The Answer as to Whom Atoned for Sin

If Divinity Did not Die and Christ’s

Humanity Could not Atone

For Sin




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----- Original Message -----

From: Ron Beaulieu

To: ;

Sent: Tuesday, February 02, 2010 2:03 PM

Subject: [Remnant-Seventh_Day_Adventist] Re: [AdventistHotIssues] Fw: Jesus as God

The thing that will bring persecution at the end-time, in addition to the Sabbath issue, is the refutation of Rome's Central Doctrine, the Trinity Doctrine. The teaching of what you are about to read has already been responsible for the death of at least two faithful Reformer Bible teachers in Africa. In light of the seriousness of every fact you are about to read, it is one of the most heinous abominations a man could commit to say that the Godhead is not important. That is the stance taken by Laval Picard.


One man, and one man only, cared enough about the highest good, crowning sacrifice of Jesus Christ, to ask me the answer to a questions I posed the other day on this forum. That one man, is Paulo Alexandre de Oliveira, an Engineer in Brazil.  Brother Paulo replied per the below post. Thank you Brother Paulo. We can never get enough of this all important issue.


----- Original Message -----

From: Paulo


Sent: Tuesday, February 02, 2010 9:59 AM

Subject: Re: [AdventistHotIssues] Fw: Jesus as God


Dear Ron,

Tell us more about this answer. I perhaps don't know all that I must know.



Dear Brother Paulo,


To remind all of the question:


"Question: The Divinity of Christ did not die on the cross says Ellen White. The humanity of Christ was not the Testator, so the death of His humanity could not atone for sin. Only His person as the Testator could do that. So the question is: How did His person as Testator, as Divinity, die, to satisfy the Testator Covenant, if Divinity cannot die? I know the only answer. Do you?"


Ron responds: The answer is as follows:

  • The humanity of Christ could not atone for sin.
  • Divinity could not die.
  • The only thing that could count as death is that at His Incarnation in heaven; in the heavenly Sanctuary, Christ left His estate of being DIVINE ONLY--forever. He thus died to being ONLY DIVINE.
  • On the cross, Christ could have returned to His pre-Incarnation DIVINE ONLY existence, and if He had so chosen, there would have been no atonement, for His humanity could not atone for sin, for the simple reason that His humanity was not the Testator of the Everlasting Covenant.
  • So Christ commended His Holy Spirit, (that divine life only) which had descended upon Him as a dove at His baptism, back to His Father, as the highest good, crowing gift that heaven can bestow to man. That was the second death to which He could never return. He could never return to His DIVINE ONLY life again. That was His highest good, crowning sacrifice.
  • That was the greatest Merit ever exhibited as the Merits of Christ. That is the Merit--His Divine Nature, which is proffered to Man, for regenerating man back into the image of God, and for empowerment for overcoming sin. For only by Christ's Holy Spirit, can sin be overcome.
  • Without that greatest of gifts (Merits of Christ), the sacrifice of Christ's humanity on the cross would have been to no avail but to pardon sin forever, because the sacrifice of Christ not retaining the Testator's Divine Only Life FOREVER, was the only thing that provided the Sanctuary Incarnation and Atonement in Heaven, NOT ON THE CROSS.
  • However, man was redeemed on the cross by Christ proving that man could overcome sin just as Christ did, by the empowerment of the Holy Spirit. Ellen White says that He availed Himself of no power that we do not have access to. And that POWER that we have ACCESS to is due to the heavenly Sanctuary Incarnation sacrifice, of THEN AND THERE, sacrificing the soul of His life, His Holy Spirit Divine Nature, and bequeathing it as a gift to us whereby sin may be overcome and we may be regenerated back into the image of God.
  • The Trinity Doctrine and the mainstream definition of the Godhead as being God in three persons FOREVER, from eternities past and eternities future, totally obfuscates the heavenly Sanctuary "highest good, "crowning gift" sacrifice. Therefore, according to the Trinity Doctrine and Laval Picard's definition of the Godhead, the Testator never died to anything because His divinity, His Divine Nature Holy Spirit, the soul of His life, did not die on the cross OR EVER before, for it merely existed FOREVER as the third person of the Holy Spirit. NO SACRIFICE THERE! I use Laval Picard as an example of what most men errantly believe about the Godhead. That is the Roman Catholic view. That is the new movement Adventists view. That is the mainstream Christianity view. So the Sanctuary and the Atonement (in heaven) before the cross, is totally swept away by the Trinity Doctrine which denies the heavenly sacrifice. Thus, it sweeps away the entire Christian economy. And that is what Kellogg's pantheism apostasy did as well. It said that God via His Holy Spirit is in everything that ever lived. That is the only way the Holy Spirit or God could be in everything! Right?! So the result of what Kellogg said was that the Holy Spirit always existed as a distinct and separate being or force. But pantheism took it a step further--making the Holy Spirit a force only, and not a distinct person. But the important thing is that like with the Trinity Doctrine, in pantheism, there is no heavenly sanctuary of any Testator to the Everlasting Covenant. Thus, Ellen White saw the ministering brethren, like Laval Picard, looking on, but not seeming to understand (discerning) that pantheism did away with the Sanctuary and the Atonement. Notice:


Sanctuary Gone Atonement Gone -- "In a representation which passed before me, I saw a certain work being done by medical missionary workers. Our ministering brethren were looking on, watching what was being done, but they did not seem to understand. The foundation of our faith, which was established by so much prayer, such earnest searching of the Scriptures, was being taken down, pillar by pillar. Our faith was to have nothing to rest upon--the sanctuary was gone, the atonement was gone." E.G. White, The Upward Look, 152.


"The spiritualistic theories regarding the personality of God [the Godhead], followed to their logical conclusion, sweep away the whole Christian economy. They estimate as nothing the light that Christ came from heaven to give John to give to His people. They teach that the scenes just before us are not of sufficient importance to be given special attention. They make of no effect the truth of heavenly origin, and rob the people of God of their past experience, giving them instead a false science." E.G. White, 1SM, p. 204.

  • So just as pantheism totally annihilated the Testator's Sanctuary sacrifice in heaven, which provided the Everlasting Atonement for sin, the payment for the wages of sin or everlasting death, so the Trinity doctrine denies the same sacrifice in the heavenly Sanctuary, because it teaches that the Holy Spirit always existed as a DIVINE ONLY third Person of the Godhead WITHOUT ANY SANCTUARY ATONEMENT SACRIFICE INVOLVED WHATSOEVER!
  • How ironic it is that ministering brethren like Laval Picard (just for an example because he claims to specialize in the Merits of Christ), sweep away the entire Christian economy by teaching the trinity doctrine which totally denies the Testator's Everlasting Sacrifice which occurred in the heavenly Sanctuary FIRST.
  • The second part of the heavenly Sanctuary sacrifice, the Second death, at which point Christ could never return to His former DIVINE ONLY estate of being, was the point at which Christ commended the life of His soul, His Holy Spirit, His past Divinity ONLY, to the Father, and bowed His head and died. The first death to that soul of His life was in the Heavenly Sanctuary at His Incarnation. The second death to that should of His life Holy Spirit Divine ONLY nature, was on the cross, when he consented to go through with the final bequeathment of His "highest good, crowning gift," crowning Merit, that heaven can bestow.  To teach anything else is absolute blasphemy that sweeps away the entire Christian economy by negating the Sanctuary sacrifice at the Incarnation atonement in the heavenly Sanctuary.
  • The Testator of the Everlasting Covenant was DIVINE ONLY when He made that Testament (Covenant). So a sacrifice had to be made by THE DIVINE ONLY TESTATOR, and not the humanity of Christ, which could atone for nothing.
  • However, it is part of the redemption of man, that the humanity of Christ died on the cross. For He proved that man can overcome by the empowerment of His "highest good, crowning gift" (Merit), the Divine Nature soul of His life, His Holy Spirit, which is what He availed Himself of in order to overcome all the weight of the worlds sin when such was laid upon Him at the cross.


"The darkness rolled away from the Saviour and from the Cross. Christ bowed His head and died. In His Incarnation He had reached the prescribed limit as a sacrifice, but not as a redeemer." E.G. White Manuscript Releases Volume Twelve, p. 409.

  • Clearly (above), in His Incarnation ALONE, Christ met the reached the prescribed limit as a sacrifice. This means that He met the prescribed limits of the Testator's Covenant--death of the Testator, and remember, the Testator was DIVINE ONLY. The Testator was the DIVINE ONLY SON OF GOD when He made that Testament (Everlasting Covenant).


"He (Christ) suffered the death which was ours, that we might receive the life which WAS His." Desire of Ages, p. 25 1 Cor. 11:24-265, cf. John 6:53, 54, Titus 3:5, 6.

  • Christ paid the cost of the wages of sin, which is eternal death. He eternally died to His DIVINE ONLY form of existence and after the cross could never return to that DIVINE ONLY state of being.

One Spirit Eternal Spirit

Hbr 9:14 How much more shall the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself without spot to God, purge your conscience from dead works to serve the living God? 

  • Christ offered up His DIVINE ONLY soul of His life through the eternal Spirit--the ONE eternal Spirit of God, which makes all members of the Godhead ONE GOD. ONE ETERNAL SPIRIT=ONE GOD.


The following Statement is the Epitome of the Merits of Christ


"Christ declared that after his ascension, he would send to his church, as his crowning gift, the Comforter, who was to take his place. This Comforter is the Holy Spirit,--the soul of his life, the efficacy of his church, the light and life of the world. With his Spirit Christ sends a reconciling influence and a power that takes away sin.

In the gift of the Spirit [HIS LIFE--THE SOUL OF HIS LIFE], Jesus gave to man the highest good that heaven could bestow....

The Spirit was given as a regenerating agency, and without this the sacrifice of Christ would have been of no avail....

"It is by the Spirit that the heart is made pure. Through the Spirit the believer becomes a partaker of the divine nature. Christ has given his Spirit as a divine power to overcome all hereditary and cultivated tendencies to evil, and to impress his own character upon the church." E.G. White, Review and Herald Articles, May 19, 1904, vol. 5, p. 42.

“Christ had stooped to take upon Himself man’s nature; He was to bear an infinite weight of woe as He should make His soul an offering for sin; yet angels desire that even in His humiliation the Son of the Highest might appear before men with a dignity and glory befitting His character.” E.G. White, The Great Controversy, pp. 313, 314.


“Satan was exulting that he had succeeded in debasing the image of God in humanity. Then Jesus came to restore in man the image of his -38- Maker. None but Christ can fashion anew the character that has been ruined by sin. He came to expel the demons that had controlled the will. He came to lift us up from the dust, to reshape the marred character after the pattern of His divine character, and to make it beautiful with His own glory.” {DA 37.3}


----- Original Message -----

From: Paulo


Sent: Tuesday, February 02, 2010 9:59 AM

Subject: Re: [AdventistHotIssues] Fw: Jesus as God


Dear Ron,

Tell us more about this answer. I perhaps don't know all that I must know.


--- Em seg, 1/2/10, Ron Beaulieu <


De: Ron Beaulieu <>
Assunto: [AdventistHotIssues] Fw: Jesus as God
Data: Segunda-feira, 1 de Fevereiro de 2010, 13:03



Question: The Divinity of Christ did not die on the cross says Ellen White. The humanity of Christ was not the Testator, so the death of His humanity could not atone for sin. Only His person as the Testator could do that. So the question is: How did His person as Testator, as Divinity, die, to satisfy the Testator Covenant, if Divinity cannot die? I know the only answer. Do you?



----- Original Message -----

From: Ron Beaulieu

To: Remnant-Seventh_ Day_Adventist@ yahoogroups. com

Sent: Monday, February 01, 2010 7:55 AM

Subject: Jesus as God

How to prove to Jehovah Witnesses and others that Jesus is God.

·         God was the Testator of the ten commandment law.

·         The law was a Testament; a Covenant.

·         The person who made the Law was the Testator.

·         Only the Testator could atone for any breach in that law.

·         Hbr 9:16 For where a testament [is], there must also of necessity be the death of the testator. 
Hbr 9:17 For a testament [is] of force after men are dead: otherwise it is of no strength at all while the testator liveth. 

·         Jesus is the one who died for the breach in the Law.

·         Jesus was the Testator.

·         Both the Father and the Son were present at the giving of the Law on Mt. Sinai. Jesus spoke face to face with Moses and Moses saw only the backside of the Father.

Father and Son gave law at Mt. Sinai: "In union with the Father, Christ proclaimed the law amid the thunders of Sinai..." E.G. White, The Signs of the Times, 11-12-94, pr. 07.

Ellen White said that both the Father and Son were on Mt. Sinai giving the law.

"In union with the Father, Christ proclaimed the law amid the thunders of Sinai..." E.G. White, The Signs of the Times, 11-12-94, pr. 07.

Now we know how she knew this--by the following verses:


"Then went up Moses, and Aaron, Nadab, and Abihu, and seventy of the elders of Israel. And they saw THE GOD OF ISRAEL: and there was under his feet as it were a paved work of a sapphire stone, and as it were the body of heaven in his clearness." Exodus 24:9, 10.



“Christ and the Father, standing side by side upon the mount, with solemn majesty proclaimed the Ten Commandments. .." E.G. White, Evangelism, p. 616.


"In union with the Father, Christ proclaimed the law amid the thunders of Sinai..." E.G. White, The Signs of the Times, 11-12-94, pr. 07.


     "The most fatal delusion of the Christian world in this generation is, that in pouring contempt on the law of God they think they are exalting Christ. What a position! It was Christ who spoke the law from Sinai. It was Christ who gave the law to Moses, engraven on tables of stone. It was his Father's law; and Christ says, "I and my Father are one." The Pharisees held the reverse of the modern position, but were in just as great an error. They rejected Christ, but exalted the law. And it makes little difference which position is taken, so long as we ignore the true one,--that faith in Christ must be accompanied by obedience to the law of God." {ST, September 4, 1884 par. 13}


Ellen White further contributes to this matter by testifying that both the Father and the Son were on Mt. Sinai giving the Law. She is right because Moses spoke face to face with the Son, but only saw the backside of the Father.

Deu 5:4 http:www.blueletter bible.orgkjvDeuD eu005.html The LORD talked with you face to face in the mount out of the midst of the fire,

Read Deu. 5:1-4, to see that THE LORD OUR GOD made a covenant with us in Horeb, where is Mt. Sinai. Verse 3 says: The Lord our God made not this covenant with our fathers, but with us, even us, who are all of us here alive this day. Verse 4: The Lord talked with you face to face in the mount out of the midst of the fire. Verse 6 says: I am the Lord THY GOD, which brought thee out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage.

So Ellen White was right on! Moses saw God the Father's backside and spoke FACE TO FACE with the Son, as Lord God, on the Mt. Sinai in Horeb. Here Jesus is called LORD and GOD. Yes, God the Father was IN CHRIST, reconciling the world to Himself, but it was not the Father who died. The Son died as the Testator of that Covenant. Therefore, if Christ was not equal to God the Father in the Old Testament pre-Incarnation phase of His Being, then there has been no ratified Covenant--no Atonement, no heavenly Sanctuary sacrifice at the Incarnation.



Jesus as God Almighty, the “LORD God Almighty” who revealed Himself and spoke with Moses:


“Then the LORD said to Moses, “now you shall see what I will do to Pharaoh; for under compulsion he will let them go, and under compulsion he will drive them out of his land.” God spoke further to Moses and said to him, “I am the LORD; and I appeared to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, as God Almighty, but by My name, LORD, I did not make Myself known to them. I also established My covenant with them to give them the land of Canaan, the land in which they sojourned. Furthermore I have heard the groaning of the sons of Israel, because the Egyptians are holding them in bondage, and I have remembered My covenant.  Say, therefore, to the sons of Israel, ‘I am the LORD, and I will bring you out from under the burdens of the Egyptians, and I will deliver you from their bondage. I will also redeem you with an outstretched arm and with great judgments. Then I will take you for My people, and I will be your God; and you shall know that I am the LORD your God, who brought you out from under the burdens of the Egyptians. I will bring you to the land which I swore to give to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and I will give it to you for a possession; I am the LORD.” (Ex. 6:1-8 emphasis mine). Biven’s book, p. 65.


The man Christ Jesus was not the Lord God Almighty.” (SDA Bible Commentary, vol. 5, p. 1129).


The humanity of Christ Jesus was not God Almighty. But, apparently, He was God Almighty before His Incarnation. No man could atone for sin. Not even an angel could do that says Ellen White. The commonality that makes the Godhead ONE GOD, is their ONE ETERNAL SPIRIT. For most Jews, and some Gentiles, this is a stumbling block.


Hbr 9:14

How much more shall the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself without spot to God, purge your conscience from dead works to serve the living God?  [THE means ONE].




Exodus 20

1 And God spake all these words, saying, 2 I am the LORD thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. 3 Thou shalt have no other gods before me. 4 Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. 5 Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; 6 And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments. 7 Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain. 8 Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. 9 Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work: 10 But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates: 11 For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it. 12 Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee. 13 Thou shalt not kill. 14 Thou shalt not commit adultery. 15 Thou shalt not steal. 16 Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour. 17 Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbour's. 18 And all the people saw the thunderings, and the lightnings, and the noise of the trumpet, and the mountain smoking: and when the people saw it, they removed, and stood afar off. 19 And they said unto Moses, Speak thou with us, and we will hear: but let not God speak with us, lest we die. 20 And Moses said unto the people, Fear not: for God is come to prove you, and that his fear may be before your faces, that ye sin not. 21 And the people stood afar off, and Moses drew near unto the thick darkness where God was. 22 And the LORD said unto Moses, Thus thou shalt say unto the children of Israel, Ye have seen that I have talked with you from heaven. 23 Ye shall not make with me gods of silver, neither shall ye make unto you gods of gold. 24 An altar of earth thou shalt make unto me, and shalt sacrifice thereon thy burnt offerings, and thy peace offerings, thy sheep, and thine oxen: in all places where I record my name I will come unto thee, and I will bless thee. 25 And if thou wilt make me an altar of stone, thou shalt not build it of hewn stone: for if thou lift up thy tool upon it, thou hast polluted it. 26 Neither shalt thou go up by steps unto mine altar, that thy nakedness be not discovered thereon.