART: "In the time of the Saviour, the Jews had so covered over the precious jewels of truth with the rubbish of tradition and fable, that it was impossible to distinguish the true from the false. The Saviour came to clear away the rubbish of superstition and long-cherished errors, and to set the jewels of God's word in the framework of truth. What would the Saviour do if he should come to us now as he did to the Jews? He would have to do a similar work in clearing away the rubbish of tradition and ceremony. The Jews were greatly disturbed when he did this work [As are SDAs today!]. They had lost sight of the original truth of God, but Christ brought it again to view. It is our work to free the precious truths of God from superstition and error." E.G. White,  Review and Herald, vol. 2, 308.   

There is a modern COUNTERPART to the ancient apostate "chosen people" of God. That modern COUNTERPART is the people who claim to be the modern "chosen people" of God, the remnant, if you will.

There are over 100 statements to the affect that SDAs are repeating the history of ancient Israel. Here are just a few of them: 

"I have been shown that the spirit of the world is fast leavening the church. You are following the same path as did ancient Israel. There is the same falling away from your holy calling as God's peculiar people. You are having fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness. Your [ecumenical] concord with unbelievers have provoked he Lord's displeasure. You know not the things that belong to your peace, and they are fast being hid from your eyes. [The very words applied to fallen Israel on page 17 of The Great Controversy] Your neglect to follow the light will place you in a more unfavorable position than the Jews upon whom Christ pronounced a woe." Testimonies, Vol. 5, pp. 75-76.  

"Like ancient Israel, the church has dishonored her God by departing from the light, neglecting her duties, and abusing her high and exalted privilege of being peculiar and holy in character. Her members have violated their covenant to live for God and him only. They have joined with the selfish and world-loving. Pride, the love of pleasure, and sin have been cherished, and CHRIST HAS DEPARTED. His Spirit has been quenched in the church. Satan works wide by side with professed Christians yet they are so destitute of spiritual discernment that they do not detect him." E.G. White, Testimonies, Vol. 2, pp. 441-442.  

"Among the professed followers of Christ, there is the same pride, formalism, vainglory, selfishness, and OPPRESSION, that existed in the Jewish nation." E.G. White, Sketches from the Life of Paul, 251-252.  

"God's professed people are selfish and self-caring....They are idolaters, and are worse, in the sight of God, than the heathen, graven-image worshippers who have had no knowledge of a better way." Testimonies, Vol. 2, 441-442. 

It is not essential for you to know and be able to define just what the Holy Spirit is. Christ tells us that the Holy Spirit is the Comforter, and the Comforter is the Holy Ghost, "the Spirit of truth, which the Father shall send in My name." "I will pray the Father, and He shall give you another Comforter, that He may abide with you for ever; even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth Him not, neither knoweth Him: but ye know Him, for He dwelleth with you, and shall be in you" [John 14:16, 17]. This refers to the omnipresence of the Spirit of Christ, called the Comforter. Again Jesus says, "I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now. Howbeit when He, the Spirit of truth is come, He will guide you into all truth" [John 16:12, 13]. {14MR 179.2} 

Since Ellen White tells us exactly who and what the Holy Spirit is, what does she mean by the words: “It is not essential for you to know and be able to define just what the Holy Spirit is?” 

The Lord has shown me that if we follow Ellen White’s advice to interpret so that nothing contradicts, that she could have meant only that we do not have to be able to know what the Holy Spirit consists of—referring to the essence and substance of the Holy Spirit. All we know from Scripture is that God is Spirit and there is ONE ETERNAL SPIRIT. 


"The Jews had never before heard such words from human lips, and a convicting influence attended them; for it seemed that divinity flashed through humanity as Jesus said, 'I and my Father are one,' The words of Christ were full of deep meaning as he put forth the claim that he and the Father were of one substance, possessing the same attributes.--The Signs of the Times, Nov. 27, 1893, p. 54, E.G. White Comments, SDA Bible Commentary, Vol. 7a, p. 437.  

Notice that Ellen White quotes Jesus as saying He and His Father are ONE. And that He and the Father were of ONE SUBSTANCE possessing the same attributes. What about the Holy Spirit? The Holy Spirit is the pre-Incarnation personification (PERSON) of the Son. There was not a third person from eternity as the Trinity Doctrine falsely teaches. By teaching that falsehood, the Trinity Doctrine denies the greatest good, crowning sacrificial gift heaven could bestow—His Divine Nature life and soul for the cure of man’s sin and to restore him to the image of God. 

The Bible on the Holy Spirit:  

Act 3:26  Unto you first God, having raised up his Son Jesus, sent him to bless you, in turning away every one of you from his iniquities. 

"The Power of God in the Third Person.--The prince of the power of evil can only be held in check by the power of God in the third person of the Godhead, the Holy Spirit.—E.G. White, Special Testimonies, Series A, No. 10, p. 37. (1897).  

"But through the power of the incarnation of Christ, God manifest in the flesh, the strength of God is revealed in gentleness and beauty. To 'as many as received him, to them gave he POWER to become the sons of God.' By this POWER we may OVERCOME OUR EVIL TENDENCIES and so modify our imperfect dispositions that the will of God may be fulfilled in us."--Letter 79, May 7, 1903, to J.A. Burden and wife. The Upward Look, 141.  

Bible text

Act 3:26  Unto you first God, having raised up his Son Jesus, sent him to bless you, in turning away every one of you from his iniquities. 

"The Holy Spirit is the breath of spiritual life in the soul. The impartation of the Spirit is the impartation of the life of Christ. It imbues the receiver with the attributes of Christ. Only those who are thus taught of God, those who possess the inward working of the Spirit, and in whose life the Christ-life is manifested, are to stand as representative men, to minister in behalf of the church." Desire of Ages, 805.  

"Christ declared that after his ascension, he would send to his church, as his crowning gift, the Comforter, who was to take his place. This Comforter is the Holy Spirit,--the soul of his life, the efficacy of his church, the light and life of the world. With his Spirit Christ sends a reconciling influence and a power that takes away sin.

In the gift of the Spirit, Jesus gave to man the highest good that heaven could bestow....

The Spirit was given as a regenerating agency, and without this the sacrifice of Christ would have been of no avail....

It is by the Spirit that the heart is made pure. Through the Spirit the believer becomes a partaker of the divine nature. Christ has given his Spirit as a divine power to overcome all hereditary and cultivated tendencies to evil, and to impress his own character upon the church." E.G. White, Review and Herald Articles, May 19, 1904, vol. 5, p. 42. 

“Cumbered with humanity Christ could not be in every place personally, therefore it was altogether for their advantage that He should leave them to go to His Father and send the Holy Spirit to be His successor on earth. The Holy Spirit is Himself divested of the personality of humanity and independent thereof. He would represent Himself as present in all places by His Holy Spirit.” E.G. White, (Manuscript Releases Volume 14 (No’s 1081-1135) MR No.1084.  

July 16, 1892: The Saviour is our Comforter. This I have proved Him to be. {8MR 49.3} 

     The Holy Spirit is the Comforter, in Christ's name. He personifies Christ, yet is a distinct personality. We may have the Holy Spirit if we ask for it and make it [a] habit to turn to and trust in God rather than in any finite human agent who may make mistakes. {20MR 324.2} 

The work of the holy Spirit is immeasurably great. It is from this source that power and efficiency come to the worker for God; and the holy Spirit is the comforter, as the personal presence of Christ to the soul. He who looks to Christ in simple, childlike faith, is made a partaker of the divine nature through the agency of the holy Spirit. When led by the Spirit of God, the Christian may know that he is made complete in him who is the head of all things. As Christ was glorified on the day of Pentecost, so will he again be glorified in the closing work of the gospel, when he shall prepare a people to stand the final test, in the closing conflict of the great controversy. The prophet describes the enemy's plan of battle saying:-- {E.G. White, Review and Herald, November 29, 1892 par. 3} 

Holy Spirit is the Advocate:  

And Jesus said He would give us the Comforter. What is the Comforter? It is the Holy Spirit of God. What is the Holy Spirit? It is the representative of Jesus Christ, it is our Advocate that stands by our side and places our petitions before the Father all fragrant with His merits. There He accepts the petition of the humblest saint. He doesn't ask you how much money you have, or how heavy you are loaded with property, but the very humblest saint that brings his petition to God, and [his] thank offering is made fragrant with the riches of His grace, and the Father accepts it as your offering, and the blessing comes to you, grace for grace. {RC 285.4} 

The Bible on Our Advocate: 

1Jo 2:1 My little children, these things write I unto you, that ye sin not. And if any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous: 

The word advocate in the above verse means: 


parakletos {par-ak'-lay-tos}

Word Origin:

a root word



Part of Speech:

noun masculine

Usage in the KJV:

comforter 4, advocate 1

Total: 5


1.               summoned, called to one's side, esp. called to one's aid

1.                                   one who pleads another's cause before a judge, a pleader, counsel for defense, legal assistant, an advocate

2.                                   one who pleads another's cause with one, an intercessor

1.                                                       of Christ in his exaltation at God's right hand, pleading with God the Father for the pardon of our sins

3.                                   in the widest sense, a helper, succourer, aider, assistant

1.                                                       of the Holy Spirit destined to take the place of Christ with the apostles (after his ascension to the Father), to lead them to a deeper knowledge of the gospel truth, and give them divine strength needed to enable them to undergo trials and persecutions on behalf of the divine kingdom

TDNT - Theological Dictionary of the New Testament
TWOT - Theological Word Book of the Old Testament


The Bible says there is ONE MEDIATOR:


1Ti 2:5 For [there is] one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus;


Gal 3:20 Now a mediator is not [a mediator] of one, but God is one.


The definition of mediator in 1 Timothy 2:5 (above) is:


Number 3316


mesites {mes-ee'-tace}

Word Origin:

from 3319



Part of Speech:

noun masculine

Usage in the KJV:

mediator 6

Total: 6


1.               one who intervenes between two, either in order to make or restore peace and friendship, or form a compact, or for ratifying a covenant

2.               a medium of communication, arbitrator

TDNT - Theological Dictionary of the New Testament
TWOT - Theological Word Book of the Old Testament


Jesus was the Testator of the Everlasting Covenant that demanded the death of the Testator. Only the Testator could die for any breach in His Covenant. He ratified the Testator Covenant by dying to something eternally for while the Testator lives there is no ratification.


Definition of ratify:


Merriam-Webster's Dictionary of Law - Cite This Source

Main Entry: rat·i·fy
Function: transitive verb
Inflected Forms: -fied; -fy·ing
: to make valid or effective; especially : to adopt or affirm (as the prior act or contract of an agent) by express or implied consent with the effect of original authorization <unable to rescind the contract because he ratified it by accepting the benefits> —compare REFORMrat·i·fi·ca·tion
/"ra-t&-f&-'kA-sh&n/ nounrat·i·fi·er /'ra-t&-"fI-&r/ noun

Merriam-Webster's Dictionary of Law, © 1996 Merriam-Webster, Inc.


Death of the Testator:  


Hbr 9:16 For where a testament [is], there must also of necessity be the death of the testator.


Hbr 9:17 For a testament [is] of force after men are dead: otherwise it is of no strength at all while the testator liveth.


Bible Definition of Testator as used in the above verses:


Number 1303


diatithemai {dee-at-ith'-em-ahee}

Word Origin:

middle voice from 1223 and 5087



Part of Speech:


Usage in the KJV:

make 3, testator 2, appoint 2

Total: 7


1.               to arrange, dispose of, one's own affairs

1.                                   of something that belongs to one

2.                                   to dispose of by will, make a testament

2.               to make a covenant, enter into a covenant, with one

TDNT - Theological Dictionary of the New Testament
TWOT - Theological Word Book of the Old Testament


The sacrifice of the Incarnation ALONE, without the cross, met the prescribed limit of a sacrifice. 

Two Sacrifices—The Incarnation and the Cross 

"The darkness rolled away from the Saviour and from the Cross. Christ bowed His head and died. In His Incarnation He had reached the prescribed limit as a sacrifice, but not as a redeemer." E.G. White Manuscript Releases Volume Twelve, p. 409.  

In His Incarnation from Divine ONLY, to divinity combined with humanity, that alone was a sacrifice WITHOUT THE CROSS, that met the prescribed limit of the Testator (death) sacrifice. That death of the Son to his former DIVINE ONLY LIFE, FOREVER, constituted the payment of the penalty for our sin which is eternal death. But that death did not include the Son taking our all our sins upon Himself. He did that on the cross and thus became our Redeemer. But without the Incarnation sacrifice, whereby He bequeathed His former existence—His Divine Only Nature life and soul to us for the purpose of overcoming sin and being restored into His image, there would have been no cure for sin and the cross would have been to no avail but to pardon sin forever. 

Never forget, God the Father said that the prime purpose for sending and raising up His Son was to bless us in turning away every one of us from our iniquities. The gift of the Incarnation provided that cure for sin. By that gift, the Holy Spirit life and Soul of the Son at His Incarnation, was bequeathed to the Father as earnest for a cure for sin to all who will receive that gift of 2 Peter 1:4: 

Act 3:26  Unto you first God, having raised up his Son Jesus, sent him to bless you, in turning away every one of you from his iniquities. 

"The Incarnation of Christ was an act of self-sacrifice; His life was one of continual self-denial. The highest glory of the love of God to man was manifested in the sacrifice of His only-begotten Son, who was the express image of His person. This is the great mystery of godliness. It is the privilege and the duty of every professed follower of Christ to have the mind of Christ. Without self-denial and cross bearing we cannot be His disciples." E.G. White, Selected Messages, Book 2, p. 185.  

The Greatest Good, Crowning Sacrifice 

"Christ declared that after his ascension, he would send to his church, as his crowning gift, the Comforter, who was to take his place. This Comforter is the Holy Spirit,--the soul of his life, the efficacy of his church, the light and life of the world. With his Spirit Christ sends a reconciling influence and a power that takes away sin.

In the gift of the Spirit, Jesus gave to man the highest good that heaven could bestow....

The Spirit was given as a regenerating agency, and without this the sacrifice of Christ would have been of no avail....

It is by the Spirit that the heart is made pure. Through the Spirit the believer becomes a partaker of the divine nature. Christ has given his Spirit as a divine power to overcome all hereditary and cultivated tendencies to evil, and to impress his own character upon the church." E.G. White, Review and Herald Articles, May 19, 1904, vol. 5, p. 42. 

“Cumbered with humanity Christ could not be in every place personally, therefore it was altogether for their advantage that He should leave them to go to His Father and send the Holy Spirit to be His successor on earth. The Holy Spirit is Himself divested of the personality of humanity and independent thereof. He would represent Himself as present in all places by His Holy Spirit.” E.G. White, (Manuscript Releases Volume 14 (No’s 1081-1135) MR No.1084.  

Clearly, there were two persons to the Godhead until the Incarnation. At that time, the Holy Spirit of the Son was Himself divested of the personality of His humanity and became independent thereof. This is when a third person to the Godhead came into being. But the Holy Spirit always existed as the ONE ETERNAL SPIRIT of the Father and the Son. Thus, the Holy Spirit was one of the dignitaries that forged the Everlasting Covenant from the foundation of the earth when Christ volunteered to give us His Divine Nature Holy Spirit as a cure for sin that we might be restored to His image. 

God is Spirit—THE ONE ETERNAL SPIRIT—It is that ONE SPIRIT that constitutes Him as ONE GOD. 

Jhn 4:24 God [is] a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship [him] in spirit and in truth. 

Hbr 9:14 How much more shall the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself without spot to God, purge your conscience from dead works to serve the living God? 

The words “the eternal Spirit” connote ONE SPIRIT AND THAT SPIRIT IS HOLY GOD. 

In the same sense that Christ was slain from the foundation of the earth, He also became a separate third person of the Godhead at His Incarnation, and this was as good as sealed from the foundation of the earth when Christ volunteered to make this sacrifice to leave behind His existence as DIVINE ONLY, to become forever united with humanity. 

“God and Christ knew from the beginning, of the apostasy of Satan and of the fall of Adam through the deceptive power of the apostate. The plan of salvation was designed to redeem the fallen race, to give them another trial. Christ was appointed to the office of Mediator from the creation of God, set up from everlasting to be our substitute and surety. Before the world was made, it was arranged that the divinity of Christ should be enshrouded in humanity. "A body," said Christ, "hast thou prepared me." But he did not come in human form until the fullness of time had expired. Then he came to our world, a babe in Bethlehem” (RH.5-4-1906)  

Remember there is ONE MEDIATOR, ONE ADVOCATE, ONE INTERCESSOR, ONE COMFORTER, and Ellen White said that the Comforter was Christ. She was referring to the personification of Christ, the Holy Ghost of His pre-Incarnation existence,His Holy Spirit, and often in Scripture, Christ refers to His (personal possessive pronoun) Holy Spirit, and that it is—His past life and soul when He was not yet combined with humanity—His Divine Nature life and soul ONLY. 

"Christ, as Mediator, is the great Minister in the work of redemption. The Holy Spirit is His repre­sentative in our world, to execute the divine pur­pose of bringing to fallen man power from above, that he may be an overcomer. -- 7 SDA Bible Commentary, 922.  

“The Saviour promised that His presence would be always with them. Through the Holy Spirit He would be even nearer to them than when He walked visibly among men."-Ministry of Healing. 104.  

“Jesus had assured them that He would send the Comforter, as an equivalent for His visible presence." -3 Spirit of Prophecy, 256.  

"Why should we not expect the Holy Watcher to come into our schools?"-Counsels to Teachers, 370. {The Holy Spirit as a Person walking in our schools: 8T 62. the whole page; CT 68; 417-418.}  

July 16, 1892: The Saviour is our Comforter. This I have proved Him to be. {8MR 49.3} 

“Christ our Mediator, and the Holy Spirit are constantly interceding in man’s behalf, but the Spirit pleads not for us as does Christ, who presents His blood, shed from the foundation of the world; the Spirit works upon our hearts, drawing out prayers and penitence, praise and thanksgiving. The gratitude which flows from our lips is the result of the Spirit’s striking the cords of the soul in holy memories, awakening the music of the heart.” (1 Selected Messages, page 344) 

The Bible says there is ONE MEDIATOR. That ONE MEDIATOR is the pre-Incarnation DIVINE ONLY life of the Son, that is the personification of Christ, yet a distinct person from His Being as Divinity united with humanity. 

THE THEMES OF THE GREAT SALVATION "Those who are seeking the righteousness of Christ will be dwelling upon the themes of the great salvation. The Bible is the storehouse that supplies their souls with nourishing food. They meditate upon the INCARNATION of Christ, they contemplate the great sacrifice made to save them from perdition, to bring in pardon, peace, and everlasting righteousness. The soul is aglow with these grand and elevating themes. Holiness and truth, grace and righteousness, occupy the thoughts. Self dies, and Christ lives in His servants. In contemplation of the word, their hearts burn within them, as did the hearts of the two disciples while they went to Emmaus, and Christ walked with them by the way, and opened to them the scriptures concerning Himself." E.G. White, Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers, p. 89.  

AS ESSENTIAL TO SANCTIFY DAILY AS TO REDEEM: "The Bible is a treasure house of knowledge, and all who make this book their study, sinking the shaft deep into the mine of truth, will exclaim, 'I behold wondrous things out of thy word.' The INCARNATION of Christ is but dimly appreciated by many students who have studied long in our schools. This subject should be and will be better understood by all who in truth love Truth, and walk in the way of the Lord. The experimental knowledge of this is as essential to sanctify daily as to redeem." E.G. White, The Advocate, 05-01-99, pr. 03.  

"But through the power of the incarnation of Christ, God manifest in the flesh, the strength of God is revealed in gentleness and beauty. To 'as many as received him, to them gave he POWER to become the sons of God.' By this POWER we may OVERCOME OUR EVIL TENDENCIES and so modify our imperfect dispositions that the will of God may be fulfilled in us."--Letter 79, May 7, 1903, to J.A. Burden and wife. The Upward Look, 141.  

"Christ, as Mediator, is the great Minister in the work of redemption. The Holy Spirit is His repre­sentative in our world, to execute the divine pur­pose of bringing to fallen man power from above, that he may be an overcomer. -- 7 SDA Bible Commentary, 922.  

Christ our Mediator, and the Holy Spirit are constantly interceding in man's behalf, but the Spirit pleads not for us as does Christ, who presents His blood, ... the Spirit works upon the hearts, drawing our prayers and penitence, praise and thanksgiving.

The gratitude which flows from our lips is the result of the Spirit's striking the cords of the soul in holy memories, awakening the music of the heart (1 SM 344). 

1Ti 2:5 For [there is] one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus; 

"But after Christ's ascension, His enthronement in His mediatorial kingdom was signalized by the outpouring of the Holy Spirit." E.G. White, Christ's Object Lessons, p. 120. 

Question: If the Holy Spirit existed from time immemorial as the Third Person of the Godhead, why was it not poured out until Christ's ascension? I will tell you the answer according to what God showed me. The reason that the Holy Spirit was not poured out before the ascension, is because the Holy Spirit was the very LIFE, SOUL AND BREATH AND BLOOD of Christ, which was commended to the Father AT THE TIME OF THE INCARNATION IN THE SANCTUARY OF HEAVEN, as Christ's last will and Testament. That last will and Testament provided that upon Christ's death on the cross, what was ONCE (BEFORE THE INCARNATION) His innate Holy Spirit LIFE, SOUL, BREATH AND BLOOD, would be given as a gift to all who would accept His LIFE, SOUL, BREATH AND BLOOD. The life is in the blood. This was all in accordance to The Everlasting Covenant between the Son and the Father, as the means for making an Atonement for sin. This represented a separation of the Holy Spirit, into a THIRD PERSON, for the express purpose of thereafter representing Christ to the world. 

Did Christ Have a Soul Prior to the Incarnation? 

"Those who think of the result of hastening or hindering the gospel think of it in relation to themselves and to the world. Few think of its relation to God. Few give thought to the suffering that sin has caused our Creator. All heaven suffered in Christ's agony; but that suffering did not begin or end with His manifestation in humanity. The cross is a revelation to our dull senses of the pain that, from its very inception, sin has brought to the heart of God. Every departure from the right, every deed of cruelty, every failure of humanity to reach His ideal, brings grief to Him. When there came upon Israel the calamities that were the sure result of separation from God,--subjugation by their enemies, cruelty, and death, --it is said that 'His SOUL was grieved for the misery of Israel.' 'In all their affliction He was afflicted:.... and He bare them, and carried them all the days of old.' Judges 10:16; Isaiah 63:9." E.G. White, Education, p. 263. 

That’s how Christ was slain from the foundation of the world. Being omniscient, knowing all things from the beginning to eternity, the Son of God experienced the pangs of sin from its inception. As we crucify Him afresh by sinning now, so man’s sin and that of the angel’s who mutinied with Satan, has crucified Him from the inception of sin.


·      The Trinity Doctrine teaches that the Holy Spirit AS A THIRD PERSON always existed WITHOUT THE INCARNATION SACRIFICE that made the third person necessary when the Son of God divested Himself of His Divine Nature Holy Spirit at His Incarnation and bequeathed it to us as the “greatest good, crowing gift that heaven could bestow,” and without which, His sacrifice on the cross would have been of no avail, because there would have been no cure for the sin problem.

·      Without the eternal

·      Ellen White said that Divinity did not die on the cross. That means that only the humanity of Christ died there. It was the Son’s Divinity ONLY that could atone by death for man’s sin because He was the Testator of the Everlasting Covenant, and the Everlasting Covenant demanded the death of the Testator.

·      If Christ did not die to something eternally, in payment for our penalty for sin, which is eternal death, then there has been NO ATONEMENT, NO SANCTUARY and both are rendered GONE, as Ellen White envisioned.

·      All of the above, as implicated with the Trinity Doctrine, sweeps away the entire Christian economy and that includes professing Seventh-day Adventism, after it adopted the Trinity Doctrine in 1930, because the Trinity Doctrine, in saying that the Holy Spirit existed as a third person from eternity, denies the great sacrifice that engendered the third person to the Godhead, which became necessary at the Incarnation when Christ emptied Himself of His omnipotence, His omniscience, and His omnipotent attributes—His Divine ONLY NATURE, and bequeathed it to us as the greatest good, crowing gift that heave could bestow and without which His death on the cross would have been to no avail except to pardon sin FOREVER, because there would have been no cure for sin.

·      The Antitypical Sanctuary Service and Atonement is thus GONE in the SDA church and the other fallen churches, just as Ellen White saw them GONE. The ministering brethren have looked on, but could not seem to understand what they did. See Isaiah 56:10-12, to find that God said they ALL cannot understand. That is why this warning must come through channels of God’s choosing and not the “usual order,” from the leaders.

·      Ellen White defined a true Triune Godhead.

1. The Father from eternity

2. The Son from eternity to His Incarnation

3. The Son divested His Holy Spirit Divine Nature from His Humanity and that made three persons to the Godhead forevermore.

·      The Trinity Doctrine in essence creates a Quadrinity, to wit:

1. The Father from eternity

2. The Son from eternity

3. The Holy Spirit from eternity

4. The Son combined with man from eternity for eternity—forevermore.

God bless,



Part 2a will follow shortly.