Obama Mocks God and Ridicule’s the Words of Jesus



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Note: I retrieved this from the Internet. This is not original from me. Ron



Straight from Obama's mouth he mocks God and ridicule's the words of Jesus Christ Himself -  This is a MUST WATCH VIDEO!!!!!!!!




This clearly demonstrates HE's the one that doesn't know his bible because he's quoting all O.T. which was written for Jews ONLY - and obviously we're under grace, not Law!!!  One truly needs to READ the bible not just go to church on Sunday or avoid the bible at all cost –


www.lesfeldick.org Has a wonderful series FREE to all "Through the Bible" where he explains each and every passage of the bible is easy to understand language.



If you think Obama is not Muslim you need to watch this - if you think he's not dangerous - you really need to watch this - This man will single handedly put an end to the bible in the U.S.!



And he also mustn't know a thing about America's heritage, nor spend any time looking around the capital because that building alone houses pictures, paintings, books, and the documentation of our country in words and deeds that clearly spell out that ALL documents such as the Bill of Rights and even our Constitution CAME FROM THE BIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!



If you're interested in knowing the TRUE history of America - not the liberal version we're living in today go look here and you'll find the TRUTH of America and her founding documents and history!!!!



The series on America's Heritage is wonderful!!!