What to do and When to do it at the
Dear Reader,
In these times of great
instability and uncertainty, God would relieve the burden of His people with
instructions of what to do and when to do it. That instruction is in His Holy
Word for all who will receive it. This document will inform you as to exactly
when to sell your property and invest in the final cause of God involving
planet earth.
In The Great Controversy, p. 25, Ellen White describes the last
LITERAL fulfillment of Ezekiel 9. She says that fulfillment PREFIGURES the
terrors of the last great day. She says to study the 9th chapter
of Ezekiel, and that it will be literally fulfilled. In Testimonies, Vol. 5, p. 211, and in Ezekiel Chapter 9, it says
that this debacle wherein men, maidens and little children will be
slaughtered without mercy, begins at His Church, His Sanctuary, The House of
Jacob, those who have been privileged with great light.
A spurious teacher from
Australia, and a man in Texas who says amen to everything he says, who pose
as SDA “reformers,” are saying that
Ezekiel 9 will be fulfilled before the National Sunday Law. They are teaching
that the spurious Will Ross statement is the fulfillment of Ezekiel 9 BEFORE
THE SUNDAY LAW IS LEGISLATED. That defies the following things the Bible and
Ellen White say:
1. The slaughter BEGINS AT HIS
CHURCH, says the Bible and Ellen White. The Will Ross statement has every SDA
fleeing and the leaders are never seen again. All the bad are shaken out of
the church and they just disappear somewhere, in lieu of being slaughtered at
the church, His Sanctuary.
Bible also says that the slaughter BEGINS at His Sanctuary, Ezekiel 9:6, to
wit: Eze
9:6 Slay utterly old and young, both
maids, and little children, and women: but come not near any man upon whom is
the mark; and begin at my sanctuary. Then they began at the ancient men which
were before the house.
3. Ellen White says in 5T 451 and
464, that the abomination of desolation is the Sunday Law, and she parallels this apostasy
with the Roman General Cestius Gallus, ascending upon Jewish soil and
planting the Roman insignia in A. D. 66. Then there was a 3 ½ year respite
during which all true Christians fled. So if what occurred in the first
literal fulfillment of Ezekiel 9 was a prefigure, and Ellen White directly
parallels the Sunday Law with the even of Cestius Gallus landing his troops
on Jewish soil in A.D. 66, then he left and Titus returned 3 ½ years later
and destroyed the Temple and Jerusalem, then the end-time scenario will
follow that PREFIGURE, and not some spurious Will Ross statement that
contradicts both the Bible and Ellen White.
4. Also, Testimonies, Vol. 5, does not have the dross being separated from
the gold until the Sunday Law, and that is the separation of the tares from
the wheat, which has nothing to do with separating from open sin apostasy,
which Ellen White says true reformers have done in EVERY SUCCEEDING
GENERATION, Desire of Ages, 232,
for one reason: The ecclesiastical leaders would not tolerate light.
5. In Christ’s Object Lessons, pp. 70-72, tares are defined as
insincere believers whose motives we would have to judge in order to uproot
them. They dwell with the wheat until the final harvest. We are not to judge
motives. But we are to judge open sin apostasy, and that is why Jesus and his
disciples left the apostate church of their day (DA 232); that is why
Protestants left Roman Catholicism, and that is why Adventists left apostate
Protestantism in the Protestant Reformation.
6. Ellen White said open sin is to
be put out of the church. That has not happened because she also says that we
are to sigh and cry for all the abominations that have occurred in the midsts
of the church, spiritual Jerusalem. She also says that we will be held
corporately responsible for the sins if we remain in an open sinning church.
7. “Mark this point with care; those who
receive the pure mark of truth, wrought in them by the power of the Holy
Ghost, represented by the man in linen [Ezekiel 9], are those "that sigh
and cry for all the abominations that are done" in the church. Their love for purity and the honor and
glory of God is such, and they have so clear a view of the exceeding
sinfulness of sin, that they are represented as being in an agony, even
sighing and crying.” {RH, June 8, 1886 par. 2}
Why do I mention the two false
charters? More than a decade ago, the Lord showed the case of these two men,
and that they are a proto-type of the shaking, and that they will fight
against the truth of the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy to their fateful
end. They hate the messenger with Bible and Spirit of Prophecy backing on
end-time events, and, like Satan, they are not going down without a fight. So
they have gotten up a message on their own, with their own spurious signs;
their own abomination of desolation, rather than the one Ellen White gives as
a parallel with Cestius Gallus in A.D. 66. They substitute the spurious Will
Ross statement for the infallible Ezekiel 9 Bible prophecy, and Ellen White’s
prophecy of the PREFIGURE literal fulfillment of Ezekiel 9.
If you could read the nasty,
Satanic comments they mail to me on almost a daily basis, you would KNOW that
their message is not from the Holy Spirit, based on this evidence ALONE! And
friend, this is only ONE of many examples of the spurious winds that are and
will continue to blow as Jesus’ coming draws nigh.
The ring-leader culprit of the
two men, has accused Ellen White of being a freemason because of her obelisk
tombstone. The other man has said that Ellen White was all wrong on corporate
responsibility, so I am not offended by one thing these men say, because they
readily contradict God Almighty and Ellen G. White.
Before reading this document,
it would be wise of you to pray about the following two statements by Ellen
White, and keep them full in mind as you read the remainder of the vision. I
purposefully repeat (MORE THAN ONCE) some aspects that I believe to be
important for reasons of emphasis.
Here is a prophetic chart of
the events delineated in this document: propheticchart.doc (Allow some time for
“The light that Daniel received from God was given especially
for these last days. The visions he saw by the banks of the Ulai and the Hiddekel,
the great rivers of Shinar, are now in process of fulfillment, and all the events foretold will soon [FUTURE] come to
pass.” {TM 112.3, 113} The light Daniel received in his visions by the banks of the
Ulai and the Hiddekel is recorded in Daniel 8 and 10. See Daniel 8:2 on the
Ulai and Daniel 10:4 on the Hiddekel. Remember, the great point is that ALL THE EVENTS of the visions by the Ulai and the Hiddekel
WILL SOON COME TO PASS. Many are misinterpreting Ellen White’s words about time. She
specified “prophetic time,” which is day for a year time when she said there
will be no more tracing of time. Any literal time in the future will not be a
test because it will not fail as the date of 1844 did. If this is not true,
Ellen White is made a false prophet by her own words in saying that ALL THE
EVENTS Daniel envisioned by the rivers Ulai and Hiddekel will come to pass.
So those who interpret Ellen White’s words on time to mean ALL TIME,
including literal time, make her a false prophet by their false
interpretation. “The light that Daniel received direct from
God was given especially for these last days. The visions he saw by the banks
of the Ulai and the Hiddekel, the great rivers of Shinar, are now in process
of fulfillment, and all the events foretold will soon come to pass.”--Letter
134, May 27, 1898,
to J. H. Kellogg. The Hiddekel is the same as the present-day Tigris river and
is referred to in only one other place in the Bible, namely, Dan. 10:4, where
in the English version the name is transliterated simply "Hiddekel"
as taken from the following link: The Jewish Encyclopedia: http://www.jewishencyclopedia.com/view.jsp?artid=213&letter=T http://www.christiananswers.net/dictionary/shushan.html JHOM - Rivers - Four Rivers of Paradise The Hebrew word Hiddekel
is mentioned again only in Daniel 10:4. The Tigris/ Hiddekel river is
known as the Idiklat/Diklat in Assyrian, and as the Tigra in ... The Rivers
of the Garden of Eden This would put
Daniel somewhere in the area of present-day Iraq and would make the
present-day Tigris river a fairly good candidate for the "Hiddekel"
river ... http://www.thetruthishere.com/maps1.html Maps of the old world before
Noah's flood And the name of
the third river is Hiddekel: that is it which goeth toward the
east ... and Hiddekel. The Hiddekel River continues
northeast through Asia. ... http://www.thetruthishere.com/maps-land.html Also, it would be
well to study this link: https://omega77.tripod.com/daniel8.htm “The Sabbath question will be the issue in the great conflict in which all the world will act a part.[Rev. 13:4-8, 10 quoted.] This ENTIRE CHAPTER is a revelation of what will surely take place (future) [Rev. 13:11, 15-17 quoted]” E.G. White, (MS 88, 1897). SDA Bible Commentary, Vol. 7a, p. 979. Col. 2. Now read Revelation 13:1-5, where it
says that there will be a 42 month (3 ½ year period) AFTER the wound is healed. Obviously the wound is not
fully healed yet! The wound is fully healed when the National Sunday Law is
first legislated. This is a crucial exercise for those
who believe that Ellen White said there is no more time prophesies. That is
not what she said. She said that there will be no more prophetic time (day
for a year) prophesies, and she said that because from circa 1844 and on for
a number of years, some were resetting the time for the 2300 days. Her
purpose was to put a stop to that practice. The final period of earth’s history
involves at least a 3 ½ year (42 month) period of time. In the Bible, a month
equals 30 days. The antichrist reigns for 1260 days or 42 months, Revelation
13:1-5, AFTER the wound is healed. This coincides with the prefigure of A.D.
66, when Cestius first arrived on Jewish soil. It was not until 3 ½ years
later that Jerusalem was destroyed. Ellen White equates the Sunday Law to the
landing of Cestius on Jewish soil, Testimonies,
Vol. 5, 451, 464. The Sunday law will not be ENFORCED
when it is first legislated into law. It will be ENFORCED on day 1290. I will
simplify it all as follows: · Day
1: Sunday Law is Legislated but not enforced. · Day
1260: A 30 day warning period will be given to take the mark. · Day
1290: The Sunday law will be enforced on penalty of no buy and sell and/or
death. Note:
There will be a 30 day warning period beginning on day 1260 to take the mark.
That 30 day period added to 1260 = 1290 days. On day 1290 a no buy and sell
law and a death penalty will ensue to all who refuse to take the mark of the
beast. The
scenario at the end is exactly what occurred in A.D. 66. How do we know this
for sure? Ellen White said that we do not flee to the mountains at the time
the Sunday law is first legislated, which event she equates to landing of
Cestius on Jewish soil in A.D. 66. She says that at the inception of the
Sunday Law, we are to move from the cities to the smaller towns preparatory
to leaving for the mountains. In A.D. 66, the Romans landed on Jewish soil
and then retreated. At that retreating, the faithful Jews fled to Pella.
Fleeing to Pella was parallel to us moving to smaller towns preparatory to
fleeing to more secluded places in the mountains because Pella was a lush
valley will plenty of water and it was/is surrounded by mountains the
Christians could flee to 3 ½ years later when Titus broadened his search for
Jews beyond Jerusalem. In
the end-time scenario, there is a three and one-half year time-frame from the
inception of the Sunday Law until it is enforced. This coincides with the 3 ½
years which elapsed from the time Cestius first landed on Jewish soil in A.D.
66 to the time Jerusalem and the Temple were destroyed in A.D. 70. “In the
autumn of A.D. 66, Cestius next concentrated his entire force upon
Jerusalem. He arrived during the
celebration of the Feast of Tabernacles, and although it was Sabbath, the
Jews abandoned their religious rites and rushed out to attack Cestius’
troops. To the amazement of both
Romans and Jews, they broke the Roman ranks.
Indeed, Josephus declares that only a flank attack by a force of
footmen and cavalry saved Cestius’ forces.
More than 500 Roman soldiers were killed whereas the Jews lost only 22
men (War ii. 198, 2 [519]). At this point
Agrippa sent an embassy to the Jews; their reaction was to attack his
representatives, killing one and wounding the other. Encouraged by a promise of the royalist
party in Jerusalem to open the gates for him, Cestius then gathered his
troops to a fresh assault, and penetrated as far as the north wall of the
Temple. Then an astounding thing happened:
Cestius withdrew his troops, and placed himself strategically in such a poor
position among the Judean hills that the Jews were able to attack him and
kill more than 5,000 infantry and nearly 500 cavalry, including many
officers, as well as to capture much materiel. A Lull in the Storm.—The defeat and withdrawal of Cestius gave many of
the conservative Jews a chance to flee from Jerusalem. Some of them joined Agrippa, others sought
quiet in country places, and still others left the country entirely. It was at this time that the Christians in
Jerusalem fled in accordance with the warning of Jesus recorded in Matt.
24:15-19. According to Eusebius, the 4th-century
historian, the Christians in Jerusalem had been warned by prophets before the
war began that they should leave the doomed city and find refuge at Pella in
Peraea. They now took this opportunity
to make good their escape (Ecclesiastical History iii. 5, 3).” SDA Bible Commentary, Vol.
5, 74, 75. The
1260, 1290 and 1335 Day Prophesies of Daniel 12
The following account is what I have
believed and taught since the mid-1980's, but saw and had confirmed in a most
singularly powerful vision occurring at approximately 5 AM, March 7, 2001.
The reason for these literal time periods is to preserve the courage of the
saints during the greatest time of trouble ever known to man. Man fears the
unknown, so it will obviously encourage the Saints to know these timelines.
Only the 144,000 will need to know the entire schema of time because only
they will endure the length of that time and be translated without seeing
death. The 144,000 will know they are part of the 144,000 after the passing
of day 1335. The reasons for this knowledge will be elaborated on further
into this revelation. I have been aware of the most
sophisticated arguments against literal time for decades, but they are the
result of misinterpretation. I was shown an explanation of the following
statement by Ellen G. White: "The first and second angels'
messages were to be proclaimed, but no further light was to be revealed
before these messages had done their specific work. This is represented by
the angel standing with one foot on the sea, proclaiming with a most solemn
oath that time should be no longer. Prophetic
Time Versus Literal Time
It would behoove us to very
closely examine the following statement by Mrs. Ellen White:
“This time, which the angel declares with a solemn oath, is not the
end of this world's history, neither of probationary time, but of prophetic
time, which should precede the advent of our Lord. That is, the
people will not have another message upon definite time. After this period of
time, reaching from 1842 to 1844, there can be no definite tracing of the prophetic
time. The longest reckoning reaches to the autumn of 1844.”
{7BC 971.7} To their own detriment, many SDA’s
have failed to note in the above statement that Ellen White twice says:
“prophetic time.” There is no more definite tracing of prophetic time, which
is to be understood as day for a year time. The longest reckoning of
prophetic time (day for a year time) did indeed reach to the autumn of 1844. That is proof that Ellen
White is speaking of prophetic (day for a year time) because that is the type
of time that reached to the autumn of 1844. Ellen White is not speaking of
literal time prophesies. I was shown that we would never again
be tested by any failure of any definite prophetic time (day for a year)
message(s) as was the case in 1844, because prophetic time (day for a year
time) prophesies ended in 1844, but that there are literal time prophesies
that apply to the end-time. Daniel says twice in Daniel 8, that his prophesy
applies at the end-time.[1] Even partial healing of the wound did
not occur until 1929, when the Lateran Treaty restored temporal power to the
pope, who was given the rule of Vatican City. Thus, that 42 month period of
definite, literal time could not have been fulfilled prior to the healing of
the wound. Ellen White said all the messages to
the seven churches apply to the end of time and that the 10 days of
Revelation 2:10, has another end-time application in literal time days.[2] Rev 2:10. “Fear none of those things which thou shalt
suffer: behold, the devil shall cast [some] of you into prison, that ye may
be tried; and ye shall have
tribulation ten days: be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a
crown of life.” The majority of martyrs will occur in
this time-frame as seed for fruit. There will indeed be many martyrs as seed
for fruit. The martyrdom will begin somewhat on day 1260 because Ellen White
says that some will anticipate the decree that is set to be enforced on day
1290. The martyrdom will continue from day 1290-1335. Those who remain alive
until day 1335 will know they are part of the 144,000 because probation will
close at that time and Ellen White says that there are no more martyrs after
the close of probation. There is a literal end-time relation
to the ten days of tribulation spoken of in Revelation 2:10, which is the
same time of tribulation as mentioned in Daniel 12:1, and that this also
refers to definite time. I was shown this three times. All who interpret that there is no more
definite time to be fulfilled should be forced to deal with these definite
time lines. Destruction
of Jerusalem, A.D. 70, and A.D. 66 Fleeing a Prefigure Type
Ellen White said that the time of the
Jews extending from A.D. 27-70, was a prefigure symbolizing the destruction
of the world at the end-time, but that the destruction begins at His
Sanctuary, Ezekiel 9:6, “Jerusalem,” the apostate SDA church. Ellen White
said that Ezekiel 9 has another LITERAL fulfillment and there can be no doubt
that the history of the Jews from A.D. 27-70 was a fulfillment of Ezekiel 9
and 22:17-31. The time span from A.D. 27-70 included the time Jesus began to
“gather out” from the apostate Jewish church, those who would take the gospel
to the world. Desire of Ages, p.
232. God showed me that the entire history
found in The Great Controversy,
Chapter 1, is a prefigure of what will occur at the end-time. This prefigured
destruction begins at His Sanctuary, “Jerusalem,” the apostate professing SDA
church, those who had been privileged with great light, the house of Jacob, Testimonies, Vol. 5, p. 211 and
Ezekiel 9:6. In A.D. 66, the Romans descended upon
Jewish soil some furlongs from Jerusalem. This was considered an abomination
of desolation. Ellen White likens this act to the National Sunday law
legislation, Testimonies, Vol. 5,
451, 464. “As the approach of the Roman armies
was a sign to the disciples of the impending destruction of Jerusalem, so may
this apostasy [The Sunday Law in
context] be a sign to us that the limit of God's forbearance is reached,
that the measure of our nation's iniquity is full, and that the angel of
mercy is about to take her flight, never to return. The people of God will
then be plunged into those scenes of affliction and distress which prophets have
described as the time of Jacob's trouble. The cries of the faithful,
persecuted ones ascend to heaven. And as the blood of Abel cried from the
ground, there are voices also crying to God from martyrs' graves, from the
sepulchers of the sea, from mountain caverns, from convent vaults: "How
long, O Lord, holy and true, dost Thou not judge and avenge our blood on them
that dwell on the earth?" {5T 451.2} “It is no time now for God's people to
be fixing their affections or laying up their treasure in the world. The time
is not far distant, when, like the early disciples, we shall be forced to
seek a refuge in desolate and solitary places. As the siege of Jerusalem by the Roman armies was the signal for
flight to the Judean Christians, so the assumption of power on the part of
our nation in the decree enforcing the papal sabbath will be a warning to us.
It will then be time to leave the large cities, preparatory to leaving the
smaller ones for retired homes in secluded places among the mountains.
And now, instead of seeking expensive dwellings here, we should be preparing
to move to a better country, even a heavenly. Instead of spending our means
in self-gratification, we should be studying to economize.” Testimonies,
Vol. 5, p. 464-5. Clearly, we do not flee to the
mountains at the time of the initial legislation of the National Sunday Law.
At first, there will be no enforcement of the law and no penalty for its
violation. If there was even a no buy and sell enforcement at the
commencement of the Sunday Law, we could not survive in small towns
preparatory to fleeing to the mountains. However, as judgments multiply in the
land, those judgments will be blamed on those who do not keep Sunday sacred.
The Sunday law will not be enforced until 1290 days after the initial law is
legislated. At day 1260 after Sunday law legislation, there will be a 30 day
warning that penalties are forthcoming at the end of 30 days. The penalties
will be enforced at the end of that 30 day warning period. Daniel 12:11 says
that there are 1290 days from the removing of the continual (God’s law and
more specifically the Sabbath commandment). That is when the mark will be
enforced. The
A.D. 66 Fleeing for 3 ½ Years In A.D. 66, the Romans landed on
Jewish soil but they did not destroy the temple and the city of Jerusalem at
that time. There were some battles, but Cestius, the Roman General, withdrew
his troops and returned to Rome. This was the prophesied respite at which the
Christian Jews were to flee and they fled to Pella. They fled Jerusalem in
the autumn of A.D. 66, 3 ½ years before the destruction of Jerusalem in A.D.
70. This 3 ½ year time-frame was a PREFIGURE of a same time period at the end
of time because that even is recorded in Chapter 1 of The Great Controversy, and Ellen White said that chapter was a
prefigure of the destruction of the world at the end-time, BEGINNING AT HIS
SANCTUARY, 5T 211. Here is a brief overview of the end-time scenario I was
shown. It should be kept in mind that in Bible reckoning, a month is 30 days. 1. National Sunday Law legislated.
Penalties from day 1 to 1260 will include fine’s and/or imprisonment. This is
the taking away of the daily or the continuum—God’s law. Daniel 12:11 says
that from the time that the daily shall be taken away, and the abomination that
maketh desolate set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety
days. So we have two time lines, the
1260 and the 1290 of Daniel 12. The difference between the two is the 30 days
of warning--1290 minus 30 =1260. 2. During the first 1260 day period,
God’s judgments begin to be poured out because of the violation of His law.
These judgments will increase in severity and will be blamed on those who are
not keeping Sunday Sacred. That is why it is decided that the Sunday Law will
be enforced by death on day 1290, after a 30 day warning period extending
from day 1260-1290. 3. Ellen White parallels the legislation
of the NationalSunday Law with the first ascendance of Roman soldiers on
Jewish soil in A.D. 66. It will then
be time to move to smaller towns preparatory to leaving later for the
mountains. 5T 464-5 (above). 4. We know that there will be 42 months
(3 ½ years) after the wound heals, Rev. 13:1-5. 5. According to Ellen White, the SDA
church will advocate Sunday sacredness?! Yes. Here it is from Ellen White: "The Lord has a controversy with His professed people in these
last days. In this controversy men in
responsible positions will take a course directly opposite to that
pursued by Nehemiah. They will not only ignore and despise the Sabbath
themselves, but they will try to keep it from others by burying it beneath
the rubbish of custom and tradition. In churches and in large
gatherings in the open air, ministers will urge upon the people the necessity
of keeping the first day of the week. There are calamities on sea and
land: and these calamities will increase, one disaster following close upon
another; and the little band of
conscientious Sabbath-keepers will be pointed out as the ones who are
bringing the wrath of God upon the world by their disregard of Sunday."
R & H 3-18-1884. [Men in responsible positions taking a course
different from Nehemiah can only refer to a counterpart of the Jews, namely
SDA’s]. By way of
review, all of the events involved in the destruction of
Jerusalem (Chapter 1, Great Controversy)
from the time of the planting of the Roman banner or the Abomination of
Desolation on Jewish soil, in the autumn of A.D. 66, and culminating in the
destruction of the Temple and the city of Jerusalem in A.D. 70, was a prefigure. I was shown that The Great Controversy, p. 25, 1911
edition, says that this event was a prefigure, a type, which demands an antitypical 3 1/2 year
fulfillment. Ellen White confirms this by saying that Ezekiel 9, will
have another literal fulfillment. No one could deny that Ezekiel 9 was
involved with the Destruction of Jerusalem, as was Ezekiel 22:17-31. The killing of martyrs will
"legally" begin on day 1290, but Ellen White said that government
officials will turn their heads away from some killings that will occur in
anticipation of the first death decree. There are two death decrees. The first
one occurs at the end of the 1290 days, and will be the death decree
responsible for the many martyrs. Most of the martyrs will occur in the 45
day period from the 1290 to the 1335. The second death decree occurs per
Great Controversy 635, occurs when Satan tries to rid the earth of the
144,000 saints in one decisive blow, but fails because this is when Christ
intervenes on their behalf. God has encouragement and instruction for
His people in the final conflict of the great controversy between Christ and
Satan. Satan would prefer that you be denied that encouragement and
instruction because he knows that where there is no vision the people perish
for a lack of knowledge. Satan has been just as artful, or more so, in
getting Seventh-day Adventists to misinterpret their prophet and scripture,
than he was in the case of the Jews, our counterpart example. I was taken in vision to Daniel 12. I
was told three times that Daniel 12:1 gives the setting of the chapter, and
that its end-day fulfillment begins after Michael stands up, and that He will
not stand up until the time of the legislation of the National Sunday Law,
when the earth thus declares His law null and void, (break one, break all)
and that event will begin the judging of the living, because they cannot be
judged before making their decision to obey God or man, and receiving the
great test of obedience to God's Holy Day. I was shown that those who knew
the Sabbath truth, but gave it up prior to this test, have already judged
themselves. They thus have taken their eyes off the Midnight Cry Lighted
Path, making it impossible for them to get on the path again, Word to the Little Flock, p. 14. I saw that the abomination of desolation
is the Sunday Law, the Roman Banner. Next, for the 10 day period of Rev.
2:10, occurring from day 1290 to day 1300. I saw the lives of many faithful
martyrs during those days that are sacrificed as "seed for fruit"
during the ensuing harvest of the continuing Loud Cry. Most deaths occur
between the end of the 1290, and 1300 because that is the time the Mark is
first enforced, and all will have to make a decision at that time. This is
why the martyrdom of the faithful “seed for fruit” occurs during the 10 days,
but the manifestation of Ezekiel 9 upon the SDA church will extend from day
1260 to day 1335, but mainly from day 1290 to 1335. Those who come to the 1335th
day are blessed because they know that if they have fled to the mountains in that
time, they are safe. Those who flee to the mountains are brought into
covenant with the Lord, Ezekiel 20:34-38. They will continue to give the Loud
Cry from wilderness outposts at least from day 1260 to day 1335. We will have
to work from wilderness outposts from day 1260 to day 1335, because Ellen
White said that some will anticipate the first death decree which occurs on
day 1290, by killing from day 1260 when the 30 day warning is given. If some
take the Mark without knowing what they are doing, and later recant when they
hear the truth of the Loud cry, they will be saved. It only makes sense that
if we continue to witness at least until day 1335, some who hear the message
after the death decree might accept it even though they have taken the mark,
but they will be saved. However, they must give their life in testament of
their faith because they won’t be one of the 144,000, and only the 144,000
have the character that is developed over time. They are like the thief on
the cross--they are saved, but they still must die. The 30 days intervening between the
1260th day and the 1290th day, constitute a time of respite for fleeing to
the mountains. Some will not be able to flee, but
will give their lives as martyrs in testimony to their fidelity to God. We
should pray for and cultivate the character that will be required to make
this great sacrifice. However, some who are not able to flee and who are
imprisoned, will be saved alive when Christ comes to be delivered and
translated without seeing death. This is so important I will summarize
again. I will paraphrase Daniel 12:11, 12: "And from the time that the daily
sacrifice (the continual--law and Sabbath) shall be taken away, and the
abomination that maketh desolate (the National Sunday Law) is ENFORCED BY
PENALTY, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days. Blessed is he
that waiteth, and cometh to the thousand three hundred and five and thirty
days" (because the 10 days of faithful martyrs (Rev. 2:10) is over,
having occurred from day 1290-1300-1335) and the 144,000 will have completed
their fleeing to the mountains. Those who have been true reformers in giving
a faithful warning to the church will thus know that they will survive to be
translated without seeing death. This was the case in the prefigure of AD
66-70, and God showed me this from that prefigure. A prefigure demands a
similar antitypical fulfillment. Every Christian who fled to the mountains in
the prefigure was saved. Thank you Lord for the prefigure type! The 144,000 saints will, at the
inception of the National Sunday Law, move to smaller towns and villages. On
the 1260th day after the passing of the Sunday Law, there will be
a thirty day warning given that all who fail to obey the law after that time
will be in danger of great penalty, even death, and will not be able to buy
nor sell if they will not obey the Sunday law (Rev. 13:17). During this
30-day period of respite, the 144,000 will flee to the mountains and other
secluded places, just as in the AD 66-70 type, the faithful Jews fled to
Pella first, and then 3 1/2 years later to the mountains of Pella. It is just
after this time (thirty day warning time) and even in anticipation of it for
others, that true and faithful martyrs will be killed as seed for fruit. God
showed me that some will be killed not for the sake of obeying Christ, but
for fiercely opposing such an encroachment upon their freedom. The entire 144,000 Zion bride remnant
flee at the proper time, and will be spared, as were the true Christians in
66 AD, who fled to the mountains of Pella in the land of Peraea. Again, the
literal ten days of slaughter (Rev. 2:10)[3]
of true saints (martyrs) as seed for fruit, will occur during the time
interval between the 1290th and the 1300th and 1335th days. These martyrs are not of the
144,000, of course, but represent the faithful bridesmaids guests at the
wedding, see The Great Controversy,
426-7. Two
Periods of Respite
In the type of AD 66-70, the first
respite came when Cestius planted the Roman banner on Jewish soil, and then
left Jerusalem. When he left, this was the time of respite in which all true
Christians fled to the small town of Pella, in the land of Peraea, SDA Bible Commentary, vol. 5, pp.
74-77. When Titus returned three and one-half years later to destroy
Jerusalem and the Temple, the Jews in Pella fled to the mountains of Pella.
Likewise, at the inception of the National Sunday Law in the USA, all true
Christians will move to smaller towns, prior to fleeing to the mountains and
other secluded places at the respite provided 1260 days later, at which time
a 30 day warning will be given before stringent enforcement of the Sunday Law
by severe penalty, even death. This thirty day warning period is also a
respite time, when all true Christians will flee to more secluded places in
the mountains and deserts. I was instructed three times: "This is the
true Testimony." I replied three times: "Amen!," Amen!,"
Amen! and thank you Lord God Jehovah!" The
Final Time to Sell All Property and Give All to Promoting the Cause of God All property should be sold before the
end of the 1260 day period, for we will have to flee during the 30 day
warning period when we will be ordered to take the Mark or else! It takes time to close property sales
so one should begin selling off about six months before day 1260. However,
there is no doubt that the value of money will lessen before that time so one
should consider the wisdom of selling before that time, and renting instead.
This option should be weighed with retaining property where one might earn
his/her livelihood. One should keep in mind that Ellen
White says national apostasy is followed by national ruin. According to
Daniel 8:8, 9, the great horn (power) is broken BEFORE the little horn (beast
power) arises. This factor as well should be considered in determining when
to sell your property and putting the money in God’s cause of warning others
of the impending doom. I did not see the day nor hour, nor the
year of Jesus' coming. This will occur at some undetermined time soon after
the 1335 days are over. I did not see the exact time of probation’s close,
but I believe it will be on day 1335. I was pointed to Daniel 7:25, and
shown that this prophecy has a literal 3 1/2 year end-time application and
this time is given to the beast power after the fourth kingdom aggregates its
global governing body or World Government. That power gives its power to the
little horn, which is given this time (42 months Rev. 13:1-5) to wear out the
saints of the Most High, and think to change times and laws. "As the [first] decree issued by
the various rulers of Christendom against commandment keepers shall withdraw
the protection of government and abandon them to those who desire their
destruction, the people of God will flee from the cities and villages and
associate together in companies, dwelling in the most desolate and solitary
places. Many will find refuge in the strongholds of the mountains. Like the
Christians of the Piedmont valleys, they will make the high places of the
earth their sanctuaries and will thank God for 'the munitions of rocks.'
Isaiah 33:16. But many of all nations
and of all classes, high and low, rich and poor, black and white, will be
cast into the most unjust and cruel bondage. The beloved of God pass weary
days [potentially at least from day 1260 to day 1335], bound in chains, shut
in by prison bars, sentenced to be slain, some apparently left to die of
starvation in dark and loathsome dungeons. No human ear is open to hear
their moans; no human hand is ready to lend them help." The Great Controversy, 626. This is in
contradistinction to the death decree described on page 635, where we find: Final
death decree: "It will be determined to strike
in one night a decisive blow, which shall utterly silence the voice of
dissent and reproof. The above statement is proof that even
some who are not able to flee to the mountains will endure to the end and be
saved and translated without seeing death. This will encourage those who are
imprisoned. So there are two distinct death
decrees. At the first one, men are caught, put in bondage, and even killed [remember Ellen White said there will be
many martyrs]. At the second death decree, God's people are all
delivered. By being delivered, I do not mean translated yet. I mean that they
(the 144,000) will not thereafter be killed. They will await the voice of
God. Some SDA leaders have produced charts
depicting the same days I deal with. They are errant because they demand
fleeing to the mountains at the inception of the National Sunday Law. http://thefourwinds.org/images/1335daysendtime.gif God bless, rwb P.S. This link is to an interesting
study of the Christian fleeing to Pella: http://www.geocities.com/paulntobin/pella.html |
“The messages [plural] given to the churches in Asia, portray the
state of things existing in the churches of the religious world today. The names of the churches are symbolic of the Christian church in
different periods of the Christian era the number of the
churches--SEVEN--indicates completeness and is symbolic of the fact that the messages [plural] extend to the
end of time, and are enforced today while the figures used are
symbolic of the state of God's professed people,--the wheat developing among
the tares truth; standing on its own eternal basis in contrast with error.”
Ms 81, 1900, pp. 17, 18. ("Solomon's Reign," 1900.) {1MR 372.2} |