An SDA Minister’s Wife’s Accusations on Ezekiel 9 and the Shaking



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Dear Reader,

____________U is forever trying to discredit my warning ministry by attempting to associate it with the Shepherd’s Rod and Victor Houteff and/or the Davidian cult. She does not seem concerned that God refers to her new movement apostate church as the murderous city, Matthew 22:1-10, which Ellen White reapplies in Sermons and Talks, Vol. 1, pp. 4-9. Matthew 22:7 is the same event as Ezekiel 9:6.

I can assure you as sure as there is a God in heaven, that millions will be slaughtered as a result of the murderous city of apostate Seventh-day Adventism, as compared to a very relative few that will be destroyed by the cult of Shepherd’s Rod and/or the Davidians! But neither __________ U, nor any omega heresy new movement Seventh-day Adventist seems the least concerned about that fact of truth.

And as well, it was an SDA minister, no less, who rounded up thousands of Rwandan Seventh-day Adventists and then betrayed them to enemy slaughter during the genocide in Rwanda! A far greater number of Adventists have already been slaughtered in that debacle than will ever be slaughtered by the Shepherd’s Rod or the Davidians! _________ and her “murderous city” comrades in spiritual crime don’t seem a bit concerned by that living fact!

It is not my mission to defend the Shepherd’s Rod or the Davidians, for I expose their serious errors on my Website in a number of different documents. But even Satan himself mixes truth with error, so it would be folly to say that everything that the Rod and the Davidians teach is errant. They make copious quoting of Ellen White and Scripture. Should we discard everything they quote from those sources as errant. That would make as much sense as _________’s attempt to associate my teachings with the Rod and the Davidians!

__________ wrote: "What Houteff is doing in the above letters is confusing the "shaking"  with Ez. 9's slaughter.  The shaking does happen prior to the loud cry.  By combining the two Houteff introduces this misapplication of Ez. 9.

However, the shaking and the future fulfilment of Ez. 9 are NOT the
same thing. The shaking indeed happens prior to the loud cry.  The future fulfilment of Ez. 9 happens after most of the plagues have fallen and [G]od reveals Himself -- the lost then turn on the religious leaders that mislead them into the false worship system.

In similar manner, even using some of the same quotes from EGW,
(though slight variations)  Ron has now wrested Ez. 9 from its
proper future fulfilment and basically done  the same as Houteff."


Ron responds: We will see who has wrested Ezekiel 9 from its proper timeframe of fulfillment. Of course the shaking and Ezekiel 9 are not the same thing! The shaking process comes before the slaughter so that the faithful might escape the slaughter. That is precisely what occurred in the PREFIGURE of A.D. 27-70. Jesus gathered out all the faithful in the SHAKING, and then the slaughter took place after all the faithful were “gathered out.” Desire of Ages, 232.


  • ________, I could say that you are teaching things similar to the Catholics because you believe the Trinity Doctrine, the Central doctrine of Rome. Ellen White defined the Holy Spirit as the soul of the life of Christ. The Trinity Doctrine does not give that definition.
  • I could say that you are defending pagan practices because your new movement church conducts Easter sunrise services with Babylon--the same Babylon we were to come out of and remain separate from. Does that make you a teacher of all the doctrines of mainline Protestantism?
  • I could say that your church is desecrating God's "once" Sanctuary by pulpit swapping--even giving the pulpit of Andrews University to Jesuit speakers last April. Does that make you a Catholic?
  • I could say that your church is in business partnership with Rome in its health work, a practice strictly forbidden by Ellen White. How do you call folk out of Babylon when your church is in business partnership with the Mother of Babylon? Does that make you a Catholic?


On what I believe about the Shaking and Ezekiel 9

  • The shaking has been going on for a long time. Ellen White said it had already begun in her time. I don't combine the two. The shaking does not include the slaughter of Ezekiel 9. The shaking is a settling and sealing into the truth so that one cannot be shaken from it.
  • Sealing -- "Just as soon as the people of God are sealed in their foreheads--it is not any seal or mark that can be seen, but a settling into the truth, both intellectually and spiritually, so they cannot be moved--just as soon as God's people are sealed and prepared for the shaking, it will come. Indeed it has BEGUN ALREADY...." E.G. White, SDA Bible Commentary, Vol. 4, pp.1161. cf. the following statement:
  • We are in the shaking time, the time when everything that can be shaken will be shaken. The Lord will not excuse those who know the truth if they do not in word and deed obey His commands.--6T 332 (1900). {LDE 173.4}
  • "And this word, Yet once more, signifieth the removing of those things that are shaken, as of things that are made, that those things which cannot be shaken may remain" (Hebrews 12:27).
  • "Everything is to be shaken that can be shaken" (Testimonies, Vol. 1, p. 355).
  • "Soon everything that can be shaken will be shaken, that those things that cannot be shaken may remain" (Testimonies, Vol. 9, pp. 15, 16).
  • "The shaking of God blows away multitudes like dry leaves" (Testimonies, Vol. 4, p. 89).


The shaking and sifting takes place prior to and as a necessary precursor to Ezekiel 9. I find that the faithful are being shaken out and gathered out just as was the case in the prefigure of A.D. 27-70, so that Ezekiel 9 could take place. If the bad were shaken out of the church militant to leave it purged and purified, there would be no need of Matthew 22:7 and Ezekiel 9:6, which is one and the same event. There would be no need of any Ezekiel 9 slaughter beginning at His Sanctuary, the House of Jacob, those who have been privileged with great light, to wit:


"Here we see that the church the Lord's sanctuary was the first to feel the stroke of the wrath of God. The ancient men [leaders], those to whom God had given great light and who had stood as guardians of the spiritual interests of the people, had betrayed their trust. They had taken the position that we need not look for miracles and the marked manifestation of God's power as in former days. Times have changed. These words strengthen their unbelief, and they say: The Lord will not do good, neither will He do evil. He is too merciful to visit His people in judgment. Thus "Peace and safety" is the cry from men who will never again lift up their voice like a trumpet to show God's people their transgressions and the house of Jacob their sins. These dumb dogs that would not bark are the ones who feel the just vengeance of an offended God. Men, maidens, and little children all perish together." E.G. White, Testimonies for the Church, vol. 5, p. 211. 


Questions for _________and every professing Seventh-day Adventist. The chapter from which the above statement is taken, begins on p. 207, quoting Ezekiel 9:


  • How are the bad shaken out of a church whose leaders will NEVER AGAIN show them their sins?
  • How are the good shaken into a church whose leaders will NEVER AGAIN show the people their sins?
  • Why would a church which had been cleansed and purified by the shaking process, be the place that was first to feel the stroke of the wrath of God?
  • Never again is a long time! How would your church that will NEVER AGAIN show the House of Jacob it's sins, shake out the bad to leave your omega heresy and apostasy church purged and purified so that it would not receive the slaughter of Ezekiel 9?
  • How could men of UNBELIEF purify and purge the church in any shaking process?
  • Why do you apply Ezekiel 9 to other churches of Babylon when Ellen White clearly says that it is FIRST manifested on those to whom God has given great light?
  • Why do you take Ellen White's application of Ezekiel 9 as it applies to Babylon and the World, Great Controversy, p. 656, and say that is when it would apply to the SDA church which is not Babylon, but spiritual Jerusalem?
  • The Great Controversy, p. 653, sets the CONTEXT for page 656, to wit:


"Such are the judgments that are to fall upon Babylon in the day of the visitation of God's wrath. She has filled up the measure of her iniquity; her time has come; she is ripe for destruction." The Great Controversy, p. 653.


  • Why do you take a TWOFOLD prophecy stated in The Great Controversy, p. 25, and make it a ONEFOLD prophecy?
  • Why do you apply the timeframe for Babylon's destruction as the timeframe for the ONLY application of Ezekiel 9?
  • Why do you ignore the FIRSTFOLD application of Ezekiel 9, Testimonies, Vol. 5, p. 211, which BEGINS AT HIS SANCTUARY before the loud cry to the world, Matthew 22:7-10, which Ellen White reapplies in Sermons and Talks, Vol. 1, pp. 4-9?


_________ never responds to all of my questions, and if she did in any honest fashion, her errors would be brought to the light of truth.


Here is the TWOFOLD prophecy _________ mangles and misrepresents:

"The future was mercifully veiled from the disciples. Had they at that time fully comprehend the two awful facts-- the Redeemer's sufferings and death, and the destruction of their city and temple--they would have been overwhelmed with horror. Christ presented before them an outline of the prominent events to take place before the close of time. His words were not then fully understood; but their meaning was to be unfolded as His people should need the instruction therein given. The prophecy which He uttered was twofold in its meaning; while foreshadowing the destruction of Jerusalem, it prefigured also the terrors of the last great day.


Jesus declared to the listening disciples the judgments that were to fall upon apostate Israel, and especially the retributive vengeance that would come upon them for their rejection and crucifixion of the Messiah. Unmistakable signs would precede the awful climax. The dreaded hour would come suddenly and swiftly." E.G. White, The Great Controversy, pp. 25-6.


Why do you take the second-fold part of the twofold prophecy and it's timeframe, GC 653-656, at the very end, and say that is the ONLY TIME that Ezekiel 9 is manifest when Ellen White says that it BEGINS AT HIS SANCTUARY, and God says that it will occur BEFORE the final call to the world, Matthew 22:7-10?


    [Ezekiel 24:6,7,9,10,12-24 quoted.]  {1SAT 384.4}  I am instructed to present these words before those who have had light and evidence, but who have walked directly contrary to the light. The Lord will make the punishment of those who will not receive His admonitions and warnings as broad as the wrong has been. The purposes of those who have tried to cover their wrong while they have secretly worked against the purposes of God will be fully revealed. Truth will be vindicated. God will make manifest that He is God.  [Ezekiel 24:6,7,9,10,12-24 quoted.]  {1SAT 384.4}


     “In the ninth chapter of Ezekiel is portrayed the fate of the men of responsibility who have not glorified God by faithfulness and integrity. Read this chapter. Notice especially verses four to six: [quoted]. At the appointed time, the Lord God of Israel will do His work most thoroughly.” -184- {18MR 183.5}   


Ezekiel 9 applied directly to SDA’s: "Study the 9th chapter of Ezekiel. These words will be literally fulfilled yet the time is passing, and the people are asleep. They refuse to humble their souls and to be converted. Not a great while longer will the Lord bear with the people who have such great and important truths revealed to them, but who refuse to bring these truths into their individual experience. The time is short. God is calling will YOU hear? Will YOU receive His message? Will YOU be converted before it is too late? Soon, very soon, every case will be decided for eternity. Letter 106, 1909, pp. 2, 3, 5, 7. (To "The churches in Oakland and Berkeley, September 26, 1909.)" E. G. White Manuscript Releases Volume One, p. 260.


Begin at My Sanctuary -- "Here we see that the church--the Lord's sanctuary--was the first to feel the stroke of the wrath of God. The ancient men, those to whom God had given great light and who had stood as guardians of the spiritual interests of the people, had betrayed their trust. They had taken the position that we need not look for miracles and the marked manifestation of God's power as in former days. Times have changed. These words strengthen their unbelief, and they say: The Lord will not do good, neither will He do evil. He is too merciful to visit His people in judgment. Thus 'Peace and safety" is the cry from men who will never again lift up their voice like a trumpet to show God's people their transgressions and the house of Jacob their sins. These dumb dogs that would not bark are the ones who feel the just vengeance of an offended God. Men, maidens, and little children all perish together." E. G. White, Testimonies, Vol. 5, 211.

Ezekiel 9 applied to SDA's: “Christian cheerfulness is not condemned by the Scriptures, but reckless talking is censured. Those who live in the last days should be circumspect in words and acts. Sobriety is more in accordance with our faith than levity. Those who realize the solemnity of the times in which we live will be among the number who bear about with them a weight of solemn influence. They are rich in good works, bearing the burden of souls, and by holy example faithfully represent Jesus Christ and win souls to accept Christ as their Saviour. Ezekiel 9:3-6. Notice particularly [that] the sighing and crying ones are alone marked. Those who have engaged in afflicting their souls before God are especially remembered of Him, and the angel is bidden to place a mark upon them.” 1 Peter 5:5-9. {18MR 370.3}

Ezekiel 20: “God declares that whosoever will may come "into the bond of the covenant." Ezekiel 20:37. In the creation it was His purpose that the earth be inhabited by beings whose existence should be a blessing to themselves and to one another, and an honor to their Creator. All who will may identify themselves with this purpose. Of them it is spoken, "This people have I formed for Myself; they shall show forth My praise." Isaiah 43:21. {Ed 173.3}


In the above verse, Ellen White reapplies Ezekiel 20:34-38. This is the church from which and by which the rebels are shaken from the Kingdom of Heaven, Matthew 13:44 and on:  

"Sins exist in the church that God hates, but they are scarcely touched for fear of making enemies. Opposition has risen in the church to plain testimony. Some will not bear it. They wish smooth things spoken unto them. And if the wrongs of individuals are touched, they complain of severity, and sympathise with those in the wrong .... When the church departs from God they despise the plain testimony, and complain of severity and harshness. It is a sad evidence of the lukewarm state of the church.

By some there is shunning of the living testimony. Cutting truths must not be shunned. It needs something besides theory to reach hearts now. It needs the stirring testimony to alarm and arouse; that will stir the enemy's subjects, and then honest souls will be led to decide for the truth. There has been and still is with some a disposition to have everything move on very smoothly. They see no necessity of straight testimony.  {2SG 283.2}

     “Sins exist in the church that God hates, but they are scarcely touched for fear of making enemies. Opposition has risen in the church to the plain testimony. Some will not bear it.
They wish smooth things spoken unto them. And if the wrongs of individuals are touched, they complain of severity, and sympathize with those in the wrong. As Ahab inquired of Elijah, "Art thou he that troubleth Israel?" they are ready to look with suspicion and doubt upon those who bear the plain testimony, and like Ahab overlook the wrong which made it necessary for reproof and rebuke. When the church depart from God they despise the plain testimony, and complain of severity and harshness. It is a sad evidence of the lukewarm state of the church.”  {2SG 283.3}

     “Just as long as God has a church, he will have those who will cry aloud and spare not, who will be his instruments to reprove selfishness and sins, and will not shun to declare the whole counsel of God, whether men will hear or forbear. I saw that individuals would rise up against the plain testimonies. It does not suit their natural feelings. They would choose to have smooth things spoken unto them, and have peace cried in their ears. I view the church in a more dangerous condition than they ever have been. Experimental religion is known but by a few. The shaking must soon take place to purify the church.” {2SG 284.1}

     “Preachers should have no scruples to preach the truth as it is found in God's word. Let the truth cut. I have been shown that why ministers have not more success is, they are afraid of hurting feelings, fearful of not being courteous, and they lower the standard of truth, and conceal if possible the peculiarity of our faith. I saw that God could not make such successful. The truth must be made pointed, and the necessity of a decision urged.” Spiritual Gifts, Vol. II, pp. 283-285.

"I asked the meaning of the shaking I had seen and was shown that it would be caused by the straight testimony called forth by the counsel of the True Witness to the Laodiceans.  This will have its effect upon the heart of the receiver, and will lead him to exalt the standard and pour forth the straight truth.  Some will not bear this straight testimony.  They will rise up against it, and this is what will cause a shaking among God's people." EW 270.


We are to attend God's true churches that preach the truth and are organized on the truth, but we are not to unite with the professed-only churches which teach error:  "The different parties of professed Advent believers have each a little truth....  I was shown the necessity of those who believe that we are having the last message of mercy, being separate from those who are daily imbibing new errors.  I saw that neither young nor old should attend their meetings; for it is wrong to thus encourage them while they teach error that is a deadly poison to the soul and teach for doctrines the commandments of men.  The influence of such gatherings is not good....  While false doctrines and dangerous errors are pressed upon the mind, it cannot be dwelling upon the truth which is to fit and prepare the house of Israel to stand in the day of the Lord" EW, 124,125.


"We have a testing message to give, and I am instructed to say to our people, 'Unify, Unify.'  But we are not to unify with those who are departing from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils." 3SM 412.


"Christ calls for unity. But He does not call for us to unify on wrong practices. The God of heaven draws a sharp contrast between pure, elevating, ennobling truth and false,  misleading doctrines. He calls sin and impenitence by the right name. He does not gloss over wrongdoing with a coat of untempered mortar. I urge our brethren to unify upon a true, scriptural basis."--Manuscript 10, 1905. Selected Messages, Bk. 1, p. 175.


Here is what happened in the prefigure of Ezekiel 9 in A.D. 27-70. That TYPE must be followed by the LITERAL antitype because Ellen White said that Ezekiel 9 will have a LITERAL FULFILLMENT. There could be no safer guide that a prefigure type. Thank you Jesus for such a concrete, infallible guide to our duty at the end time:


"And the word of the Lord came unto me, saying, Son of man, the house of Israel is to me become dross: all they are brass, and tin, and iron, and lead, in the midst of the furnace they are even the dross of silver. Therefore thus saith the Lord God Because ye are all become dross, behold, therefore I will gather you into the midst of Jerusalem. As they gather silver, and brass, and iron, and lead, and tin, into the midst of the furnace, to blow the fire upon it, to melt it so will I gather you in mine anger and in my fury, and I will leave you there, and melt you. Yea, I will gather you, and blow upon you in the fire of my wrath, and ye shall be melted in the midst thereof. As silver is melted in the midst of the furnace, so shall ye be melted in the midst thereof and ye shall know that I the Lord have poured out my fury upon you. And the word of the Lord came unto me, saying, Son of man, say unto her, Thou art the land that IS NOT CLEANSED, NOR RAINED UPON [LATTER RAIN] in the day of indignation. There is a conspiracy of her prophets [leaders] in the midst thereof, like a roaring lion ravening the prey they have devoured souls they have taken the treasure and precious things [pure, pillar doctrines and truths of Scripture] they have made her many widows [without her husband--because Christ has departed--been removed]in the midst thereof. Her priests [leaders] have profaned mine holy things: they have put no difference between the holy and profane, neither have they shewed difference between the unclean and the clean [the separated holy and peculiar "chosen" and the harlot daughters of Babylon via Ecumenical fraternity], and have hid their eyes from my sabbaths, and I am profaned among them. Her princes [leaders] in the midst thereof are like wolves ravening the prey, to shed blood, and to destroy souls, to get dishonest gain. And her prophets have daubed them with untempered morter, seeing vanity, and divining lies unto them, saying, Thus saith the Lord God, when the Lord hath not spoken. The people of the land have used oppression, and exercised robbery and have vexed the poor and needy: yea, they have oppressed the stranger wrongfully. And I sought for a [one] man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none. Therefore have I poured out mine indignation upon them I have consumed them with the fire of my wrath: their own way have recompensed upon their heads saith the Lord God." Ezekiel 22:17-31.  


The shaking involves a message that shows that God's people have been all wrong--deceived. This is from Ellen White's Message to Laodicea:


“The Lord here shows us that the message to be borne to His people by ministers whom He has called to warn the people is not a peace-and-safety message. It is not merely theoretical, but practical in every particular. The people of God are represented in the message to the Laodiceans as in a position of carnal security. They are at ease, believing themselves to be in an exalted condition of spiritual attainments. Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked.” {3T 252.3}


“What greater deception can come upon human minds than a confidence that they are right when they are all wrong! The message of the True Witness finds the people of God in a sad deception, yet honest in that deception. They know not that their condition is deplorable in the sight of God. While those addressed are flattering themselves that they are in an exalted spiritual condition, the message of the True Witness breaks their security by the startling denunciation of their true condition of spiritual blindness, poverty, and wretchedness. The testimony, so cutting and severe, cannot be a mistake, for it is the True Witness who speaks, and His testimony must be correct.” {3T 252.4}


“It is difficult for those who feel secure in their attainments, and who believe themselves to be rich in spiritual knowledge, to receive the message which declares that they are deceived and in need of every spiritual grace. The unsanctified heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked. I was shown that many are flattering themselves that they are good Christians, who have not a ray of light from Jesus. They have not a living experience for themselves in the divine life. They need a deep and thorough work of self-abasement before God before they will feel their true need of earnest, persevering effort to secure the precious graces of the Spirit.” {3T253.1} 


     “Reproofs always hurt human nature. Many are the souls that have been destroyed by the unwise sympathy of their brethren; for, because the brethren sympathized with them, they thought they must indeed have been abused, and that the reprover was all wrong and had a bad spirit. The only hope for sinners in Zion is to fully see and confess their wrongs, and put them away. Those who step in to destroy the edge of sharp reproof that God sends, saying that the reprover was partly wrong and the reproved was not just right, please the enemy. Any way that Satan can devise to make the reproofs of none effect will accomplish his design. Some will lay blame upon the one whom God has sent with a message of warning, saying, He is too severe; and in so doing they become responsible for the soul of the sinner whom God desired to save, and to whom, because He loved him, He sent correction, that he might humble his soul before God and put his sins from him. These false sympathizers will have an account to settle with the Master by-and-by for their work of death.” {3T 329.1}


Anyone familiar with my message being called too severe?


“The spirit of hatred which has existed with some because the wrongs among God's people have been reproved has brought blindness and a fearful deception upon their own souls, making it impossible for them to discriminate between right and wrong They have put out their own spiritual eyesight. They may witness wrongs, but they do not feel as did Joshua and humble themselves because the

danger of souls is felt by them.” {3T 266.}


“Some will not receive the testimony that God has given us to bear, flattering themselves that we may be deceived and that they may be right. They think that the people of God are not in need of plain dealing and of reproof, but that God is with them. These tempted ones, whose souls have ever been at war with the faithful reproving of sin, would cry: Speak unto us smooth things. What disposition will these make of the message of the True Witness to the Laodiceans? There can be no deception here. This message must be borne to a lukewarm church by God's servants. It must arouse His people from their security and dangerous deception in regard to their real standing before God. This testimony, if received, will arouse to action and lead to self-abasement and confession of sins. The True Witness says: I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot.  And again, As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent. Then comes the promise: Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear My voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with Me. To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with Me in My throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with My Father in His throne.” {3T 259.1}

“Satan presses in his temptations very strongly. Those who have been ever on the questioning, doubting side feel at liberty to suggest their doubts and to insinuate their unbelief. Some have sanctimonious and apparently conscientious and very pious doubts, which they cautiously drop, but which have tenfold more power to strengthen those who are wrong, and to lessen our influence and weaken the confidence of God's people in our work, than if they came out more frankly. These poor souls, I saw, were deceived by Satan. They flatter themselves that they are all right, that they are in favor with God and are rich in spiritual discernment, when they are poor, blind, and wretched. They are doing the work of Satan, but think they have a zeal for God.”  {3T 258.4}

     “Some will not receive the testimony that God has given us to bear, flattering themselves that we may be deceived and that they may be right. They think that the people of God are not in need of plain dealing and of reproof, but that God is with them. These tempted ones, whose souls have ever been at war with the faithful reproving of sin, would cry: Speak unto us smooth things. What disposition will these make of the message of the True Witness to the Laodiceans? There can be no deception here. This message must be borne to a lukewarm church by God's servants. It must arouse His people from their security and dangerous deception in regard to their real standing before God. This testimony, if received, will arouse to action and lead to self-abasement and confession of sins. The True Witness says: "I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot." And again, "As many as I love, I rebuke
and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent." Then comes the promise: "Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear My voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with Me." "To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with Me in My throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with My Father in His throne."  {3T 259.1}

   “The people of God must see their wrongs and arouse to zealous repentance and a putting away of those sins which have brought them into such a deplorable condition of poverty, blindness, wretchedness, and fearful deception. I was shown that the pointed testimony must live in the church. This alone will answer to the message to the Laodiceans. Wrongs must be reproved, sin must be called sin, and iniquity must be met promptly and decidedly, and put away from us as a people.”  {3T 260.1}


“The Lord here shows us that the message to be borne to His people by ministers whom He has called to warn the people is not a peace-and-safety message. It is not merely theoretical, but practical in every particular. The people of God are represented in the message to the Laodiceans as in a position of carnal security. They are at ease, believing themselves to be in an exalted condition of spiritual attainments. Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked.” {3T 252.3}


Because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil


"I am sorry to be compelled to take the position that I am forced to take in behalf of God's people. In taking this position, I am placed under the necessity of bearing the heavy burden of showing the evil of the plans that I know are not born of heaven. This is the burden that many times in the past the Lord has laid upon me, in order that His work might be advanced along right lines. How much care and anxiety, how much mental anguish and wearing physical labor might be saved me in my old age! But still I am under the necessity of going into the battle, and of discharging in the presence of important assemblies the duty that the Lord has laid upon me,-the duty of correcting the wrong course of men who profess to be Christians, but who are doing a work that will have to be undone at a great loss, both financially and in the shaking of the confidence of the people."- E. G. White Letter 216-1903.


Ellen White comments on Ezekiel 9


     2-4 (Eph. 1:13; 4:30). A Mark Which Angels Read.--[Eph. 1:13 quoted.] What is the seal of the living God, which is placed in the foreheads of His people? It is a mark which angels, but not human eyes, can read; for the destroying angel must see this mark of redemption (Letter 126, 1898). {4BC 1161.4}


     The angel with the writer's ink horn is to place a mark upon the foreheads of all who are separated from sin and sinners, and the destroying angel follows this angel (Letter 12, 1886). {4BC 1161.5}


We are to separate from personal sin as well as separating from sinners and a church that sins corporately by violating God’s commands.  If this were not true, we might have remained in the other fallen churches.


     (Rev. 7:2.) Seal Is a Settling Into Truth.--Just as soon as the people of God are sealed in their foreheads--it is not any seal or mark that can be seen, but a settling into the truth, both intellectually and spiritually, so they cannot be moved--just as soon as God's people are sealed and prepared for the shaking, it will come. Indeed, it has begun already; the judgments of God are now upon the land, to give us warning, that we may know what is coming (MS 173, 1902). {4BC 1161.6}


Ron’s Comment: It is interesting that Ellen White includes the shaking and sealing comment above in her comments on Ezekiel 9 in the SDA Bible Commentary! Would _______ U accuse Ellen White of mixing the shaking and Ezekiel 9?


Those who have been members of the same family are separated. A mark is placed upon the righteous. "They shall be Mine, saith the Lord of hosts, in that day when I make up My jewels; and I will spare them, as a man spareth his own son that serveth him" [Mal. 3:17]. Those who have been obedient to God's commandments will unite with the company of the saints in light. They shall enter in through the gates into the city, and have right to the tree of life. {LDE 216.1}


Chap. 233 - Who Receive the Seal?


And in their mouth was found no guile: for they are without fault before the throne of God. Rev. 14:5.


     “Only those who receive the seal of the living God will have the passport through the gates of the Holy City. . . .”  {Mar 241.1}


     “The seal of the living God will be placed upon those only who bear a likeness to Christ in character.” {Mar 241.2}


     “As wax takes the impression of the seal, so the soul is to take the impression of the Spirit of God and retain the image of Christ.” {Mar 241.3}


     “Many will not receive the seal of God because they do not keep His commandments or bear the fruits of righteousness.” {Mar 241.4}


     “The great mass of professing Christians will meet with bitter disappointment in the day of God. They have not upon their foreheads the seal of the living God. Lukewarm and halfhearted, they dishonor God far more than the avowed unbeliever. They grope in darkness, when they might be walking in the noonday light of the Word, under the guidance of One who never errs. . . .” {Mar 241.5}

The Prophesied Fall of The Professing Seventh-day Adventist Church


The following statement is found in the 1884 edition of The Great Controversy. It is distorted near beyond recognition in the 1911 edition and Ellen White said that God showed her what to write in the Great Controversy and that she would not change a word of it:

 "Jesus sends  HIS PEOPLE a message of warning to prepare them for his  coming. To the prophet John was made known the closing work in the great plan of man's redemption. He beheld an angel flying 'in the midst of heaven,  having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people, saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and give glory to him for the hour of his Judgment is come and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters [Rev. 14:6, 7.].

The angel represented in prophecy as delivering this message,  symbolizes a class of faithful men, who, obedient to the promptings of God's Spirit and the teachings of his word, proclaim this warning to the inhabitants of earth. This message was not to be committed to the religious leaders of the people. They had failed to preserve their connection with God, and had REFUSED THE LIGHT FROM HEAVEN therefore they WERE NOT of the number described by the apostle Paul: 'But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that  that day should overtake you as a thief. Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day we are not of the night nor of darkness [1 Thess. 5:4, 5].
 The watchmen upon the walls of Zion should be the first to catch the
 tidings of the Saviour's advent, the first to lift their voices to proclaim him near, the first to warn the people to prepare for his coming. But they were at ease, dreaming of peace and safety, while the people were asleep in  their sins. Jesus saw HIS CHURCH, like the barren fig-tree, covered with pretentious leaves, yet destitute of precious fruit. There was a boastful observance of the forms of religion, while the spirit of true humility, penitence and faith--which alone could render the service acceptable to God--was lacking. Instead of the graces of the Spirit, there were  manifested pride, formalism, vainglory, selfishness, oppression. A BACKSLIDING      CHURCH closed their eyes to the signs of the times. God did nor forsake them, or suffer his faithfulness to fail but they departed from him, and SEPARATED THEMSELVES from his love. As they  REFUSED TO COMPLY WITH THE CONDITIONS, his promises were NOT FULFILLED to them."  E.G. White, The Spirit of  Prophecy,  vol. 4, pp. 199-200 [The 1884 edition of The Great Controversy, [THIS REFERENCE SOURCE SHOULD NOT TO BE CONFUSED WITH TESTIMONIES, VOL 4—In other words, don’t look for the above statement in Testimonies, Vol. 4.].




Below is _________’s full post.

E. G. White Letter 216-1903.

----- Original Message -----

From: _________________


Sent: Saturday, May 24, 2008 11:18 PM

Subject: [DefendEGW] Fw: [confidential] Re: Shepherd Rod NOT Ernie Knoll


Actually Ron's messages sound very much like Shepherd Rod.

Here are quotes from the Shepherd Rod "prophet" Houteff concerning
this Ez. 9 timing.

Jezreel Letters... by Houteff
From first letter,

""...the days of purification of the church are hastening on apace. 
God will have a people pure and true... The signs reveal that the
time is near when the Lord will manifest that his fan is in his hand,
and he will thoroughly purge his floor." -- "Testimonies," Vol. 5, p.

   "For by fire and by His sword will the Lord plead with all flesh:
and the slain of the Lord shall be many.... And I will set a sign
among them, and I will send those that escape of them unto the
nations, the isles afar off, that have not heard My fame,
neither have seen My glory; and they shall declare My glory among the Gentiles.  And they shall bring all your brethren for an offering
unto the Lord out of all My holy mountain Jerusalem,
saith the Lord, as the children of Israel bring an offering in a
clean vessel into the house of the Lord." Isa. 66:16,19, 20.

   "Because the purification is now the Church's only hope, the Devil
is doing all in his power, through the medium of idolized men
(apparently no less pious than the priests who crucified the Lord),
to suppress knowledge of it, and to create fear, prejudice hatred,
and confusion against the Voice of God, and to blacken the character
of His agencies. Moreover, the Enemy's exalted zealots, so well
satisfied that they have need of nothing, are already in spite of
Heaven's commands to the contrary, casting out of the churches anyone who investigates God's "Message to the Laodiceans," or who conforms to it.  What, O, what has the Denomination degenerated into?  What exceeding folly, too, for it to assume to dictate to its members whose writings they should read and whose they should not read, as if they had neither mind nor conscience of their own, and as if God either could not or would not convict then through their own
intellects, but must depend on the intellects of the ministers who by
such folly are unconsciously assuming to take God's place!  Their
very act of not only discouraging but even prohibiting the reading of
the publications, is in itself a strong evidence that the
publications contain the Truth for this time, and that the Enemy
wants God's people to be ignorant of It.  One can scarcely conceive
of any other design so well calculated to make of God's people mental and spiritual  invalids and, in consequence, to keep them in
submissive ignorance of the fact that the plan of salvation demands
that they be enlightened Christians, able to see with their own eyes
and to know with their own hearts what is what and who is who....(#1)

Second letter

" If we forget this, then as sure as we stand, men will lead us away
from God's message and turn us against His messengers even as the
Jewish priests made their followers turn against Christ.  God forbid
that we should sin against the Holy Ghost by rejecting His message
when It comes to us. Only by strictly following this Divine command
can we be led right and survive the Judgment for the Living when it
starts to "sever the wicked from among the just." Matt. 13:49.

   "What is the Judgment for the Living?  and what happens with the
righteous, and what happens with the wicked, after they are judged? --
 "In His parables Christ illustrates that the righteous, as good
fish, are put into vessels; as wheat, they are put into the barn; and
as sheep, they go into life eternal -- they are placed in absolute
security sealed for eternity.  But the wicked, as bad fish, are cast
out, as tares, they are burned up; and as goats, they are sent into
everlasting punishment.  "So shall it be at the end of the world: the
angels shall come forth, and sever the wicked from among the just,
and shall cast them into the furnace of fire: there shall be wailing
and gnashing of teeth." Matt. 13:49, 50.

   "Here we see that the judgment work for the living is illustrated
in several ways, and is variously called: "Judgment" (Dan. 7:10; Rev. 14:7; 1 Pet. 4:17); "Cleansing of the Sanctuary" (Dan. 8:14); "Purify His Temple" (Mal. 3:1-3); "Harvest" (Matt. 13:30); "Mighty
sifting," "purification of the church," (5 T., p. 80).

   "The fact that the message of the Judgment for the Living is by
far more widely treated by all the Bible prophets than is the
Judgment for the Dead, is in itself proof positive that it is
supremely important.

"And through the prophet Malachi we are told that the Lord will
beforehand send a messenger, and that after he prepares the way, the
Lord will suddenly come to His temple (the church) for no reason
other than to purify it, especially to purify the sons of Levi, the
ministry.  See Malachi 3:1-3.  Then, says the Spirit of
Prophecy, "Only those who have withstood temptation in the strength of the Mighty One will be permitted to act a part in proclaiming it [Third Angel's Message] when it shall have swelled into the Loud Cry." -- "The Review and Herald," Nov. 19, 1908. And to this "startling revelation" ("Testimonies to Ministers," p. 445) the prophet Isaiah adds:

   "For, behold, the Lord will come with fire, and with His chariots
like a whirlwind, to render His anger with fury, and His rebuke with
flames of fire.  For by fire and by His sword will the Lord plead
with all flesh: and the slain of the Lord shall be many.  They that
sanctify themselves, and purify themselves in the gardens behind one
tree in the midst, eating swine's flesh, and the abomination, and the
mouse, shall be consumed together, saith the Lord.  For I know their
works and their thoughts: it shall come, that I will gather all
nations and tongues, and they shall come, and see My glory.  And I
will set a sign among them, and I will send those that escape of them
unto the nations, to Tarshish, Pul, and Lud, that draw the bow, to
, and Javan, to the Isles afar off, that have not heard My fame,
neither have seen My glory; and they shall declare My glory among the Gentiles.  And they shall bring all your brethren for an offering
unto the Lord out of all nations upon horses, and in chariots, and in
litters, and upon mules, and upon swift beasts, to My holy mountain
Jerusalem, saith the Lord, as the children of Israel bring an
offering in a clean vessel into the house of the Lord." Isa. 66:15-

   "Since the slaughter predicted by the prophet Isaiah takes place
among those who profess to be sanctified and purified (falsely
believe to have need of nothing more), and since those who escape
from among them are sent to the Gentiles to preach the gospel, five
distinct and supremely important points stand out plainly: (1) since
the victims of the slaughter are those who against their God-given
knowledge indulge in swine's flesh and other abominations, and since
those who escape are versed in the gospel work enough to be sent to
preach it to the Gentiles, the slaughter, therefore, is seen to take
place in the church; (2) those who escape, according to Ezekiel, are
those who sigh and cry against the abominations, and thus receive the
mark of deliverance, (3) since they are sent to preach the gospel to
the Gentiles after they escape the slaughter, they are "the remnant,"
those that are left, the future servants of God; (4) since they are
to gather from the Gentiles all their brethren, all that can possibly
be saved, they are the ones who finish the gospel work in all the
world, (5) since there are two separations -- one from the church
(Israelites), and one from the Gentiles, -- those who escape and
those who are gathered in -- then the former are the first fruits and
the later the second fruits -- those of Revelation 7:4, 7-9, one from
the tribes of Israel, and one from the Gentile nations.

"All these scriptures and many more, my friend, as you plainly see,
refer to the purification of the church, to the great and dreadful
day of the Lord (Mal. 4:5)to the Judgment for the Living and the
gathering of the saints -- the "harvest" of which every prophet has
written, some more and some less.  Since this is so you certainly see
that our elders [church leaders] are now doing what the priests in
Christ's day were doing, and also what the religious leaders down
through the Reformation were doing, and are no less determined to
keep this message away from the laity, and to thereby deceive even
the very elect, the 144,000, the very first fruits of the harvest,
those who are to survive the Judgment "in the house of God" (1 Pet.
4:17), the future servants of God!

   "If this is not the enemy's aim behind these hostile Elders'
doings, and if this Truth can be refuted, they would not threaten to
excommunicate you for studying this message, but would sit down and refute It if It is incorrect as they sit down with all others that
disagree with them.  (#2)

Fifth Jezreal letter by Houteff

"Dear Elders and Laity:

 "The burden of this letter is especially for you Elders who seem to
think that you and the booklet entitled "A Reply to The Shepherd's
Rod" have refuted the doctrines which are taught in "The Shepherd's
Rod" publications.  You are certainly beguiled by the booklet's so-
called great men, supposedly "men of experience."  We would have you to know that they have refuted nothing, and here follow the plain naked facts: ...

"I then saw the third angel.  Said my accompanying angel, 'Fearful is
his work.  Awful is his mission.  He is the angel that is to select
the wheat from the tares, and seal, or bind, the wheat for the
heavenly garner. These things should engross the whole mind, the
whole attention.'" -- "Early Writings," p. 118.

   "This quotation, too, Brother, Sister, needs no interpretation. 
It, too, plainly tells that the harvest precedes the close of
probation, that the Third Angel's Message is both to seal and "select
wheat from the tares."  Every Seventh-day Adventist knows that
this work of the angel is probationary (during the time of
salvation).  Here you see that the cleansing of the sanctuary (Dan.
8:14) is the Judgment for the Living, "the purification of the
church" (5 T 80), which is accomplished by destroying the "tares" and sparing the "wheat."  Then the Loud Cry begins with a pure ministry imbued with the Spirit of God.  This is plainly seen from the
following excerpts:

   "Only those who have withstood and overcome temptation in the
strength of the Mighty One will be permitted to act a part in
proclaiming it [Third Angel's Message] when it shall have swelled
into the Loud Cry. -- "Review and Herald," Nov. 19, 1908.

My comments:

What Houteff is doing in the above letters is confusing
the "shaking"  with Ez. 9's slaughter.  The shaking does happen prior
to the loud cry.  By combining the two Houteff introduces this
misapplication of Ez. 9.
However, the shaking and the future fulfilment of Ez. 9 are NOT the
same thing.
The shaking indeed happens prior to the loud cry.  The future
fulfilment of Ez. 9 happens after most of the plagues have fallen and
God reveals Himself -- the lost then turn on the religious leaders
that mislead them into the false worship system.

In similar manner, even using some of the same quotes from EGW,
(though slight variations)  Ron has now wrested Ez. 9 from it's
proper future fulfilment and basically done  the same as Houteff.